Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?
The wall shutdown will be old news by then
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?
The wall shutdown will be old news by then
"Fire a missile at North Korea!"

The diversion will somehow be North Korean related.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
well obammy will be tried perhaps finally when we get the new AG and he actually indicts obammy for treason.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
It is not in Trump's nature to resign.

I have read that memo, and three things come to mind.

1. Why did Barr write that completely unsolicited memo? He wasn't even in government, much less connected to the Mueller investigation.

2. Barr's memo revolves around the contention that Trump asking Comey to "let go" of the Flynn investigation did not rise to obstruction. However, his long-winded explanation of what does constitute obstruction perfectly matches the current allegation of Trump suborning Cohen's perjury. Barr's memo will thus come back to haunt him. His own words will support impeachment.

3. If Trump is guilty, he should immediately withdraw his nomination of Barr to mitigate the damage the memo can cause for him in the immediate future.

A couple things wrong with your analysis

First, Barr is adamant that a sitting US President can NOT be indicted. So that's a non starter

Second , what an AG says really woudn't have any play in an impeachment proceeding.

Third, Nancy Pelosi isn't stupid, she's going to tolerate the outer fringe of her party to talk about impeachment, but there will NEVER be a vote on impeaching Trump. With one possible exception. If Trump wins reelection in 2020 and Democrats win BOTH houses of Congress, then you MIGHT see an impeachment vote.
Who'd have expected progs to talk impeachment with Democrats running the House now?

You have to appreciate how all negative rumors surrounding Trump are a positive for progs. And of course they're all true. Cohen is a prog's hero.

Progs are tarded now.
"Seems like Mueller has evidence. Tangible evidence of obstruction of justice. On top of that he has Cohen. This is absolutely terrible, bad and no good for Trump."
he does? based on what exactly do you make such a stupid false statement?
What evidence does he have? does it consist entirely of hearsay?
See post 114.

Thanks for the circular non-answer.

The fact of the matter is that the ONLY piece of direct evidence that was leaked and reported was Cohen's admission, no other details of any corroborating evidence have been forthcoming, YET.

Vague references to documents, witnesses, etc.., isn't credible evidence since their is no way to know whether or not it consists of hearsay, circumstantial or otherwise questionable material.

Hopefully those pursuing this story will be in position to provide clarification and detail in short order.
Oh, I see. Trump's Chumps are suddenly the paragons of empiricism. :lol:
What would you know about empiricism? Your arguments generally lack anything that even approximates it.

"Locker up!"

Karma's a BITCH.
LOL, hate to burst your bubble munchkin but I could care less if Donny gets tarred, feathered and then exiled to Siberia.

However, unlike you, my abhorrence of his Presidency doesn't force me to abandon reason and respect for evidence.
I've always been able to back up my claims. Every time. Whenever someone challenges me on one, I bury them.
Uh-huh, you and Donny seem to have similar self images, BIGLY.:rolleyes:

….In the meantime, I suspect I'll receive another binary reply along the lines of "Trump's Chump's <fill in irrelevant string of text here>" in place of anything cogent relating to the original point of contention.


Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Why would they divert from the testimony from someone who is going to prison for lying to Congress? LOL

Cohen is worthless as a prosecutorial witness.

Trump lies his ass off on a regular basis and Tards like you lap it up - SO DONT USE COHEN LYING AS AN EXCUSE
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
Lots of indictments and prison sentences. That's how they've worked out.

You are sniffing glue. Not one person has been convicted and sentenced in relation to anything Russia.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

This is where you think you are so smart. Your claim is that Russia collided with Trump to take the election. This has been proven to not be the case at a minimum of one or more times every month since Trump took office. So here you are, Flynn is in trouble for lying about talking to Russia. Was that conversation about the election of 2016 or in any way attempting to subvert it in Teump Favor? Nope, and you can not show one thing that says it was. What Flynn did wasn’t even what he is in trouble for, he is in trouble for lying about it. So stick to your lies about being an undercover agent for the army. That lie is way better and more enjoyable.

I have read that memo, and three things come to mind.

1. Why did Barr write that completely unsolicited memo? He wasn't even in government, much less connected to the Mueller investigation.

2. Barr's memo revolves around the contention that Trump asking Comey to "let go" of the Flynn investigation did not rise to obstruction. However, his long-winded explanation of what does constitute obstruction perfectly matches the current allegation of Trump suborning Cohen's perjury. Barr's memo will thus come back to haunt him. His own words will support impeachment.

3. If Trump is guilty, he should immediately withdraw his nomination of Barr to mitigate the damage the memo can cause for him in the immediate future.

A couple things wrong with your analysis

First, Barr is adamant that a sitting US President can NOT be indicted. So that's a non starter

We're talking about impeachment, not an indictment.

Second , what an AG says really woudn't have any play in an impeachment proceeding.

It will have play when it comes to whether or not Mueller's report sees the light of day. And it will have play when it comes to testimony during an impeachment hearing. And it will have play in the court of public opinion, which is where Trump stages his incoherent defense.

