But I Thought Biden Had No Influence on Gas Prices

It has come down because of three reasons. One is leases were again allowed.
Two was the use of strategic oil reserves.
Three was because of oil companies working hard to increase production
The only part he really could be said to have played a part in was allowing limited leasing to resume. Releasing oil reserves was not a good move, especially when part of those reserves were sold off to China and did not stay in this country.
If I gave him credit for all the price hIke then I would have to give him credit for a very small drop in price.
There are only two problems with that.
One I never placed all the blame n him.
Two I would never give someone who had little effect on a price decrease of a small amount much credit.

Only 15 % of the strategic reserves had been sold to registered bidders.
From $5.29 a few weeks ago to $4.29 now. Still far higher than the $1.70 under Trump before he left office.

Thank you Mr Putin for lowering our gas prices 😄

Do you read Dan Yergin? He knows more about the oil business than all the talking heads.
Interesting, isn't it?
From $5.29 a few weeks ago to $4.29 now. Still far higher than the $1.70 under Trump before he left office.

Thank you Mr Putin for lowering our gas prices 😄

Gas was not a buck seventy when Trump left office.

That you have to post lies shows the weakness of your position.
I am not the one that has been saying for 2 years the POTUS controls the price of gas.

I understand that the POTUS is not a god and does not control all things.

Now, you people on the other hand have said he is personally responsible for the price of gas, thus if you had any integrity at all you would have to say the same thing when it comes down.

But you don't', so you wont.
If Biden is rightly, or wrongly going to hide behind, I can't control the price of gas, he as no business campaigning on the falsehood of------Look how great I am, I brought down the price of gas. He is just another two faced lying politician, which the left refuses to acknowledge.
If Biden is rightly, or wrongly going to hide behind, I can't control the price of gas, he as no business campaigning on the falsehood of------Look how great I am, I brought down the price of gas. He is just another two faced lying politician, which the left refuses to acknowledge.

I agree 100% that he is just another two faced lying politician.

And if you all are going to blame him for the high prices but not give him credit for the drop in said prices then you are just two faced lying partisan drone.
He doesn't but if you were one who blamed the high prices on him you also have to give him credit for them coming down.
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No President has ever held influence over the price of gasoline...

Unless it was going down... just ask them...
Right, they can't shut down drilling or pipelines of any of that stuff. Nope.
I agree 100% that he is just another two faced lying politician.

And if you all are going to blame him for the high prices but not give him credit for the drop in said prices then you are just two faced lying partisan drone.
I have not blamed him regarding the price of gas, but I do blame him for his failed retreat in Afghanistan, His previous, future and present tax and spend policies. He is responsible for the open border that will eventually change the face of this nation, just for the sake of future left wing voters. I will not give him a pass on inflation or how we just had to bow to China's threat on Pelosi. Let's not forget his refusal to arm Ukraine before Russia invaded, giving Putin the upper hand.
Sorry bout that,

1. Big oil says they made billions this last quarter.
2. Thats on gas and diesel.
3. Do you have any idea what they make on other stuff?
4. Twenty Dollar a gallon paint thinner.
5. Propane isn't cheap either.
6. You are slung over a barrel and don't know it.
7. But......
8. This is a oil based world, nothings going to ever change that.
9. Get rid of oil, go back to horse and buggy.
10. Oil is finger licken good, we put that shit on *EVERYTHING!*

For two years all we heard from the Left was Joe had nothing to do with gas prices. Now it goes down a few cents and the Joe/Kamala circus is taking credit for the drop.

What's this then? (EO 13990)

(EO fucking the world on day 1 of Biden's presidency in the name of "Climate Change")
I don't think you even understand your own posts.
You're saying we should be happy about getting fucked in the ass, because after nearly 2 years of paying too much for everything,.....the fake president supplied us with some lube to make the anal shafting less painful, but only before an election.
Yet despite all this theater, projections have gas at $6 or $7 a gallon before Election Day this year. Given who this “administration” was blaming, the thanks needs to go to either the oil and gas companies or Putin.

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