But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

Go back and read your stupid post.

You credit Putin with the gas price drop?

You still gonna run with that? Than explain how that worked.
You have no reading comprehension do you? I didnt credit anyone for gas and diesel falling over the last few weeks. Biden wants credit not blame, he is taking credit for the gas and diesel dropping but blamed Putin for its rise. I’m using Biden logic, you want creditdor the good, then take blame as well. Putin had nothing to do with the raise in gas prices.
You have no reading comprehension do you? I didnt credit anyone for gas and diesel falling over the last few weeks. Biden wants credit not blame, he is taking credit for the gas and diesel dropping but blamed Putin for its rise. I’m using Biden logic, you want creditdor the good, then take blame as well. Putin had nothing to do with the raise in gas prices.
Putin’s invasion WASone of the major reasons for the oil price increases and Biden’s releases from the strategic oil reserve have mitigated that
It was largely caused by the release of oil from the strategic oil reserve… so yea

Thank you Joe

Demand is down, that is why oil prIces. FTA: U.S. demand for gasoline, jet fuel and diesel is down more than 10% compared to 2019, before the pandemic began, according to the Energy Information Administration. Gasoline stations have responded by lowering prices

Releasing reserves was symbolic, heck it happened in March and prices continued to rise into June. VERIFY: Will the release of US oil reserves lower gas prices?

Nothing in the article that releasing the reserves had any effect on the drop of fuel.

Diesel demand down, gas demand down, peoplle are not traveling as much because of inflation. Which Biden had nothing to do with and will have nothing to do with it going down, especially if he signs the latest spending bill, it will increase inflation.
people are spending less due to the xiden inflation…hence the recession
They are making a choice to drive less because of the PRICE of gas.

If it was generally recession related the demand for diesel would have dropped but it has NOT.

Run along little doggy
Putin’s invasion WASone of the major reasons for the oil price increases and Biden’s releases from the strategic oil reserve have mitigated that
Prices were already increasing before Putin invaded Ukraine. Speculators caused the prices to jump.
"Things"? LOL

Go back and read, I said it was stupid as it would do nothing.

I NEVER asked you to celebrate anything. I NEVER gave him credit for anything. I made a simple argument. If you argued he caused the rise, you had to give him credit for the drop. A simple argument not taking a position either way on anything.

I said Biden was as hypocritical as those who condemn him.
Again he obviously did not do anything to drop the price of his own free will. The courts forced him to. Greed forced him to. Why would anyone give Him credit for something that he was forced to do?
They are making a choice to drive less because of the PRICE of gas.

If it was generally recession related the demand for diesel would have dropped but it has NOT.

Run along little doggy
correct the demand has slowed down because of inflation

diesel is still very high…which of course is still driving up the cost of goods

people are buying less and driving less because of the xiden inflation which is pushed us into the dembot recession

Demand is down, that is why oil prIces. FTA: U.S. demand for gasoline, jet fuel and diesel is down more than 10% compared to 2019, before the pandemic began, according to the Energy Information Administration. Gasoline stations have responded by lowering prices

Releasing reserves was symbolic, heck it happened in March and prices continued to rise into June. VERIFY: Will the release of US oil reserves lower gas prices?

Nothing in the article that releasing the reserves had any effect on the drop of fuel.

Diesel demand down, gas demand down, peoplle are not traveling as much because of inflation. Which Biden had nothing to do with and will have nothing to do with it going down, especially if he signs the latest spending bill, it will increase inflation.
I posted a link earlier that shows that gas demand is down by 10% but that distillate demand ( which includes diesel) is not
Do NOT call me a liar asshole
What a hilarious OP. BDS. You obviously hate lower gas prices. Maybe they’ll go back up for you? You can always just pay more voluntarily.
Brandon drained America’s emergency oil reserves to pat himself on the back that gas is only double of when he took office.

So now the ChiComs are beating the war drums knowing America is weak.
For two years all we heard from the Left was Joe had nothing to do with gas prices. Now it goes down a few cents and the Joe/Kamala circus is taking credit for the drop.

Haha, I love when you start threads like this. Just a babe in the woods, trying to learn how politics works.
America has now only 25 days because you Leftards have drained our emergency reserves.
We have no risk of oil shortage for use. We only have a risk of oil being super expensive. If Russia cuts all production… just as if we would… many countries would run short. We wouldn’t. It would just be $15 a gallon or something.

Most of you pointed out releasing the oil didnt swing pricing heavily so it must not be good for a future price support either. So… if we aren’t gonna run out… and if it doesn’t help prices…. What is the purpose of the reserve?

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