By this time next year Obama will have joined ranks of the Has-Beens

MERRY Christmas to all

When Obama is cheered off by the masses into the great unknown of oblivion--most joyfully--Michelle and Valerie Jarrett are going there with him!

The one overlooked gift coming our way this Christmas should keep soul fires burning all the way up to Christmas 2016.

It’s the gift Western civilization has been waiting on for, lo, these past seven long years, and should be joyfully described as: No More Obama!

This is the last Christmas with America’s biggest enemy in the White House because by next Christmas Obama will be former President Obama.

Having finally been forced to join the sad sack ranks of the HAS BEENS, The One will now really own the title ex-President Barack Obama.

Go ahead, roll it around on your tongue between sips of egg nog while having the Merriest Christmas ever.

Time, as they say, waits for no man, and just as Bruce Jenner cannot possibly outrun Father Time in Caitlyn stilettos, time is catching up to Barack and Michelle Obama, heartlessly reminding them them that their gig is up and coming to an inevitable end.

Make no mistake about it, the Obamas’ life as First Family comes to full-stop position on January 20, 2017.

Even if horrible Hillary is the next president, even if Obama becomes Secretary-General of the United Nations, the GIG IS UP.

Gig is Up Time impacts all family and friends. Pfft: All Obama deadbeat czars will be gone with the wind. Daughters of the Obamas, no matter where they are, will be the daughters of EX-PRESIDENT Barack Obama.

Comedowns in the world of politics make for harder falls than most, particularly when the final climb down from the ladder of power must be done within full view of all enemies made over a 7-year span.

For the Obamas there will be no getting around the comedown from president to EX-PRESIDENT, from luxuriously living it up as the First Family to that arid desert that drowns all egos know as the sad sack land of the “HAS BEENS”!

All things, including the the Obamas, come to pass. Obama, el Presidente will be through because countless millions—and not all of them Americans—will throw the EX-PRESIDENT and HAS BEEN titles in his face, the same way he threw the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ in all of ours.

Naysayers will already be rushing in to claim: “You can stop putting a smiley face on it right now, Canada Free Press, because Obama will go on to torment us as Secretary-General of the United Nations with his bosom buddy Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.”

True, count on Obama hanging on to the bottom of Hillary’s pantsuits, clinging to the limelight that has been the signature of his last seven years on Mother Earth.

But there’s an upside to Obama put out to pasture.

LOL, all of it here:
By this time next year Obama will have joined ranks of the Has-Beens

Another major fail -- the next Prez doesn't get inaugurated until 2017 - Jan.

And for the rest of his life he is called President Obama or Mr. President.

You, on the other hand are just, Miss as in "Miss, you forgot my fries."
President Obama will be Former President Obama, an Elder Statesman....but you will not be able to stop talking about him. :D

The only way Obama will ever be an "Elder" would be for Jammie-Jake's Mormon church to bend the rules and anoint him. No, just a blessing from Disco Louie Farrakhan would NOT be sufficient.
MERRY Christmas to all

When Obama is cheered off by the masses into the great unknown of oblivion--most joyfully--Michelle and Valerie Jarrett are going there with him!

The one overlooked gift coming our way this Christmas should keep soul fires burning all the way up to Christmas 2016.

It’s the gift Western civilization has been waiting on for, lo, these past seven long years, and should be joyfully described as: No More Obama!

This is the last Christmas with America’s biggest enemy in the White House because by next Christmas Obama will be former President Obama.

Having finally been forced to join the sad sack ranks of the HAS BEENS, The One will now really own the title ex-President Barack Obama.

Go ahead, roll it around on your tongue between sips of egg nog while having the Merriest Christmas ever.

Time, as they say, waits for no man, and just as Bruce Jenner cannot possibly outrun Father Time in Caitlyn stilettos, time is catching up to Barack and Michelle Obama, heartlessly reminding them them that their gig is up and coming to an inevitable end.

Make no mistake about it, the Obamas’ life as First Family comes to full-stop position on January 20, 2017.

