BYE BYE Murkowski! JOE MILLER, Please run again.

Murkowski is a RINO.

Alaska, your brains are frozen.

It's not until 2022, but vote this woman out of office.

She only got 44% of the 2016 vte, anyways.


Republicans prevail on Kavanaugh test vote with one Republican and one Democrat crossing the aisle | Daily Mail Online
I'll be retired by the time she runs again and I plan on being very politically active. I've already written a couple of letters urging her to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. We'll see more clearly just how RINO she is and what my mission will be that year.
"Once again, as so often the right speaks of itself, "we" enters the picture. We, the nominative plural of I, is used as a collective term. They are collective groups that follow the leader such as republicans, cockroaches, flies, ants, etc. In this case, their leader is trump. The collective has only one voice, the leaders. It's sort of like a communist state in a democracy. They all act in unison, there is no going against the leader, there is no independent thought. If you dare attempt to have a different opinion, the collective will attack you as a group."
Murkowski is a RINO.

Perhaps word has yet to get to the intellectual hinterlands but ---- Senators are elected to represent constituents.............. not fucking political parties.

And a bunch of those constituents came down to DC to voice their concerns. You know, the ones a Senator is put there to represent. And that's Alaska's business --- not that of a fucking political party.

There's no such thing as a "RINO" or "DINO" except for Duopolist-apologizing partisan hacks.

Actually I'm just stating that way for equanimity; I never hear anyone complaining of a "DINO". The hive mentality seems to be all on the one side. Curious.
"Once again, as so often the right speaks of itself, "we" enters the picture. We, the nominative plural of I, is used as a collective term. They are collective groups that follow the leader such as republicans, cockroaches, flies, ants, etc. In this case, their leader is trump. The collective has only one voice, the leaders. It's sort of like a communist state in a democracy. They all act in unison, there is no going against the leader, there is no independent thought. If you dare attempt to have a different opinion, the collective will attack you as a group."

They're like a pack of mad dogs but with less mentality.
"Once again, as so often the right speaks of itself, "we" enters the picture. We, the nominative plural of I, is used as a collective term. They are collective groups that follow the leader such as republicans, cockroaches, flies, ants, etc. In this case, their leader is trump. The collective has only one voice, the leaders. It's sort of like a communist state in a democracy. They all act in unison, there is no going against the leader, there is no independent thought. If you dare attempt to have a different opinion, the collective will attack you as a group."
Kinda like the “group think” of liberals. These unbelievable, and unsubstantiated, charges came forward at the 11th hour and all the liberal rats followed pied piper Feinstein into the water. Democrats don’t have independent thought.
Murkowski is a RINO.

Perhaps word has yet to get to the intellectual hinterlands but ---- Senators are elected to represent constituents.............. not fucking political parties.

And a bunch of those constituents came down to DC to voice their concerns. You know, the ones a Senator is put there to represent. And that's Alaska's business --- not that of a fucking political party.

There's no such thing as a "RINO" or "DINO" except for Duopolist-apologizing partisan hacks.

Actually I'm just stating that way for equanimity; I never hear anyone complaining of a "DINO". The hive mentality seems to be all on the one side. Curious.
"Once again, as so often the right speaks of itself, "we" enters the picture. We, the nominative plural of I, is used as a collective term. They are collective groups that follow the leader such as republicans, cockroaches, flies, ants, etc. In this case, their leader is trump. The collective has only one voice, the leaders. It's sort of like a communist state in a democracy. They all act in unison, there is no going against the leader, there is no independent thought. If you dare attempt to have a different opinion, the collective will attack you as a group."

They're like a pack of mad dogs but with less mentality.
Your talking about the “pack of wild dogs” protesters that made fools of themselves by harassing U.S. Senators.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
Doing the wrong thing is not courageous.

So, courage is defined by whether you personally agree with the action. Thank you for enlightening me. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go call some scientists. It seems I have found the center of the universe.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
She is a coward. She voted to smear an innocent man. She’s a gutless turd.
How the fuck would you know?
Only a righteous person stands against evil. Democrats smear campaign was just pure evil perpetrated against a good man.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
Doing the wrong thing is not courageous.

So, courage is defined by whether you personally agree with the action. Thank you for enlightening me. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go call some scientists. It seems I have found the center of the universe.
Anyone duped by this purely political smear campaign has low intelligence and poor judgement. Over 1,000 men and porno actors have found Stormy Daniels orifices to be the center of the universe.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.

It is.

She wasn't elected to vote her conscious. She was elected to vote how the
majority of those in Alaska want her to vote. She's representing them...not
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
She is a coward. She voted to smear an innocent man. She’s a gutless turd.
How the fuck would you know?
Only a righteous person stands against evil. Democrats smear campaign was just pure evil perpetrated against a good man.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.

It is.

She wasn't elected to vote her conscious. She was elected to vote how the
majority of those in Alaska want her to vote. She's representing them...not
huh I wonder if the all of the rape victims that spoke up here in AK maybe swayed her decision??? Huh you dumb fucker. Look at some statistics or shut the fuck up
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
She is a coward. She voted to smear an innocent man. She’s a gutless turd.
How the fuck would you know?
Only a righteous person stands against evil. Democrats smear campaign was just pure evil perpetrated against a good man.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.

It is.

She wasn't elected to vote her conscious. She was elected to vote how the
majority of those in Alaska want her to vote. She's representing them...not
huh I wonder if the all of the rape victims that spoke up here in AK maybe swayed her decision??? Huh you dumb fucker. Look at some statistics or shut the fuck up
What do they have to do with a fantasy story made-up by the mentally fragile Christine Blasé Fraud?
Murkowski is a RINO.

Perhaps word has yet to get to the intellectual hinterlands but ---- Senators are elected to represent constituents.............. not fucking political parties.

And a bunch of those constituents came down to DC to voice their concerns. You know, the ones a Senator is put there to represent. And that's Alaska's business --- not that of a fucking political party.

There's no such thing as a "RINO" or "DINO" except for Duopolist-apologizing partisan hacks.

Actually I'm just stating that way for equanimity; I never hear anyone complaining of a "DINO". The hive mentality seems to be all on the one side. Curious.
"Once again, as so often the right speaks of itself, "we" enters the picture. We, the nominative plural of I, is used as a collective term. They are collective groups that follow the leader such as republicans, cockroaches, flies, ants, etc. In this case, their leader is trump. The collective has only one voice, the leaders. It's sort of like a communist state in a democracy. They all act in unison, there is no going against the leader, there is no independent thought. If you dare attempt to have a different opinion, the collective will attack you as a group."

They're like a pack of mad dogs but with less mentality.
Your talking about the “pack of wild dogs” protesters that made fools of themselves by harassing U.S. Senators.

Those are called "constituents". That's who she WORKS FOR.

Welcome to our country, now learn how the fuck it works.
She lacks the courage to do the right thing.

Yeah, because a Republican from a red state breaking from the party is clearly an act of cowardly political expedience, and definitely not an act of conscious.
Doing the wrong thing is not courageous.

Doing your constituents' work however is what we call "responsible".

Recall Murkowski and take it to U.S. Supreme Court. At the least it would be a symbolic measure.

Where the fuck do you get this wacko idea that you can tell Alaskans how to think? And second-guess their elections?

Fascist much?

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