But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

You should stop listening to that "Left" that festers in your noggin.

Gasoline prices are largely at the mercy of global fluctuations in supply and demand, and America presidents have limited control.

How A President Can Impact Gasoline Prices

Last week a friend from Uganda told me that gasoline prices have risen by 50% there. I asked him who the people blame. “Our President.” So, there you have it. Uganda’s President is behind the rise in gasoline prices.
[T]here are few handles the U.S. President has that can impact gasoline prices in the short term. In the longer term, lots of policies can impact supplies, and ultimately oil and gasoline prices.
But in the short term, the President primarily has three options for impacting gasoline prices...
One is to declare war on a major oil-producing country.
The second way the President can impact gasoline prices it to push through a change in gasoline taxes. But this is unlikely. The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents a gallon and has not increased since 1993. Increasing it would be politically difficult, so this is a possible mechanism for increasing gasoline prices, but it isn’t a likely mechanism.
Unless the gas tax was reduced, the previous two examples would typically result in increases in gasoline prices. But there is one mechanism that can lower them. That is the one the President announced today: A release of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)... a release of SPR crude oil can have a short-term impact on gasoline prices, as long as the primary driver of higher prices is a shortage of crude oil. That is in fact the situation we have today... And, bear in mind that these releases have a downside. Unless the oil is replenished, they increase our risks of having insufficient supplies in the event of a true emergency.
If you are aware of other ways a U.S. president can control the price of gas, what are they?

So tell us why the administration claimed they can't influence prices but claim they're responsible for drop in prices

This isn't rocket science
Actually he does. If you stop oil leasing or you lower the amount of oil leases. If you help put unfavorable oil Policies in place you do have an effect on oil prices.
If you sell off oil from the strategic oil reserves to another hostile country you are actually not helping prices.
But few people actually understand

Argue he does if you wish. Then you also have to give him.credit when it comes down.

Argue he does if you wish. Then you also have to give him.credit when it comes down.

It has come down because of three reasons. One is leases were again allowed.
Two was the use of strategic oil reserves.
Three was because of oil companies working hard to increase production
The only part he really could be said to have played a part in was allowing limited leasing to resume. Releasing oil reserves was not a good move, especially when part of those reserves were sold off to China and did not stay in this country.
If I gave him credit for all the price hIke then I would have to give him credit for a very small drop in price.
There are only two problems with that.
One I never placed all the blame n him.
Two I would never give someone who had little effect on a price decrease of a small amount much credit.
Ok, Biden lover, in detail clue us into just what Biden has done to lower gas prices.

I am not the one that has been saying for 2 years the POTUS controls the price of gas.

I understand that the POTUS is not a god and does not control all things.

Now, you people on the other hand have said he is personally responsible for the price of gas, thus if you had any integrity at all you would have to say the same thing when it comes down.

But you don't', so you wont.
So tell us why the administration claimed they can't influence prices but claim they're responsible for drop in prices

This isn't rocket science

Biden asked Saudi Arabia to increase production.. I'm assuming that means OPEC. And, he's returning to oil imports from Venezuela. Those are positive moves, but shouldn't be construed as industry control.
For two years all we heard from the Left was Joe had nothing to do with gas prices. Now it goes down a few cents and the Joe/Kamala circus is taking credit for the drop.

From $5.29 a few weeks ago to $4.29 now. Still far higher than the $1.70 under Trump before he left office.

Thank you Mr Putin for lowering our gas prices 😄
You should stop listening to that "Left" that festers in your noggin.

Gasoline prices are largely at the mercy of global fluctuations in supply and demand, and America presidents have limited control.

How A President Can Impact Gasoline Prices

Last week a friend from Uganda told me that gasoline prices have risen by 50% there. I asked him who the people blame. “Our President.” So, there you have it. Uganda’s President is behind the rise in gasoline prices.
[T]here are few handles the U.S. President has that can impact gasoline prices in the short term. In the longer term, lots of policies can impact supplies, and ultimately oil and gasoline prices.
But in the short term, the President primarily has three options for impacting gasoline prices...
One is to declare war on a major oil-producing country.
The second way the President can impact gasoline prices it to push through a change in gasoline taxes. But this is unlikely. The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents a gallon and has not increased since 1993. Increasing it would be politically difficult, so this is a possible mechanism for increasing gasoline prices, but it isn’t a likely mechanism.
Unless the gas tax was reduced, the previous two examples would typically result in increases in gasoline prices. But there is one mechanism that can lower them. That is the one the President announced today: A release of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)... a release of SPR crude oil can have a short-term impact on gasoline prices, as long as the primary driver of higher prices is a shortage of crude oil. That is in fact the situation we have today... And, bear in mind that these releases have a downside. Unless the oil is replenished, they increase our risks of having insufficient supplies in the event of a true emergency.
If you are aware of other ways a U.S. president can control the price of gas, what are they?
Um, open up our own industry?
For two years all we heard from the Right was Joe had everything to do with gas prices. Now it goes down a 50 plus cents and the MAGA circus is giving him no credit for the drop.
You should be taking the victory of convincing us that oil is a global market, so the real fix is easy then…open up our own exploration, and drilling.
Because Biden and company (and posters on here) are claiming he's responsible.

Stop annoying me
Don't believe them.

Some posters with an agenda will falsely claim he is responsible for the global rise in gas prices and global inflation in general.

Others will claim he is responsible for the low unemployment, the rise in wages, the current rally in stocks.

Don't fall for either.
The gas reserve may not be the only problem we are facing due to Biden's outright stupidity. He gave away billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban with his failed Afghanistan retreat. He has given many more billions of our military equipment to Ukraine. How much do we have left to fight a war against China or Russia? Has that fool weakened us to the point of being vulnerable to attack?
He hasn't given them any nukes.
Every unit still has their issued equipment....the problem is the ammo.
We'll probably be short on ammo.....and he's going to need it to put down the angry masses that will be converging on Washington if he tries taking our guns and our food.

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