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Buyer's Remorse: Trump approval ratings at 32%

It is downhill all the way.
Trump will not complete one term.
That wasn't the goal. The goal was to prevent Hillary the Corrupt from getting the power of the imperial Presidency. In that we were victorious.
Vladimir Putin would agree with you.

Pfui. I said I would not vote for Hillary before she announced. Considering that I have never voted for a Republican before, that was a bold promise. But I do everything possible to live up to my word.

My objection to Hillary began before the Server in the Bathroom nonsense. It had to do with her hypocrisy, her lies, her excuses whenever she is caught. It goes back to the Bimbo Eruptions, and the Travel Office nonsense.

It continues through her vote for Bankruptcy Reform, and her record in the Senate. My objections continue through her time as Secretary of State and participation in the Syrian mess we are in now. During her long career, Hillary has been in favor of one thing. Winning. She's been opposed to one thing, losing.
My god, I thought it would take at least six months before he started to crumble. He's in the shitter deeper than any P-E in decades.

More Americans disapprove than approve Trump's handling of transition
Maybe the 68℅ who disapprove will vote in 2018?
HA HA> I think the dems should first figure from under which rock they will find a candidate to run for POTUS..Right now, the stalls in the stable are empty.
Corey Booker.
It is downhill all the way.
Trump will not complete one term.
That wasn't the goal. The goal was to prevent Hillary the Corrupt from getting the power of the imperial Presidency. In that we were victorious.
Vladimir Putin would agree with you.

Pfui. I said I would not vote for Hillary before she announced. Considering that I have never voted for a Republican before, that was a bold promise. But I do everything possible to live up to my word.

My objection to Hillary began before the Server in the Bathroom nonsense. It had to do with her hypocrisy, her lies, her excuses whenever she is caught. It goes back to the Bimbo Eruptions, and the Travel Office nonsense.

It continues through her vote for Bankruptcy Reform, and her record in the Senate. My objections continue through her time as Secretary of State and participation in the Syrian mess we are in now. During her long career, Hillary has been in favor of one thing. Winning. She's been opposed to one thing, losing.
This thread is not about you being a turncoat but how many who voted for Trump already regret it before he is even inaugurated.
LOL, the Russians did. Talk about derangement syndrome, the Russians out her arrogant corruption and you howl and pretend you don't know it because you object that it was disclosed. Obviously you already knew and just didn't care

What did they disclose? Take your time...

You're a two time Democrat hack loser

What did i lose? I didn't even vote you nimrod.
Lefties are still whining about being fooled by polls before the election and now they depend on polls after the election. Isn't that the definition of insanity?
Since the polls were right, wtf are you talking about?

The poolls were not right, jack ass.

Hillary was given leads in Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, a 7% lead in Ohio and double digit leads in Michigan, PA, Wisconsin and a 6% lead in Iowa.

Hillary lost all of them.

Let's start here:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

The final poll average had Trump winning in Ohio.

Now apologize for either lying or being stupid and we'll go from there.

I was not talking about the poll averages, I was referring to the over sampled polls that at times gave Hillary huge leads that some polls did not agree with.

The CBS poll of Sept 9th had Hillary up by 7% in Ohio and that is a fact.

And even the average was way off by nearly 5%.

The polls were horridly sadly and incompetently wrong down to election day.

Wrong in Florida, where Trump won by over a percent was too close to call.

Wrong in PA where Trump was down by 11% on October 30th, which was ridiculous, and the average left Trump shy by nearly 2%, and Trump still won.

They were wrong in Michigan, with Trump down by an average of 3.4% but Trump won again, despite 3 out of the lst five polls showing Clinton with 5% leads.

Wrong about Wisconsin, where Trump was down by an average of 6.5% and the last polls gave Clinton an 8% lead over Trump. But Trump won.

The libtard polling was horridly wrong and they were like learning riflemen hitting everything down range BUT the damned target.

And we should listen to them now, why?

They are stacking their sample with too many Democrats by 10% and way too many independents.

They still have not learned their lesson that fake polls do them more harm than good, and apparently neither have libtard dupes like you.
It is downhill all the way.
Trump will not complete one term.
That wasn't the goal. The goal was to prevent Hillary the Corrupt from getting the power of the imperial Presidency. In that we were victorious.
Vladimir Putin would agree with you.

Pfui. I said I would not vote for Hillary before she announced. Considering that I have never voted for a Republican before, that was a bold promise. But I do everything possible to live up to my word.

My objection to Hillary began before the Server in the Bathroom nonsense. It had to do with her hypocrisy, her lies, her excuses whenever she is caught. It goes back to the Bimbo Eruptions, and the Travel Office nonsense.

