Bye Bye First Amendment

The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
This is a lie – it’s both ignorant and wrong.

The First Amendment applies solely to government; the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities or persons, such as social media.

Social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit; how they might edit their content has nothing to do with limiting free speech.

It’s also a lie that ‘the left’ is hostile to free speech; in fact, liberals have always championed free speech and free expression often in opposition to conservatives’ efforts to lawlessly preempt or limit both.

Last, American ‘Thinker’ is an unreliable source and rightwing fake news/misinformation site that contrives and propagates nothing but lies – the lie that ‘big tech’ or ‘the left’ seeks to silence free speech being one example.
Liberals are firmly on the record as hostile to free speech. Their demands for "hate speech" laws "misinformation laws" "peronal pronoun laws" and everything they find "offensive" or "insensitive or not part of their agenda.
I guess we didn't have free speech before Apple, Facebook, and Twitter got here?
The point is we didn’t have them as the thought police back then.
They're not thought police now. They are platforms.
They are monopolies. And now the government doesn’t need to interfere with free speech. The Democrats can have them do it for them.
They are not monopolies. You can still use your ham radio or whatever you dead enders use to communicate with your fellow dead enders when you're not counting grains of rice or whatever.
Leftists are so short-sighted. You can't imagine the restrictions you demand be placed on others may some day be placed on you.
It wouldnt bother me if I got kicked off social media. Why does that bother you so much?
It doesn't. I don't mind rules. I do mind double standards.

And if it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Whats the double standard? Dump lied about the election and incited violence. What other potus did that and got away with it?
Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini yells "Death to America!" on his Twitter account.

He hasn't been banned.
Ayatollah Khomeini isnt the potus.
But his tweets do violate Twitter's TOS.

But you're okay with that.
I'm fine with it. That way we know what he has up his sleeve.
You think he tweets state secrets? That's insanely stupid.
What made you think he tweets state secrets? Are you some kind of idiot?
"That way we know what he has up his sleeve." You wrote that. Don't blame me because you're stupid.
Why do you think that means he tweets state secrets? Just like I know alot of you are omega boys living alone simply by reading your posts, you can guess the direction of the propaganda and make an educated guess at whats going on with leaders of other countries. Its called collecting intelligence.
You sure are making a lot of stupid rationalizations to defend the blatant double standard.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Freedom of speech is probably our most misunderstood right.
The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for the address of grievances. It puts a limit on what congress can do in limiting free speech, not what businesses nor individuals can do. The Court has consistently ruled that the government has the power to impose limits on free speech in regard to its time, place, and manner of delivery.

Most of the restrictions today on individual freedom of speech comes from individuals agreeing to have their speech limited through terms of use, employee contracts and other agreements. If you take the time to think about it, there are good reasons why businesses should be able to limit your freedom of speech within the agreed upon terms.
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The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
Oh Please!

There are things called rules.
We are all supposed to obey the rules.
In techland those rules are described in the ToS.
YOU agreed to a ToS when you signed up here.
When you violate the ToS the provider
has both the right and the obligation to react and enforce the ToS.
If Twitter and FB had enforced their ToS 5 years ago there never would have been a Trump.
These companies are merely conducting a an enforcement of their ToS
as a means of protecting their reputations and their businesses.
Not from the "Left" but from the legal culpability of Trump and his cult
using their platforms to conduct seditious acts against the United States.

Don't like it, don't violate the ToS.
Twitter, FB, Amazon and the rest ton't speak Red or Blue they only speak GREEN and this is all about the GREEN.
Yes, Trump is dangerous, but ISIS recruiting on social media is perfectly fine.
If the violate the ToS then the service should enforce its ToS.

All ToS include not doing illegal stuff so...
solution is easy.
The left closes in - American Thinker

big tech doing the left wing's dirty work.
Big Tech is merely trying to survive in a political atmosphere where the democrat party reigns supreme, unchallenged, unhinged, and looking for their next victim.

No, the appeasement of doing their dirty work for them won't prevent them from cannibalizing them at some point, but it should buy them some time.
Oh Please!

There are things called rules.
We are all supposed to obey the rules.
In techland those rules are described in the ToS.
YOU agreed to a ToS when you signed up here.
When you violate the ToS the provider
has both the right and the obligation to react and enforce the ToS.
If Twitter and FB had enforced their ToS 5 years ago there never would have been a Trump.
These companies are merely conducting a an enforcement of their ToS
as a means of protecting their reputations and their businesses.
Not from the "Left" but from the legal culpability of Trump and his cult
using their platforms to conduct seditious acts against the United States.

Don't like it, don't violate the ToS.
Twitter, FB, Amazon and the rest ton't speak Red or Blue they only speak GREEN and this is all about the GREEN.
Yes, Trump is dangerous, but ISIS recruiting on social media is perfectly fine.
If the violate the ToS then the service should enforce its ToS.

All ToS include not doing illegal stuff so...
solution is easy.
The service should....but ToS are unequally enforced.

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