Even if horrible Hillary is the next president, even if Obama becomes Secretary-General of the United Nations, the GIG IS UP.

Gig is Up Time impacts all family and friends. Pfft: All Obama deadbeat czars will be gone with the wind. Daughters of the Obamas, no matter where they are, will be the daughters of EX-PRESIDENT Barack Obama.

Comedowns in the world of politics make for harder falls than most, particularly when the final climb down from the ladder of power must be done within full view of all enemies made over a 7-year span.

For the Obamas there will be no getting around the comedown from president to EX-PRESIDENT, from luxuriously living it up as the First Family to that arid desert that drowns all egos know as the sad sack land of the “HAS BEENS”!

All things, including the the Obamas, come to pass. Obama, el Presidente will be through because countless millions—and not all of them Americans—will throw the EX-PRESIDENT and HAS BEEN titles in his face, the same way he threw the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ in all of ours.

Naysayers will already be rushing in to claim: “You can stop putting a smiley face on it right now, Canada Free Press, because Obama will go on to torment us as Secretary-General of the United Nations with his bosom buddy Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.”

True, count on Obama hanging on to the bottom of Hillary’s pantsuits, clinging to the limelight that has been the signature of his last seven years on Mother Earth.

But there’s an upside to Obama put out to pasture.

LOL, all of it here:
By this time next year Obama will have joined ranks of the Has-Beens

Another major fail -- the next Prez doesn't get inaugurated until 2017 - Jan.

And for the rest of his life he is called President Obama or Mr. President.

You, on the other hand are just, Miss as in "Miss, you forgot my fries."
MERRY Christmas to all

When Obama is cheered off by the masses into the great unknown of oblivion--most joyfully--Michelle and Valerie Jarrett are going there with him!

The one overlooked gift coming our way this Christmas should keep soul fires burning all the way up to Christmas 2016.

It’s the gift Western civilization has been waiting on for, lo, these past seven long years, and should be joyfully described as: No More Obama!

This is the last Christmas with America’s biggest enemy in the White House because by next Christmas Obama will be former President Obama.

Having finally been forced to join the sad sack ranks of the HAS BEENS, The One will now really own the title ex-President Barack Obama.

Go ahead, roll it around on your tongue between sips of egg nog while having the Merriest Christmas ever.

Time, as they say, waits for no man, and just as Bruce Jenner cannot possibly outrun Father Time in Caitlyn stilettos, time is catching up to Barack and Michelle Obama, heartlessly reminding them them that their gig is up and coming to an inevitable end.

Make no mistake about it, the Obamas’ life as First Family comes to full-stop position on January 20, 2017.

Even if horrible Hillary is the next president, even if Obama becomes Secretary-General of the United Nations, the GIG IS UP.

Gig is Up Time impacts all family and friends. Pfft: All Obama deadbeat czars will be gone with the wind. Daughters of the Obamas, no matter where they are, will be the daughters of EX-PRESIDENT Barack Obama.

Comedowns in the world of politics make for harder falls than most, particularly when the final climb down from the ladder of power must be done within full view of all enemies made over a 7-year span.

For the Obamas there will be no getting around the comedown from president to EX-PRESIDENT, from luxuriously living it up as the First Family to that arid desert that drowns all egos know as the sad sack land of the “HAS BEENS”!

All things, including the the Obamas, come to pass. Obama, el Presidente will be through because countless millions—and not all of them Americans—will throw the EX-PRESIDENT and HAS BEEN titles in his face, the same way he threw the ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ in all of ours.

Naysayers will already be rushing in to claim: “You can stop putting a smiley face on it right now, Canada Free Press, because Obama will go on to torment us as Secretary-General of the United Nations with his bosom buddy Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.”

True, count on Obama hanging on to the bottom of Hillary’s pantsuits, clinging to the limelight that has been the signature of his last seven years on Mother Earth.

But there’s an upside to Obama put out to pasture.

