But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

They can and do. You don't think biden shutting down the pipeline had an effect?
That's the point. The left seem to think that Biden had an effect of bringing gas prices down a little by releasing the reserves but when it comes to gas prices rising, the left claim that that has nothing to do with Biden policies.
Neither of your links state that the US has only 25 days left in it's reserves. The first link I can't read because it says this after the first paragraph:

"This content is for Classified Membership and LifeTime Patriot Membership only"

Means that I can't read your claims unless I join the website, and I'm not gonna do that as it appears to be a far right wing site, more than likely fraught with misinformation.

The second link is from Reuters, and while it does state how much has been released and sold, there is nothing in the article that says the US has only 25 days left. I'm guessing your claim is absolute bullshit, because there is nothing to back it up. However, Reuters says that we are going to release 1 million barrels per day out of a stockpile that is still sitting at 539 million barrels. I'm guessing your math is flawed and you're screaming that the sky is falling because you hate Biden.

Yeah, I know.................it sucks when people read your links and find out you're full of crap.
Run out? There is about 350 million barrels and we use 20 million a day. We’re drawing down one million a day
That's the point. The left seem to think that Biden had an effect of bringing gas prices down a little by releasing the reserves but when it comes to gas prices rising, the left claim that that has nothing to do with Biden policies.

By BYPASSING the agreement he finished it?
You Orwellian fuckinhead
Well there's another lie. Do you even remember how not to lie?
That's the point. The left seem to think that Biden had an effect of bringing gas prices down a little by releasing the reserves but when it comes to gas prices rising, the left claim that that has nothing to do with Biden policies.
And the right seems to think he can control prices, but not when they go down. So you're all fkn idiots. congrats
That BRANDON surrendered to.
• President Joe Biden didn’t break with Trump on Afghanistan policy, except for pushing back the withdrawal by a few months. Trump set the U.S. troop removal in motion and Biden continued on that path.

• Biden could have reversed the Trump policy by declaring an open-ended U.S. commitment to stay in Afghanistan, but he didn’t.
He doesn't but if you were one who blamed the high prices on him you also have to give him credit for them coming down.
So I blamed him for high gas prices because he made statements like the following which people in the oil industry took it
to mean he wanted them out of the business. Well if they are going to be out of the business and thrown in jail then make as
much as they good in the short period of time. Guess what:
  • Exxon gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2022 was $20.317B, a 71.83% increase year-over-year.
  • Exxon gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $72.695B, a 114.95% increase year-over-year. Exxon Gross Profit 2010-2022 | XOM
Sounds really disgusting doesn't it? 114% And this was after Biden said the following...oh and by the way neither Biden nor many ignorant people possible eve you didn't pay attention to the adjective .."gross"... so what was the AFTER expenses, i.e. salaries, etc.,
  • Exxon net income for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $25.790B, a 235.03% decline year-over-year.
  • Exxon revenue for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $316.993B, or a net profit after salaries, etc. of 8%.. disgusting!
So here are Biden's comments that CAUSED the OIL companies concerns ...
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

And then he's going to throw them in jail!!!
'Put them in jail. I'm not joking about this,' Biden said
So the President of the USA declares oil companies criminal behavior and will put them out of business!
Just think! What do those statements mean? He wants to bankrupt an industry that supports 9.8 million jobs or 5.6 percent of total U.S. employment, according to PwC .

Plus common sense people!!!
Why would someone SO stupid tell the industry that provides 300 million barrels of oil and year to make 2.35 billion tires he is going to get rid of their supply? Again... raising prices!!!

So has Biden walked back any of the above statements???
So I blamed him for high gas prices because he made statements like the following which people in the oil industry took it
to mean he wanted them out of the business. Well if they are going to be out of the business and thrown in jail then make as
much as they good in the short period of time. Guess what:
  • Exxon gross profit for the quarter ending March 31, 2022 was $20.317B, a 71.83% increase year-over-year.
  • Exxon gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $72.695B, a 114.95% increase year-over-year. Exxon Gross Profit 2010-2022 | XOM
Sounds really disgusting doesn't it? 114% And this was after Biden said the following...oh and by the way neither Biden nor many ignorant people possible eve you didn't pay attention to the adjective .."gross"... so what was the AFTER expenses, i.e. salaries, etc.,
  • Exxon net income for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $25.790B, a 235.03% decline year-over-year.
  • Exxon revenue for the twelve months ending March 31, 2022 was $316.993B, or a net profit after salaries, etc. of 8%.. disgusting!
So here are Biden's comments that CAUSED the OIL companies concerns ...
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

And then he's going to throw them in jail!!!
'Put them in jail. I'm not joking about this,' Biden said
So the President of the USA declares oil companies criminal behavior and will put them out of business!
Just think! What do those statements mean? He wants to bankrupt an industry that supports 9.8 million jobs or 5.6 percent of total U.S. employment, according to PwC .

