Zone1 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also

Jesus didn't mean be a punching bag. When things got physical he got the hell out town.
He had more means than I did this is ny home also. I cannot back down, itis not innmy DNA, I wll stand for truth and justice. Just do NOT become like us, we are your enemy.
Smite me for no reason and you will get shot in the face.

It's one of the small benefits of being older, any assault can be seen as life threatening. ;)
I saw an episode of "Accused: Guilty or Innocent" and this guy was being constsntly hit by his gf. He had video cameras in his home and one day he pulls out a gun and kills her dead while knowing the camera was rolling. He was found innocent as self defense and her addiction to poisons and abuses he suffered weren't nearly as bad as my wifes addiction to slots and abusing me. The problem is agencies who have interferred in my life for so long want me at all costs, these people are not men of honour or courage.
Jesus stated this. How many have followed this closely and been rewarded in THIS lifetime on earth?
If you just stand there and be a punching bag, you're an idiot. You use whatever force is necessary to end the physical assault. I will just stand there and ignore verbal assaults and when I get weary of listening to their rants, I just walk away. If however, someone begins verbally insulting my significant other, I would step between them and instruct my significant other to return to the car, or whatever she was doing and inform the person doing the verbal insulting that they are now dealing with me. Invariably what they end up doing is walking away, frustrated. Anyone is entitled to express their opinion of someone, like it or not.
What 1srelluc said. I believe every word in the Bible is true, but I will be not be a target.

36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.

Luke 22:36-38

If you just stand there and be a punching bag, you're an idiot. You use whatever force is necessary to end the physical assault. I will just stand there and ignore verbal assaults and when I get weary of listening to their rants, I just walk away. If however, someone begins verbally insulting my significant other, I would step between them and instruct my significant other to return to the car, or whatever she was doing and inform the person doing the verbal insulting that they are now dealing with me. Invariably what they end up doing is walking away, frustrated. Anyone is entitled to express their opinion of someone, like it or not.
There were many times I tried to leave and she would block my exit. The entire situation was hell and I knew the police would asist her, this is why they didn't give me the Police Report that I requested. They lied to me and they wanted to perfect the B.S they put in it.
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There were many times.Imtried to leave and she would block my exthnit. The entire situation was hell and I knew the police would asist her, this is why they didn't give me the Police Report that I requested. They lied to me and they wanted to perfect the B.S they put in it.

It's Canada. Get a squirt gun and shoot her in the face anytime she pisses you off. Then don't go any farther than that, and just laugh at her. That's not illegal, is it?

Of course being Canada, they might try to charge you with "assault" for squirting someone with a squirt gun. Or even shoot you if they saw you with it.

BTW: Would you happen to have a picture of this insufferable harpie? I'd just like to see what you're dealing with.
It's Canada. Get a squirt gun and shoot her in the face anytime she pisses you off. Then don't go any farther than that, and just laugh at her. That's not illegal, is it?

Of course being Canada, they might try to charge you with "assault" for squirting someone with a squirt gun. Or even shoot you if they saw you with it.
Yep, spitting on someone,.water gun etc is assault.
Yep, spitting on someone,.water gun etc is assault.

That sucks. Then the best you can do is use your wit and humor. Piss her off so badly that she physically attacks you and make sure she leaves some marks. Record the audio with a cell phone in your pocket, so the cops can't pin anything on you. Make her so mad that she commits an assault, then press charges.

I would be up for a challenge like that. :laughing0301:
That sucks. Then the best you can do is use your wit and humor. Piss her off so badly that she physically attacks you and make sure she leaves some marks. Record the audio with a cell phone in your pocket, so the cops can't pin anything on you. Make her so mad that she commits an assault, then press charges.

I would be up for a challenge like that. :laughing0301:
Tbh I didnt need to say anything to anger her, I just needed to ask "how was the dnner I dear"? and she would lose it. She has serious anger problems, worse since her dad passed
That sucks. Then the best you can do is use your wit and humor. Piss her off so badly that she physically attacks you and make sure she leaves some marks. Record the audio with a cell phone in your pocket, so the cops can't pin anything one you. Make her so mad that she commits an assault, then press charges.

I would be up for a challenge like that. :laughing0301:
Start eating stinky cheese and stop bathing.
Tbh I didnt need to say anything to anger her, I just needed to ask "how was the dnner I dear"? and she would lose it. She has serious anger problems, worse since her dad passed

She sounds like a real psychobitch.
Yep, spitting on someone,.water gun etc is assault.
How about a whip?


Is that considered assault as well?
She sounds like a real psychobitch.
If only you knew. I mean that. It was magnified by all of the otherstate abuses I've had to deal with here. Canada is a relic,.we have annual baby sea hunts ffs and police commiting high crimes and are paid to stay home for a.decade.
If only you knew. I mean that. It was magnified by all of the otherstate abuses I've had to deal with here. Canada is a relic,.we have annual baby sea hunts ffs and police commiting high crimes and are paid to stay home for a.decade.

Sounds like you need to get the fuck out of there. Better to be a pauper in America than a Prince in Canada.
Sounds like you need to get the fuck out of there. Better to be a pauper in America than a Prince in Canada.
I'm trying, but there are forces working against me. I need to at least sell my home,.I have nothing otherwise while these criminals are.trying to destroy me.

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