LOL, all of it here:
By this time next year Obama will have joined ranks of the Has-Beens

Maybe he should pull a Bush and leave the next president with destroyed housing and financial sectors, and an economy leaking 250K jobs a month, with hundreds of thousands of Americans slipping into foreclosure. To top it off, he can bury his predecessor with the most mismanaged and poorly planned war ever conceived.
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This nation will save millions just in vacation costs

no kidding. we'll be shocked to see how much that family hosed us taxpayers for when it's all added up. it's been sickening to see them live it up while the rest of us was struggling away in what they themselves claimed was the: worst recession since the GREAT DREPRESSION.
Now you silly old lying bitch. That recession was started by the GOP in Bush's term.

The Great Recession | State of Working America

The Great Recession
The Great Recession
  1. Job loss
  2. Unemployment and underemployment
  3. The job shortage
  4. Falling income, rising poverty
  5. Other fallout
  6. What’s in store
The Great Recession—which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009—began with the bursting of an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble. The resulting loss of wealth led to sharp cutbacks in consumer spending. This loss of consumption, combined with the financial market chaos triggered by the bursting of the bubble, also led to a collapse in business investment. As consumer spending and business investment dried up, massive job loss followed. In 2008 and 2009, the U.S. labor market lost 8.4 million jobs, or 6.1% of all payroll employment. This was the most dramatic employment contraction (by far) of any recession since the Great Depression. By comparison, in the deep recession that began in 1981, job loss was 3.1%, or only about half as severe.

Even after the economy stopped contracting in the summer of 2009, its growth has not been nearly strong enough to create the jobs needed simply to keep pace with normal population growth, let alone put back to work the backlog of workers who lost their jobs during the collapse. In the post-World War II recessions before the early 1990s, it took an average of 10 months for the economy to regain the jobs it had lost during the recession. But after the early 1990s recession, it took nearly two years, and after the early 2000s recession, it took over three-and-a-half years. Unfortunately, the recovery from the Great Recession is following the sluggish pattern of these last two recoveries, but likely with an even longer timeline. In October 2010, 16 months after the official end of the recession, the economy still had 5.4% fewer jobs than it did before the recession started. Thus, the Great Recession has brought the worst of both worlds: extraordinarily severe job loss, combined with an extremely sluggish recovery.

- See more at: The Great Recession | State of Working America
And on January 21, 2017 you people can start a whole new round of whining and crying when President Clinton takes office.

So you're going to vote for the corrupted old bitty? that's why you jump in all these threads whining about other people whining. says a lot.

He's another I'm sensing ignore is in order. Brings nothing to the table

turned into another troll is all
Hey Staph, why don't you hit Krispy Kremes for another couple dozen, and roll again. LOL
He'll write 3 books, get 8 figure advances for each of them. I wouldn't rule out his lovely spouse writing one or two herself with lucrative advances also. It will be a sweet retirement for them.

Stephanie? Absolutely nothing will change in her life....she'll always be as miserable as you picture her.
How can you run around the world in groups of 100's every single day using borrowed money and then ask someones kids to pay the Interest on your credit card borrowed money for the next 20 years? Nothing to show for any of that spending. No assets obtained. I don't get it? Shameless?

The only glimmer of reality is maybe you could call it "mini-stimulus" socialistic spending? take from US and spend it around?
Ignorant Republicans think you can pay down debt by buttfucking the world. You can't. You never will. Smart people know the only way to pay down debt is to make more money. That's why Democrats want to invest. It takes money to make money. Such an ignorant Gop base. Their leadership has really done a number on them and they have done a number on this country. They have to be defeated.
He'll write 3 books, get 8 figure advances for each of them. I wouldn't rule out his lovely spouse writing one or two herself with lucrative advances also. It will be a sweet retirement for them.

Stephanie? Absolutely nothing will change in her life....she'll always be as miserable as you picture her.
At least Trump will undo the mess Obama has created
Yea, improving the economy, bringing jobs, signing treaties, saving the auto industry.

Trump will undo all that and Republicans will say Trump is as good as Bush.

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