Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

News has come out that Cohen lied to Congress about the Moscow Tower project that was being negotiated DURING the Presidential election...and he did so at the behest of Trump.

That's suborning perjury and is obstruction of justice and is most definitely impeachable

The Cohen is a liar and should not be believed.


He lied to Congress about THIS..

And Cohen told Congress the SAME lies that Trump has been telling the American people.

Un named sources and the story is already falling apart.....
MULTIPLE Sources!!!

Mueller knows his job

He has interviewed multiple sources and obtained emails and other documentation

Will Trump testify under oath that he did not order subordinates to lie?
day 752 of idiot RW's asking dunbshit questions about an investigation that ISNT FUCKING OVER ....
Just like the Clinton investigation, this is a nothing burger. 752 days of investigating is 20x more than anyone should need if something really had occurred. I called in on the Clinton thing and I am calling it now.

The ONLY thing they MAY have on Trump is him instructed someone to lie.
day 752 of idiot RW's asking dunbshit questions about an investigation that ISNT FUCKING OVER ....
Just like the Clinton investigation, this is a nothing burger. 752 days of investigating is 20x more than anyone should need if something really had occurred. I called in on the Clinton thing and I am calling it now.

The ONLY thing they MAY have on Trump is him instructed someone to lie.
A nothing Burger that has led to multiple indictments and convictions.

This charge is serious shit. Trump better have his act together
day 752 of idiot RW's asking dunbshit questions about an investigation that ISNT FUCKING OVER ....
Just like the Clinton investigation, this is a nothing burger. 752 days of investigating is 20x more than anyone should need if something really had occurred. I called in on the Clinton thing and I am calling it now.

The ONLY thing they MAY have on Trump is him instructed someone to lie.
A nothing Burger that has led to multiple indictments and convictions.

This charge is serious shit. Trump better have his act together

might explain the truck load of lawyers the WH is hiring ...
Finally! After two fucking years of NOTHING. This may actually be "something" of interest.

Those who are after Trump have actually identified a crime for which Trump himself would be culpable, if true.

We're getting somewhere. Good job, haters. Now you look less like a bunch of ass-hurt crybabies.


As reported by Buzzfeed and CNN...And we all know how impeccable their reputations are for solid and factual reportage. :rolleyes:
They keep saying its "corroborated" so we'll see how it plays out.
What I have heard is it’s two unnamed former law enforcement people there are also supposed to be text messages and e-mails that apparently no one including the two unnamed sources have seen. As you say we will see where it goes but it sure feels like I have seen this movie before.
I am watching team Trump respond to the charges

They are replying that Cohen is a liar. They are not saying the charges are not true
Finally! After two fucking years of NOTHING. This may actually be "something" of interest.

Those who are after Trump have actually identified a crime for which Trump himself would be culpable, if true.

We're getting somewhere. Good job, haters. Now you look less like a bunch of ass-hurt crybabies.


As reported by Buzzfeed and CNN...And we all know how impeccable their reputations are for solid and factual reportage. :rolleyes:

Yup. Real upstanding journalistic sources. Honor and truth abound with both.

Not hardly.
I am watching team Trump respond to the charges

They are replying that Cohen is a liar. They are not saying the charges are not true

Duuh Once again. Common sense. If Cohen is lying, which he is, then the charges are false.

This is the beginning of the end for Trump. If true, 'obstruction of justice by anybody's standards'

This is a slam dunk for obstruction of justice and possible conspiracy.
Wow. Everything Cohen did wrong is Trump's fault, right?
Personal responsibility ? Find another job if your boss pressures you to do wrong?
I'm not following his stories with a lot of interest, and I don't think he can "prove" Trump did any of this, so it's just another Trump smear.
We don’t know if Cohen can prove it or not — but Cohen did record some of their conversations, so it is possible he can.
Is telling Cohen to lie to Congress a crime? Isn't it more just talking--freedom of speech type stuff? Back to my original point, isn't the onus on Cohen to say no?
Yes, it’s a crime and an impeachable offense if provable.

Lying to Congress is a crime. Telling someone to commit a crime is conspiracy, which is a criminal offense.

It all comes down to whether or not Cohen has proof beyond just his word.

This is the beginning of the end for Trump. If true, 'obstruction of justice by anybody's standards'

This is a slam dunk for obstruction of justice and possible conspiracy.
Wow. Everything Cohen did wrong is Trump's fault, right?
Personal responsibility ? Find another job if your boss pressures you to do wrong?
I'm not following his stories with a lot of interest, and I don't think he can "prove" Trump did any of this, so it's just another Trump smear.
We don’t know if Cohen can prove it or not — but Cohen did record some of their conversations, so it is possible he can.
Is telling Cohen to lie to Congress a crime? Isn't it more just talking--freedom of speech type stuff? Back to my original point, isn't the onus on Cohen to say no?
Yes, it’s a crime and an impeachable offense if provable.

Lying to Congress is a crime. Telling someone to commit a crime is conspiracy, which is a criminal offense.

It all comes down to whether or not Cohen has proof beyond just his word.

Telling someone to commit a crime is not a crime. It's MUCH more involved than that.

If I tell you to go rob a bank and you do it, I have not committed a crime.

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