Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Mueller has the evidence. Cohen merely confirmed it for him.

What evidence does he have? does it consist entirely of hearsay?
See post 114.

Thanks for the circular non-answer.

The fact of the matter is that the ONLY piece of direct evidence that was leaked and reported was Cohen's admission, no other details of any corroborating evidence have been forthcoming, YET.

Vague references to documents, witnesses, etc.., isn't credible evidence since their is no way to know whether or not it consists of hearsay, circumstantial or otherwise questionable material.

Hopefully those pursuing this story will be in position to provide clarification and detail in short order.
Oh, I see. Trump's Chumps are suddenly the paragons of empiricism. :lol:
What would you know about empiricism? Your arguments generally lack anything that even approximates it.

"Locker up!"

Karma's a BITCH.
LOL, hate to burst your bubble munchkin but I could care less if Donny gets tarred, feathered and then exiled to Siberia.

However, unlike you, my abhorrence of his Presidency doesn't force me to abandon reason and respect for evidence.
I've always been able to back up my claims. Every time. Whenever someone challenges me on one, I bury them.

So I have that going for me.
Yeah and I wondering what the Trump tower is all about.

There is no Trump tower. They tried a bribe which didn't work. So. No Trump Tower.
So Cohen the man going to jail for crimes unrelated to Trump and who has lied many times in the past is now telling the truth.
View attachment 240763

Confirmation bias at it's finest! Every other thing that came out of Cohen's mouth is a lie but this one....THIS ONE IS TRUE!


I'll say one thing for Lefty he's one consistent little bitch.

Beyond the fact that you are stupid for beleiving every "source with knowledge" bulshit story we've heard despite 3 years of it never panning out there is the obvious. If Trump , or anyone else for that matter, conspired to get a witness to lie to Congress, that would be illegal, but it wouldn't be "obstruction of justice"
William Barr thinks otherwise....

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump | HuffPost

As things stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a ‘proceeding,’” he wrote in a document shared on Twitter by The Daily Beast’s Justin Miller. “Rather, they are concerned with acts intended to have a particular kind of impact.”

Barr then spelled out what would constitute obstruction, such as witness tampering. And he specifically said that even the president could be guilty in that case:

Obviously, the President and any other official can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.”
Beyond the fact that you are stupid for beleiving every "source with knowledge" bulshit story we've heard despite 3 years of it never panning out there is the obvious. If Trump , or anyone else for that matter, conspired to get a witness to lie to Congress, that would be illegal, but it wouldn't be "obstruction of justice"
William Barr thinks otherwise....

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump | HuffPost

As things stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a ‘proceeding,’” he wrote in a document shared on Twitter by The Daily Beast’s Justin Miller. “Rather, they are concerned with acts intended to have a particular kind of impact.”

Barr then spelled out what would constitute obstruction, such as witness tampering. And he specifically said that even the president could be guilty in that case:

Obviously, the President and any other official can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.”


Nuff said.
What happened to the bombshell on Manafort visiting Assange media said they had pictures, and proof of Cohen having been in Prague media said they had phone records?
What happened to the bombshell that Manafort was colluding with a Russian spy while head ofbthe Trump campaign?

Oh yeah...that was true.

Beyond the fact that you are stupid for beleiving every "source with knowledge" bulshit story we've heard despite 3 years of it never panning out there is the obvious. If Trump , or anyone else for that matter, conspired to get a witness to lie to Congress, that would be illegal, but it wouldn't be "obstruction of justice"
William Barr thinks otherwise....

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump | HuffPost

As things stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a ‘proceeding,’” he wrote in a document shared on Twitter by The Daily Beast’s Justin Miller. “Rather, they are concerned with acts intended to have a particular kind of impact.”

Barr then spelled out what would constitute obstruction, such as witness tampering. And he specifically said that even the president could be guilty in that case:

Obviously, the President and any other official can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.”


Nuff said.
Is that the best that you can do?? Stupid question, of course that is your best shot. Now prove that Barr did not say what they are reporting.
  • Thanks
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This is the beginning of the end for Trump. If true, 'obstruction of justice by anybody's standards'

This is a slam dunk for obstruction of justice and possible conspiracy.
Wow. Everything Cohen did wrong is Trump's fault, right?
Personal responsibility ? Find another job if your boss pressures you to do wrong?
I'm not following his stories with a lot of interest, and I don't think he can "prove" Trump did any of this, so it's just another Trump smear.
We don’t know if Cohen can prove it or not — but Cohen did record some of their conversations, so it is possible he can.
Is telling Cohen to lie to Congress a crime? Isn't it more just talking--freedom of speech type stuff? Back to my original point, isn't the onus on Cohen to say no?
Yes, it’s a crime and an impeachable offense if provable.

Lying to Congress is a crime. Telling someone to commit a crime is conspiracy, which is a criminal offense.

It all comes down to whether or not Cohen has proof beyond just his word.

Telling someone to commit a crime is not a crime. It's MUCH more involved than that.

If I tell you to go rob a bank and you do it, I have not committed a crime.

Did you tell me to lie about it in front of Congress?
If/When this allegation turns out to be true, things are going to get very intense. Some WN whackadoos will go on a rampage.
I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg
Beyond the fact that you are stupid for beleiving every "source with knowledge" bulshit story we've heard despite 3 years of it never panning out there is the obvious. If Trump , or anyone else for that matter, conspired to get a witness to lie to Congress, that would be illegal, but it wouldn't be "obstruction of justice"
William Barr thinks otherwise....

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump | HuffPost

As things stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a ‘proceeding,’” he wrote in a document shared on Twitter by The Daily Beast’s Justin Miller. “Rather, they are concerned with acts intended to have a particular kind of impact.”

Barr then spelled out what would constitute obstruction, such as witness tampering. And he specifically said that even the president could be guilty in that case:

Obviously, the President and any other official can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.”


Nuff said.
Is that the best that you can do?? Stupid question, of course that is your best shot. Now prove that Barr did not say what they are reporting.

Prove that he did?? HuffPo?? Really??
Wow. Everything Cohen did wrong is Trump's fault, right?
Personal responsibility ? Find another job if your boss pressures you to do wrong?
I'm not following his stories with a lot of interest, and I don't think he can "prove" Trump did any of this, so it's just another Trump smear.
We don’t know if Cohen can prove it or not — but Cohen did record some of their conversations, so it is possible he can.
Is telling Cohen to lie to Congress a crime? Isn't it more just talking--freedom of speech type stuff? Back to my original point, isn't the onus on Cohen to say no?
Yes, it’s a crime and an impeachable offense if provable.

Lying to Congress is a crime. Telling someone to commit a crime is conspiracy, which is a criminal offense.

It all comes down to whether or not Cohen has proof beyond just his word.

Telling someone to commit a crime is not a crime. It's MUCH more involved than that.

If I tell you to go rob a bank and you do it, I have not committed a crime.

Did you tell me to lie about it in front of Congress?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything moron? If I tell you to lie to Congress and you do, I have not committed a crime.

Now if I did more than just told you "hey lie to Congress" then yes that could be a crime, depending. But simply telling you to lie to Congress is not a crime.
The law enforcement sources told BuzzFeed that Cohen confirmed to special counsel Robert Mueller's team that Trump issued the order to lie to Congress.

leads me to believe LE has something solid ...

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