Bye Bye First Amendment

Its not who votes, but who counts them. In person voting or absentee ballot request by the voter is the only way to prevent the crap we saw election night in several key states.

You know the first illegal attempted to be cast in Georgia, was a republican who registered his dead mother.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.

Hogwash! Women and LGBTs have been subjected to violations of our First Amendment rights for a long time; gag rule after gag rule, and even states forcing propaganda on unsuspecting people. So how much sympathy do you think that you are entitled to? This johnny-come-lately stuff is ridiculous.
Save it.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
The first has nothing to do with you violating the rules of conduct on a privately owned platform and getting booted.
Unless you transgress liberal policy. Like I said you got big tech to do the dirty work instead of the government at least indirectly at this point.
Youre obviously uneducated. The first has nothing to do with big tech.
Not directly no, which makes it great for the left, they don't have to get their hands dirty themselves.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Well then you mind loading muskets while we tear your ass up with AR’s. Same concept right?

the biggest mistake you left wingers are making is thinking we’re dumb and incapable of getting by without you. That’s going to be your come to Jesus moment.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.

Hogwash! Women and LGBTs have been subjected to violations of our First Amendment rights for a long time; gag rule after gag rule, and even states forcing propaganda on unsuspecting people. So how much sympathy do you think that you are entitled to? This johnny-come-lately stuff is ridiculous.
Save it.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
The first has nothing to do with you violating the rules of conduct on a privately owned platform and getting booted.
Unless you transgress liberal policy. Like I said you got big tech to do the dirty work instead of the government at least indirectly at this point.
Youre obviously uneducated. The first has nothing to do with big tech.
Not directly no, which makes it great for the left, they don't have to get their hands dirty themselves.
Directly or indirectly big tech has nothing to do with it. The first is simply your right to talk shit about the government. You can do that anywhere.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
This is a lie – it’s both ignorant and wrong.

The First Amendment applies solely to government; the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities or persons, such as social media.

Social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit; how they might edit their content has nothing to do with limiting free speech.

It’s also a lie that ‘the left’ is hostile to free speech; in fact, liberals have always championed free speech and free expression often in opposition to conservatives’ efforts to lawlessly preempt or limit both.

Last, American ‘Thinker’ is an unreliable source and rightwing fake news/misinformation site that contrives and propagates nothing but lies – the lie that ‘big tech’ or ‘the left’ seeks to silence free speech being one example.
You can't even see the contradiction, can you?
Cnn told him what to think, nothing else will get through.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
I saw someone put up a nice reply to the left.

The Tea Party was us asking politely, Trump was the less polite request. What are you prepared to see next?
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini yells "Death to America!" on his Twitter account.

He hasn't been banned.
It’s amazing to me how the left who has spent years crying about these tech companies getting sweet tax exemption deals from the government are now all for them running our free speech. Which do you think you’ll get less of first? Taxes or actual free speech?
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Hillary. Thank god POTUS isn’t an option.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
This is a lie – it’s both ignorant and wrong.

The First Amendment applies solely to government; the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities or persons, such as social media.

Social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit; how they might edit their content has nothing to do with limiting free speech.

It’s also a lie that ‘the left’ is hostile to free speech; in fact, liberals have always championed free speech and free expression often in opposition to conservatives’ efforts to lawlessly preempt or limit both.

Last, American ‘Thinker’ is an unreliable source and rightwing fake news/misinformation site that contrives and propagates nothing but lies – the lie that ‘big tech’ or ‘the left’ seeks to silence free speech being one example.
So you would be good with them shutting up a gay person, just because they are gay. Because they don't agree with them. Maybe they could say, they incited some bullshit with no proof. You ready for that society?
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Hillary. Thank god POTUS isn’t an option.
Hillary didnt do that and she was never a potus.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini yells "Death to America!" on his Twitter account.

He hasn't been banned.
If he got blocked the left would call it racist. Kind of like not wanting a horde of blacks committing arson and looting is racist. But then some white people wanting fair elections is racist. And PB&J sandwiches are racist. So is voter ID and apparently anything to do with the USA is horribly racist.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
This is a lie – it’s both ignorant and wrong.

The First Amendment applies solely to government; the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities or persons, such as social media.

Social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit; how they might edit their content has nothing to do with limiting free speech.

It’s also a lie that ‘the left’ is hostile to free speech; in fact, liberals have always championed free speech and free expression often in opposition to conservatives’ efforts to lawlessly preempt or limit both.

Last, American ‘Thinker’ is an unreliable source and rightwing fake news/misinformation site that contrives and propagates nothing but lies – the lie that ‘big tech’ or ‘the left’ seeks to silence free speech being one example.
So you would be good with them shutting up a gay person, just because they are gay. Because they don't agree with them. Maybe they could say, they incited some bullshit with no proof. You ready for that society?
If a gay person lied about the election and incited riots banning them would be just as right as banning the orange guy.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini yells "Death to America!" on his Twitter account.

He hasn't been banned.
Ayatollah Khomeini isnt the potus.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Hillary. Thank god POTUS isn’t an option.
Hillary didnt do that and she was never a potus.
I mentioned she wasn’t. English isn’t your strong suit. And she spent four years inciting you clowns about how she was robbed of her rightful presidency.

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