BYE BYE Murkowski! JOE MILLER, Please run again.

Murkowski is a RINO.

Perhaps word has yet to get to the intellectual hinterlands but ---- Senators are elected to represent constituents.............. not fucking political parties.

And a bunch of those constituents came down to DC to voice their concerns. You know, the ones a Senator is put there to represent. And that's Alaska's business --- not that of a fucking political party.

There's no such thing as a "RINO" or "DINO" except for Duopolist-apologizing partisan hacks.

Actually I'm just stating that way for equanimity; I never hear anyone complaining of a "DINO". The hive mentality seems to be all on the one side. Curious.
Incorrect.....yes they do represent their state...but when you run for office saying you will support certain positions and abandon those.....well.......she's toast.
"Working on slogans for Murkowski's re-elect. Like: "Appointed By My Dad, Loathed By My Party, Dependably Disloyal, Thick as a Brick…MURKOWSKI!"

Murkowski calls Kavanaugh an empty suit spoiled brat, given everything he has by his Dad (the governor) appointing him to a senate seat -- OH WAIT! THAT'S MURKOWSKI."
Murkowski is a complete retard, I read her reason for voting no it was as stupid as she is. A nominee is just supposed to sit quietly while these asshole Dem's attack him and his family??? Really Murkowski? Where is your condemnation for how Dem's behaved during this entire circus? Alaska needs to put its head out of its ass.
Murkowski is a complete retard, I read her reason for voting no it was as stupid as she is. A nominee is just supposed to sit quietly while these asshole Dem's attack him and his family??? Really Murkowski? Where is your condemnation for how Dem's behaved during this entire circus? Alaska needs to put its head out of its ass.

Yet another armchair fascist, trying to tell Alaska what to do.

You'd think a self-styled "legend" would come up with something creative. You'd think.

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