It continues through her vote for Bankruptcy Reform, and her record in the Senate. My objections continue through her time as Secretary of State and participation in the Syrian mess we are in now. During her long career, Hillary has been in favor of one thing. Winning. She's been opposed to one thing, losing.
This thread is not about you being a turncoat but how many who voted for Trump already regret it before he is even inaugurated.

A turncoat eh? Then you miss the point. Which I suppose is not surprising. You see, the point is that the Democrats have the wrong point of view. The voters are not the lucky ones. The point of view permeating both parties is that the voters are the lucky ones if they are allowed to vote for the candidate. How fortunate for us that Hillary agreed to become President. That arrogance was shown in the motto, "I'm with Her" which was roundly rejected by a majority of voters in the majority of the states.

Worse, it has caused the defeat of Democrats from seats they've held for a long time. I am not alone. Many others voted for Trump who would have voted for a Democrat who was worthy of the vote. The "buyers" remorse you see is as much an illusion as the idea that Hillary would win in a Landslide electoral victory.

My objection to Hillary is why the "buyers remorse" you contend exists isn't going to go far, if anywhere. Because as bad as Trump may well be, the one thing that will keep the people behind him for the term is this. He isn't Hillary. Most people breathed a sigh of relief, because we dodged the bullet of a Hillary Presidency. Now, we're braced for the Trump era, and people like me are wondering if the Democrats will learn or will continue to eschew the lessons of the elections. I hope for the former, but expect the latter.

As bad as Trump is, he's not Hillary, which would be much worse. That's why his ratings are improving. 52% View Trump Favorably - Rasmussen Reports™

Voter attitudes about President-elect Donald Trump have changed little since Thanksgiving, with just over half of voters continuing to give him favorable marks.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters share a favorable opinion of Trump, with 30% who have a Very Favorable one. The president-elect is viewed unfavorably by 48%, including 37% with a Very Unfavorable view. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As I mentioned in another thread, Most of the Republican Candidates could have beaten Trump head to head. Romney and McCain were used as examples. Hell, most of the Democratic Challengers could have beaten Trump, by that I mean Kerry and Gore. The one Democrat who could not was Hillary. Yet that was the one we had foisted upon us.

Buyers Remorse isn't happening, because as bad as Trump may well be, it would have been worse under Hillary. Unless Nuclear Missiles start flying, there is little chance that truth will allow a significant portion of the people who voted for Trump to regret their choice.
It is downhill all the way.
Trump will not complete one term.
That wasn't the goal. The goal was to prevent Hillary the Corrupt from getting the power of the imperial Presidency. In that we were victorious.
Vladimir Putin would agree with you.

Pfui. I said I would not vote for Hillary before she announced. Considering that I have never voted for a Republican before, that was a bold promise. But I do everything possible to live up to my word.

My objection to Hillary began before the Server in the Bathroom nonsense. It had to do with her hypocrisy, her lies, her excuses whenever she is caught. It goes back to the Bimbo Eruptions, and the Travel Office nonsense.

It continues through her vote for Bankruptcy Reform, and her record in the Senate. My objections continue through her time as Secretary of State and participation in the Syrian mess we are in now. During her long career, Hillary has been in favor of one thing. Winning. She's been opposed to one thing, losing.
This thread is not about you being a turncoat but how many who voted for Trump already regret it before he is even inaugurated.

A turncoat eh? Then you miss the point. Which I suppose is not surprising. You see, the point is that the Democrats have the wrong point of view. The voters are not the lucky ones. The point of view permeating both parties is that the voters are the lucky ones if they are allowed to vote for the candidate. How fortunate for us that Hillary agreed to become President. That arrogance was shown in the motto, "I'm with Her" which was roundly rejected by a majority of voters in the majority of the states.

Worse, it has caused the defeat of Democrats from seats they've held for a long time. I am not alone. Many others voted for Trump who would have voted for a Democrat who was worthy of the vote. The "buyers" remorse you see is as much an illusion as the idea that Hillary would win in a Landslide electoral victory.

My objection to Hillary is why the "buyers remorse" you contend exists isn't going to go far, if anywhere. Because as bad as Trump may well be, the one thing that will keep the people behind him for the term is this. He isn't Hillary. Most people breathed a sigh of relief, because we dodged the bullet of a Hillary Presidency. Now, we're braced for the Trump era, and people like me are wondering if the Democrats will learn or will continue to eschew the lessons of the elections. I hope for the former, but expect the latter.

As bad as Trump is, he's not Hillary, which would be much worse. That's why his ratings are improving. 52% View Trump Favorably - Rasmussen Reports™

Voter attitudes about President-elect Donald Trump have changed little since Thanksgiving, with just over half of voters continuing to give him favorable marks.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters share a favorable opinion of Trump, with 30% who have a Very Favorable one. The president-elect is viewed unfavorably by 48%, including 37% with a Very Unfavorable view. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As I mentioned in another thread, Most of the Republican Candidates could have beaten Trump head to head. Romney and McCain were used as examples. Hell, most of the Democratic Challengers could have beaten Trump, by that I mean Kerry and Gore. The one Democrat who could not was Hillary. Yet that was the one we had foisted upon us.