Third, Nancy Pelosi isn't stupid, she's going to tolerate the outer fringe of her party to talk about impeachment, but there will NEVER be a vote on impeaching Trump. With one possible exception. If Trump wins reelection in 2020 and Democrats win BOTH houses of Congress, then you MIGHT see an impeachment vote.
This suborning of perjury allegation just caused impeachment to move from the fringe toward the core. I think we are even going to see the I-word coming out of the mouths of Fox News pundits if it turns out to be true.
Who'd have expected progs to talk impeachment with Democrats running the House now?

You have to appreciate how all negative rumors surrounding Trump are a positive for progs. And of course they're all true. Cohen is a prog's hero.

Progs are tarded now.
--------------------------------yep !!

I have read that memo, and three things come to mind.

1. Why did Barr write that completely unsolicited memo? He wasn't even in government, much less connected to the Mueller investigation.

2. Barr's memo revolves around the contention that Trump asking Comey to "let go" of the Flynn investigation did not rise to obstruction. However, his long-winded explanation of what does constitute obstruction perfectly matches the current allegation of Trump suborning Cohen's perjury. Barr's memo will thus come back to haunt him. His own words will support impeachment.

3. If Trump is guilty, he should immediately withdraw his nomination of Barr to mitigate the damage the memo can cause for him in the immediate future.

A couple things wrong with your analysis

First, Barr is adamant that a sitting US President can NOT be indicted. So that's a non starter

We're talking about impeachment, not an indictment.

Second , what an AG says really woudn't have any play in an impeachment proceeding.

It will have play when it comes to whether or not Mueller's report sees the light of day. And it will have play when it comes to testimony during an impeachment hearing. And it will have play in the court of public opinion, which is where Trump stages his incoherent defense.

Third, Nancy Pelosi isn't stupid, she's going to tolerate the outer fringe of her party to talk about impeachment, but there will NEVER be a vote on impeaching Trump. With one possible exception. If Trump wins reelection in 2020 and Democrats win BOTH houses of Congress, then you MIGHT see an impeachment vote.
This suborning of perjury allegation just caused impeachment to move from the fringe toward the core. I think we are even going to see the I-word coming out of the mouths of Fox News pundits if it turns out to be true.


None of this shit is ever true. When will yall realize that.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.
Truthfully. Many people are not violent. But they will let the violent ones do their damage. Including your vicious and dangerous friends. Cities can fry for all we care anymore. Hillary and Trump did not talk much about freedom. Cruz did. But we are so far gone that Cruz was not electable. How many women would have not voted for him because he was not cute? Yeah if you get rid of Trump you will ignite something. Maybe those deplorables will refuse to send you food. That would be a hoot. Just one idea.
Lots of indictments and prison sentences. That's how they've worked out.

You are sniffing glue. Not one person has been convicted and sentenced in relation to anything Russia.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

This is where you think you are so smart. Your claim is that Russia collided with Trump to take the election. This has been proven to not be the case at a minimum of one or more times every month since Trump took office. So here you are, Flynn is in trouble for lying about talking to Russia. Was that conversation about the election of 2016 or in any way attempting to subvert it in Teump Favor? Nope, and you can not show one thing that says it was. What Flynn did wasn’t even what he is in trouble for, he is in trouble for lying about it. So stick to your lies about being an undercover agent for the army. That lie is way better and more enjoyable.
How is this being disproven when Manafort gave Russia polling data? It's not yet proven, but it's not yet disproven. Moreover, it needn't be "disproven."

If, as is reported, Trump directed Cohen to lie about Trump biz contacts during the election, and if the Lads and Ivanka lied as well, under oath .... then even the question that is more important than any perjury, and Trump suborning perjury which is an impeachable offense, WHAT possibly would be worth chancing felonies and jail to cover up?
Lots of indictments and prison sentences. That's how they've worked out.

You are sniffing glue. Not one person has been convicted and sentenced in relation to anything Russia.
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Won't it be hilarious watching when he is reelected. Graphic imaged removed
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I have read that memo, and three things come to mind.

1. Why did Barr write that completely unsolicited memo? He wasn't even in government, much less connected to the Mueller investigation.

2. Barr's memo revolves around the contention that Trump asking Comey to "let go" of the Flynn investigation did not rise to obstruction. However, his long-winded explanation of what does constitute obstruction perfectly matches the current allegation of Trump suborning Cohen's perjury. Barr's memo will thus come back to haunt him. His own words will support impeachment.

3. If Trump is guilty, he should immediately withdraw his nomination of Barr to mitigate the damage the memo can cause for him in the immediate future.

A couple things wrong with your analysis

First, Barr is adamant that a sitting US President can NOT be indicted. So that's a non starter

We're talking about impeachment, not an indictment.

Second , what an AG says really woudn't have any play in an impeachment proceeding.

It will have play when it comes to whether or not Mueller's report sees the light of day. And it will have play when it comes to testimony during an impeachment hearing. And it will have play in the court of public opinion, which is where Trump stages his incoherent defense.

Third, Nancy Pelosi isn't stupid, she's going to tolerate the outer fringe of her party to talk about impeachment, but there will NEVER be a vote on impeaching Trump. With one possible exception. If Trump wins reelection in 2020 and Democrats win BOTH houses of Congress, then you MIGHT see an impeachment vote.
This suborning of perjury allegation just caused impeachment to move from the fringe toward the core. I think we are even going to see the I-word coming out of the mouths of Fox News pundits if it turns out to be true.


None of this shit is ever true. When will yall realize that.
LoL. We shall see.

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