Plus common sense people!!!
Why would someone SO stupid tell the industry that provides 300 million barrels of oil and year to make 2.35 billion tires he is going to get rid of their supply? Again... raising prices!!!

So has Biden walked back any of the above statements???

Blame him, that is not what this thread is about. It's about hypocrisy.
• President Joe Biden didn’t break with Trump on Afghanistan policy, except for pushing back the withdrawal by a few months. Trump set the U.S. troop removal in motion and Biden continued on that path.

• Biden could have reversed the Trump policy by declaring an open-ended U.S. commitment to stay in Afghanistan, but he didn’t.
Biden DID break and when will you understand Politifact.com is part of Poynter Institute which owns Tampa Bay Times and having lived in that area for 25 years we knew it as "Pravda WEST"! Totally Democrat non-profit who was able to force Tampa Tribune a for-taxpaying company losses so they were able to buy! Here read what people really think of Politifact..https://www.politifactbias.com

Now as far as Biden screwing up Afghanistan... all the MSM including Politifact are NOT telling you the truth regarding Afghanistan.
And here is why: It's OK for these "journalists" to donate 96% to Democrats in Hillary/ 90% to Biden and then attack Trump with 92%
negative news?

If the MSM wasn't biased, pro-democratic, anti-American why then does this FACT that most Americans perception
is the MSM is grossly biased?
U.S. journalists differ from the public in their views of ‘bothsidesism’ in journalism
55% of journalists surveyed say that every side does not always deserve equal coverage in the news.
22% of Americans overall say the same.
Blame him, that is not what this thread is about. It's about hypocrisy.
Who's hypocrisy? Mine because I'm pointing out how BIDEN affected the skyrocketing price of gas?
You evidently aren't aware that 7 days into his office Biden signed a halt on all exploration leases on land that produces 24% of
our gas. You don't know that do you?
Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.

So where would oil companies get future oil...not from Federal lands and drive up the price of NON-Federal lands for oil exploration.
Oil and gas companies are “gun shy” of making long-term investments based on high oil prices because they’ve seen prices collapse just months after peaking, which happened in 2008, Johnson said.

Developing on federal lands is also a risky bet because if companies have to deal with a de facto moratorium on leasing, they’re likely to send their rigs to private land, she said.

That’s likely to happen in New Mexico, where Interior Department data show most recent federal drilling permits have been issued.

It’s easy for companies drilling on federal land in New Mexico to jump over the border into Texas to drill on private land where they can be more certain of favorable economic and regulatory conditions, Johnson said.
Who's hypocrisy? Mine because I'm pointing out how BIDEN affected the skyrocketing price of gas?
You evidently aren't aware that 7 days into his office Biden signed a halt on all exploration leases on land that produces 24% of
our gas. You don't know that do you?
Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.

So where would oil companies get future oil...not from Federal lands and drive up the price of NON-Federal lands for oil exploration.
Oil and gas companies are “gun shy” of making long-term investments based on high oil prices because they’ve seen prices collapse just months after peaking, which happened in 2008, Johnson said.

Developing on federal lands is also a risky bet because if companies have to deal with a de facto moratorium on leasing, they’re likely to send their rigs to private land, she said.

That’s likely to happen in New Mexico, where Interior Department data show most recent federal drilling permits have been issued.

It’s easy for companies drilling on federal land in New Mexico to jump over the border into Texas to drill on private land where they can be more certain of favorable economic and regulatory conditions, Johnson said.
None of that is affecting current oil prices
The real American economy and world economy is slowing down. The globalists are doing this. The people in less fortunate nations are suffering more and more now. We do not get all of the news because we are totalitarian. Amazing when you consider we have this great social media organism going.
Fucks sake I thought the Deep State was at it...

Who are these Globalists? How can I join them and make these decisions too?
How do you feel so powerless against these powerful invisible beings?
Are the Globalists the ones that hid the aliens too?
Yours is a different argument. You are arguing he is responsible for bringing it down, just not far enough. I can comment on responses, but I can't make people understand them.
It is pretty simple in his head, anything good in the world is GOP anything bad is Democrat...
So if it rains it is Democrats fault because they control the Weather... If it is sunshine it is because GOP are good Christians...
Well there's another lie. Do you even remember how not to lie?
Lie about what? Many lefties have claimed that the president has no control over gas prices and have blamed the higher gas prices on everyone but themselves. Are you now admitting that the left are indeed responsible for high gas prices?
And the right seems to think he can control prices, but not when they go down. So you're all fkn idiots. congrats
So, you are admitting that higher gas prices are at least partially the fault of Biden? Is that what you are admitting? I never said Biden isn't responsible in any way for the recent small drop in gas prices. He released the reserves, which most in the know say lowered gas prices by about twenty cents. I do, however, criticize Biden for releasing he reserves in an attempt to save his sorry ass. It was actually a stupid move in the long run and didn't address the real reasons why gas prices were going higher. It had nothing to do with the reserves so releasing the reserves wasn't going to fix the root problem.

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