Bye Bye First Amendment

The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.

Useful idiots that will be cannabalized when the time is right by Progressive Marxist Democrats,
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
When the French Revolution ran out of nobles, they started executing their own.

Leftists gotta leftist.
Which side of the political aisle is currently engaged in symbolic cannibalism?
You can pretend the left doesn't insist on rigid lockstep, but no one will believe you.
If Biden won straight up with people voting in person or absentee ballot request, fine I don't like the crooked SOB or his family, then again most of DC is crooked as a hounds tooth to begin with and yes I include so called Republicans in that as well.
As of 2020, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington State conduct their elections entirely by mail
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
When the French Revolution ran out of nobles, they started executing their own.

Leftists gotta leftist.
Which side of the political aisle is currently engaged in symbolic cannibalism?
Reality check. Which side has members defecting to the point of impeaching their own president? Which side has cabinet members resigning in protest?

Come on, kid. If you're gonna try to tell a lie at least put out some effort.
How many Democrats opposed the impeachment?
Ironic now that Apple has become "Big Brother"

Thanks for posting that, what a blast from the past. Man, the 80s were just an all around better time. #Nostalgia

After seeing that, I think I'm gonna dust off the 80s cinema classic "They Live" starring the great Rowdy Roddy Piper for movie night tonight
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.

Big Tech with the donations of other global corporations HAVE CREATED the political atmosphere! The Democrat Party has been the beneficiary.
If Biden won straight up with people voting in person or absentee ballot request, fine I don't like the crooked SOB or his family, then again most of DC is crooked as a hounds tooth to begin with and yes I include so called Republicans in that as well.
As of 2020, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington State conduct their elections entirely by mail
Its not who votes, but who counts them. In person voting or absentee ballot request by the voter is the only way to prevent the crap we saw election night in several key states.
If Biden won straight up with people voting in person or absentee ballot request, fine I don't like the crooked SOB or his family, then again most of DC is crooked as a hounds tooth to begin with and yes I include so called Republicans in that as well.
As of 2020, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington State conduct their elections entirely by mail
All blue states now. Utah has Romney so yes pretty much blue until they get rid of that prick.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
Oh Please!

There are things called rules.
We are all supposed to obey the rules.
In techland those rules are described in the ToS.
YOU agreed to a ToS when you signed up here.
When you violate the ToS the provider
has both the right and the obligation to react and enforce the ToS.
If Twitter and FB had enforced their ToS 5 years ago there never would have been a Trump.
These companies are merely conducting a an enforcement of their ToS
as a means of protecting their reputations and their businesses.
Not from the "Left" but from the legal culpability of Trump and his cult
using their platforms to conduct seditious acts against the United States.

Don't like it, don't violate the ToS.
Twitter, FB, Amazon and the rest ton't speak Red or Blue they only speak GREEN and this is all about the GREEN.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
Oh Please!

There are things called rules.
We are all supposed to obey the rules.
In techland those rules are described in the ToS.
YOU agreed to a ToS when you signed up here.
When you violate the ToS the provider
has both the right and the obligation to react and enforce the ToS.
If Twitter and FB had enforced their ToS 5 years ago there never would have been a Trump.
These companies are merely conducting a an enforcement of their ToS
as a means of protecting their reputations and their businesses.
Not from the "Left" but from the legal culpability of Trump and his cult
using their platforms to conduct seditious acts against the United States.

Don't like it, don't violate the ToS.
Twitter, FB, Amazon and the rest ton't speak Red or Blue they only speak GREEN and this is all about the GREEN.
Yes, Trump is dangerous, but ISIS recruiting on social media is perfectly fine.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.

Hogwash! Women and LGBTs have been subjected to violations of our First Amendment rights for a long time; gag rule after gag rule, and even states forcing propaganda on unsuspecting people. So how much sympathy do you think that you are entitled to? This johnny-come-lately stuff is ridiculous.
Save it.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
The first has nothing to do with you violating the rules of conduct on a privately owned platform and getting booted.
Unless you transgress liberal policy. Like I said you got big tech to do the dirty work instead of the government at least indirectly at this point.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.

Hogwash! Women and LGBTs have been subjected to violations of our First Amendment rights for a long time; gag rule after gag rule, and even states forcing propaganda on unsuspecting people. So how much sympathy do you think that you are entitled to? This johnny-come-lately stuff is ridiculous.
Save it.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
The first has nothing to do with you violating the rules of conduct on a privately owned platform and getting booted.
Unless you transgress liberal policy. Like I said you got big tech to do the dirty work instead of the government at least indirectly at this point.
Youre obviously uneducated. The first has nothing to do with big tech.
Free speech comes with the price that you are legally responsible for what you say. Likewise the platforms you use are responsible for their content. Don't know why the right has such a problem with that. Is it impossible to be a Trumpbot without dangerous lies and violent rhetoric?

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