But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

I put the link that shows diesel demand is down 10% asshole!
You are a liar, the release of the reserves had little to do with bringing fuel prices down.

learn to comprehend what you read, asshole.
You’re correct. That piece was talking about demand. I misread it.

BUT what you ignore is that you are talking about gasoline and distillates ( primarily diesel) as an agregate.

I posted an early article that broke it out showing that gas was down 10% and distillates were NOT down on demand.

Does that make yo a liar? Hard to say

You are however an asshole
It is sold all the time. It was sold under Trump, did you accuse him of selling the Washington monument?
I never accused anyone of selling the Washington monument. I asked if someone would be alright with selling it. There is a difference between the two. Reading and comprehension do actually go hand in hand. I have never been a fan of selling off the strategic oil reserves just to make money. It was meant to help with emergencies not for monetary gain.
I know it is hard to believe but not everything is about Trump.
No risk of running out of oil. It’ll just be expensive. But if it’s expensive explain to me how the reserve helps then but isn’t helping now.
Oh goody. So only Mr Climate Kerry and Obama can heat their homes and drive to the grocery store this winter and we’re all paying $67,000 for a loaf of bread because there’s no fuel to make or distribute it.
Oh goody. So only Mr Climate Kerry and Obama can heat their homes and drive to the grocery store this winter and we’re all paying $67,000 for a loaf of bread because there’s no fuel to make or distribute it.
You spent 6 years licking the butt of a billionaire. Spare us.
America has now only 25 days because you Leftards have drained our emergency reserves.

Got any links to back up your claim that America has only 25 days in the reserves? I'm guessing this is more of your hyperbolic bullshit. Interestingly enough, the reserves started to drop in 2019 due to sales, and that was under Trump.
Got any links to back up your claim that America has only 25 days in the reserves? I'm guessing this is more of your hyperbolic bullshit. Interestingly enough, the reserves started to drop in 2019 due to sales, and that was under Trump.
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By the way.......................yesterday in Columbia, I saw a gas station that was selling gasoline at 3.25/gal. In Newberry, prices are a bit more than what the lowest prices are in Columbia (something to do with the way it gets here and the hands it has to pass through), but I went and got gas for the mowers my soon to be father in law uses (we have 3 acres that need mowing every week), as well as topped off the pickup truck. Know how much gas was this morning in Newberry? 3.59/gal. A month and a half ago it was sitting at almost a dollar more (4.50/gal), so prices have significantly dropped in a pretty short time, and it looks like they will continue to do so. If gas prices drop in Columbia, they generally follow suit in Newberry a week or so later, and like I said, yesterday I saw gas at 3.25/gal in Columbia. I'm guessing that if this trend continues (and I hope it will) gas will be under 3.00/gal in the next month.
The reserve is not for gas prices. Never was. It is intended for say a tanker is sunk blocking the Straight of Hormuz thus cutting off oil from the Middle East or some other crisis that cuts the import of oil..
We wouldn’t run out. We produce so much we’d be fine although prices would shoot up since there would be less competition.
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Neither of your links state that the US has only 25 days left in it's reserves. The first link I can't read because it says this after the first paragraph:

"This content is for Classified Membership and LifeTime Patriot Membership only"

Means that I can't read your claims unless I join the website, and I'm not gonna do that as it appears to be a far right wing site, more than likely fraught with misinformation.

The second link is from Reuters, and while it does state how much has been released and sold, there is nothing in the article that says the US has only 25 days left. I'm guessing your claim is absolute bullshit, because there is nothing to back it up. However, Reuters says that we are going to release 1 million barrels per day out of a stockpile that is still sitting at 539 million barrels. I'm guessing your math is flawed and you're screaming that the sky is falling because you hate Biden.

Yeah, I know.................it sucks when people read your links and find out you're full of crap.
I think you are likely safe in ignoring that site anyway.

Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Damn thing tried to take over my computer, and I had to search for the "x" to get it off of full screen so I could come back here and tell Weatherman that his site was full of crap.
Biden did not follow Trumps plan for leaving Afghanistan in an orderly manner. Biden did it his way, which turned into a disastrous retreat. By pulling out our troops before US citizens and friendlies were evacuated, he had to go back in. His stupidity lead to the deaths of our 13 heroes and led to the invasion of thousands of Afghans that did not deserve our protection or entry into this country. Biden is a fool, as are his followers.

This is pretty accurate. Biden's biggest mistake was pushing back the date 5 months so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11.
I have never been a fan of selling off the strategic oil reserves just to make money. It was meant to help with emergencies not for monetary gain.

On this we agree. I do not agree with Biden doing it now either.

I know it is hard to believe but not everything is about Trump.

Correct it is not. But if you criticize Biden for it now and did not criticize Trump for doing it then your whining now is meaningless
By the way.......................yesterday in Columbia, I saw a gas station that was selling gasoline at 3.25/gal. In Newberry, prices are a bit more than what the lowest prices are in Columbia (something to do with the way it gets here and the hands it has to pass through), but I went and got gas for the mowers my soon to be father in law uses (we have 3 acres that need mowing every week), as well as topped off the pickup truck. Know how much gas was this morning in Newberry? 3.59/gal. A month and a half ago it was sitting at almost a dollar more (4.50/gal), so prices have significantly dropped in a pretty short time, and it looks like they will continue to do so. If gas prices drop in Columbia, they generally follow suit in Newberry a week or so later, and like I said, yesterday I saw gas at 3.25/gal in Columbia. I'm guessing that if this trend continues (and I hope it will) gas will be under 3.00/gal in the next month.
Oil prices are international. Brandon dumping our emergency reserves into the market has lowered global prices.

A good President would have increased supply by not implementing sanctions against US oil.
Requirement for withdrawal was a peace agreement between the government and Taliban.

Brandon bypassed it for his PR stunt.

Are you ever not wrong? The requirement for withdrawal the Taliban quit killing our people and to hold peace talks with the then Afghan government.

That is all. Both were done. Everyone knew the Taliban would take over when he left, most of all Trump since he did not even waste his time including the Afghan Govt at the time in the talks.

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