Buyers Remorse isn't happening, because as bad as Trump may well be, it would have been worse under Hillary. Unless Nuclear Missiles start flying, there is little chance that truth will allow a significant portion of the people who voted for Trump to regret their choice.
Hillary Clinton was not a good candidate and she might not have become the Democratic candidate had the Democrat party used a one-man-one-vote system instead of allowing super delegates so many votes. Nevertheless, Clinton would have done more for the working class and low income Americans that a Republican Congress with a president who will sign anything they put before him.
Yeah--I think most people had to hold their nose to vote for Trump. I know a lot of Republicans that didn't vote for him, went for Gary Johnson or wrote in Mickey Mouse. The honeymoon was the shortest on record. This Russian hacking has slaughtered him. His Presidential midnight tweeety fingers have done a lot of damage also, and his cabinet picks--are being picked from his 3rd string pom pom squad--that no one likes, including Republicans.

32% is the worst of any President elect. G.W. was in the same position, losing the popular vote by 500K but winning the electoral college vote had a 54% approval rating at this same time. We didn't have massive protests against him, he went into office scandal clean.

It's going to be very interesting. All the Reich wing talk shows hosts have now been put in a position where they're having to defend Putin, and Juilian Assange, (wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 years avoiding extradition to face Federal charges here. It's really hysterical the links they'll go to--to support this Ass Clown as Commander & Chief of this country.

In the era of "fake news" who but the dullest of dull believes a media poll?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you people?


you keep getting exceedingly more ignorant. you should probably start by reading real sources.

and don't use George Carlin, if he were still alive, he'd be laughing at you.

You poor, ignorant LWNJ. I truly feel sorry for you. You were running around for months making grand pronouncements about how "trump has no chance". You snorted and guffawed about how easy it was going to be for hiLIARy and what a bunch of jerks GOP voters were for nominating him. It was going to be a cake walk!!!!

Then.....You had your bleached teeth kicked in. How could that have happened ? Easy, You're a fool who believed the media polls.


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Oh look, it's more liberal projection.

Oh, look its someone who thinks liberals make up polls...
If the shoe fits...
Libs tried to fix the election by producing polling numbers that were false.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Those numbers don't look false to me.
Whatever. Polls are not truthful. None of them.
Its about time the American people eschew polling data.
Polls were once used as they should, a tool to measure the thoughts of the people about current events.
Polls were about the news.
Since the Clinton admin, when he started governing by polling data, polls morphed into creating news. That removes any credibility of the data.
Its over.
My god, I thought it would take at least six months before he started to crumble. He's in the shitter deeper than any P-E in decades.

More Americans disapprove than approve Trump's handling of transition
Maybe the 68℅ who disapprove will vote in 2018?
HA HA> I think the dems should first figure from under which rock they will find a candidate to run for POTUS..Right now, the stalls in the stable are empty.
Corey Booker.
LOL....How long did it take you to dig up that name?
Here's a brief bio on Corey Booker.
He is NOT from the streets like he is portrayed to be.....He grew up in Northern Bergen County NJ. One of the most affluent counties in the country. He attended the same high school I did. He grew up in the most affluent of the four towns representing my high school.
He had no connection whatsoever to the city of Newark, he was elected mayor of that city. Typical identity politics. No non minority candidate has a snowball's chance of winning that office. And even less likely a non liberal.
Then when Frank Lautenburg decided to retire from the senate Booker was immediately tabbed as his replacement. Booker barely had to campaign because he as a democrat was a shoo in....
Amusingly, you think this makes him qualified for POTUS.....Ok...Believe what you want. You picked Booker based solely on identity politics. You chose "the black guy"....Solely based on skin color.
Quite frankly, you'll be disappointed. Right now, Andrew Cuomo is the front runner for the next campaign. This is one the most likely people the DNC will trot out.....Good luck
Oh look, it's more liberal projection.

Oh, look its someone who thinks liberals make up polls...

If liberal polls were actually believable Clinton would have won the election.

They were all polls. And Trump won within the margin of error on all of them.

I know you right wingers love to think that you're the underdog and create a fantasy that despite the polls Trump won. How he was the underdog and how polling is corrupt, yadda, yadda, yadda. And up until Comey opened his gob, yes it was going to be a Hillary win. After that, all the polls were within the margin of error. Apparently Trump won PA within something link 0.2 per cent. So no, you can feel smug, and smarmy and cool that polls suck and don't reflect shit. You are wrong. And that's not an opinion. Check it out yourself.

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