Bye Justin!

not clear your point.
Sorry! That happens a lot. Aside from all the extraneous twaddle, my point is that Amash must have been aware of the s**tstorm that would follow his step outside from the herd.

jc, just to be clear, I'd guess that any Democrat that said he/she believes Trump did not obstruct would get the same shabby treatment.
I am so sorry about this. It is natural to get miffed at a friend that breaks with the going trend, but time was when it wouldn't get you on some nutcase's hit list like that crazy Coast Guardsman Hassan. Truth is that most of us are basic red or blue, but we all have a tad of the other in us too. I'm a conservative liberal that deeply believes in personal responsibility without handouts if possible. And I'm sure there are conservatives that are pro-choice and want a clean environment and are willing to tighten the belt to attain it.
not clear your point.
Sorry! That happens a lot. Aside from all the extraneous twaddle, my point is that Amash must have been aware of the s**tstorm that would follow his step outside from the herd.

jc, just to be clear, I'd guess that any Democrat that said he/she believes Trump did not obstruct would get the same shabby treatment.
I am so sorry about this. It is natural to get miffed at a friend that breaks with the going trend, but time was when it wouldn't get you on some nutcase's hit list like that crazy Coast Guardsman Hassan. Truth is that most of us are basic red or blue, but we all have a tad of the other in us too. I'm a conservative liberal that deeply believes in personal responsibility without handouts if possible. And I'm sure there are conservatives that are pro-choice and want a clean environment and are willing to tighten the belt to attain it.
I'm actually a really flexible person. I can accept things that i don't necessarily agree with in an effort to better something else while getting something from the other party in return. but, when the other party renegs on things continuously, well, I no longer have that option. I don't do renegs, you make a gentleman's deal, you made a gentleman's deal. no renegs. the left reneged. bye!!! How one can stand with someone who renegs is beyond me.
not clear your point.
Sorry! That happens a lot. Aside from all the extraneous twaddle, my point is that Amash must have been aware of the s**tstorm that would follow his step outside from the herd.

jc, just to be clear, I'd guess that any Democrat that said he/she believes Trump did not obstruct would get the same shabby treatment.
I am so sorry about this. It is natural to get miffed at a friend that breaks with the going trend, but time was when it wouldn't get you on some nutcase's hit list like that crazy Coast Guardsman Hassan. Truth is that most of us are basic red or blue, but we all have a tad of the other in us too. I'm a conservative liberal that deeply believes in personal responsibility without handouts if possible. And I'm sure there are conservatives that are pro-choice and want a clean environment and are willing to tighten the belt to attain it.
I'm actually a really flexible person. I can accept things that i don't necessarily agree with in an effort to better something else while getting something from the other party in return. but, when the other party renegs on things continuously, well, I no longer have that option. I don't do renegs, you make a gentleman's deal, you made a gentleman's deal. no renegs. the left reneged. bye!!! How one can stand with someone who renegs is beyond me.
Now you've lost me. What renegs?
not clear your point.
Sorry! That happens a lot. Aside from all the extraneous twaddle, my point is that Amash must have been aware of the s**tstorm that would follow his step outside from the herd.

jc, just to be clear, I'd guess that any Democrat that said he/she believes Trump did not obstruct would get the same shabby treatment.
I am so sorry about this. It is natural to get miffed at a friend that breaks with the going trend, but time was when it wouldn't get you on some nutcase's hit list like that crazy Coast Guardsman Hassan. Truth is that most of us are basic red or blue, but we all have a tad of the other in us too. I'm a conservative liberal that deeply believes in personal responsibility without handouts if possible. And I'm sure there are conservatives that are pro-choice and want a clean environment and are willing to tighten the belt to attain it.
I'm actually a really flexible person. I can accept things that i don't necessarily agree with in an effort to better something else while getting something from the other party in return. but, when the other party renegs on things continuously, well, I no longer have that option. I don't do renegs, you make a gentleman's deal, you made a gentleman's deal. no renegs. the left reneged. bye!!! How one can stand with someone who renegs is beyond me.
Now you've lost me. What renegs?
a different way to say renege.

Definition of RENEGE

reneged; reneging
Definition of renege

intransitive verb

1: to go back on a promise or commitment
3obsolete : to
It’s not the first time he’s gotten a primary challenger.
He’s one of that freedom caucus that Michelle Bachman and other of the crazy Republicans belong too.

The thing with the freedom caucus is they’re just crazy, they’re not lawless. People make the mistake thinking because they don’t support criminal activity they can’t be freedom caucus.

The majority of the Republican Party supports criminal behavior. And that’s going to put them at odds with the freedom caucus who are merely crazy.
Why are so many guys named "Justin" such douchebags? Justin Amash, Justin Trudeau, Justin Bieber (why doesn't he ever hit puberty?). Hell, I have a spoiled-brat 300 pound, gluttonous human dirigible of a cousin named Justin. I also have a nephew named also named Justin who has a rather violent form of severe Down's syndrome (courtesy of all the methamphetamine my sister did while pregnant with him).
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I'm from Detroit and know that Trump carried Michigan by hitting the rural and small town communities....he did it by showing up....old school politics. This dipshit RINO who's against him is looking out for himself....once they get a taste of life in the Big Casino they're terrified of returning to a studio apartment with pea green walls. Although Detroit is on the comeback trail, it's still in pretty bad shape for clowns like him and the arab hag from Dearborn to get elected to CONgress.
Why are so many guys named "Justin" such douchebags? Justin Amash, Justin Trudeau, Justin Bieber (why doesn't he ever hit puberty?). Hell, I have a spoiled-brat 300 pound, gluttonous human dirigible of a cousin named Justin.

And then there's Justin Verlander who makes $33M a year pitching for the Houston Astros and is married to Kate Upton....ya just never know. With me it's "Larry"...never knew a Larry who wasn't a douchebag.
Why are so many guys named "Justin" such douchebags? Justin Amash, Justin Trudeau, Justin Bieber (why doesn't he ever hit puberty?). Hell, I have a spoiled-brat 300 pound, gluttonous human dirigible of a cousin named Justin.

And then there's Justin Verlander who makes $33M a year pitching for the Houston Astros and is married to Kate Upton....ya just never know. With me it's "Larry"...never knew a Larry who wasn't a douchebag.

Is mankind doomed to be plagued and irritated by guys named Justin? I think that very well may be the case.
The left have been inserting phony republicans into GOP elections for a long time...some of them get this double agent of the left....

Not hardly....He's one of the most libertarian members of congress in a "purple" state...Prolly throwing a bone to a local constituency.

In any event, his is a completely harmless stance, since impeachment is going nowhere...Politics is like this.

I'm pretty sure Trump put him up to it in order to embolden the Fascists who are afraid to cross psychopath Pelosi
Amash has a business in China that might be taking a hit under Trump tariffs.....
Made up BS by the right wing media. Amash is the real deal. Always has been.

I voted for Donnie and Amash. Amash isn’t doing this for personal gain
It’s not the first time he’s gotten a primary challenger.
it will most likely be his last though.

Based on what evidence?
the fact that he sided with the dems ignoring the facts of an attempted coup, I have confidence in his district they will kick him out. I didn't say he would, I said most likely.

Attempted coup? There was no attempted coup. Just another lie from Dishonest Donnie.
1: to go back on a promise or commitment
My friend, who has reneged more than Trump? From the multiple promise that Mexico would pay for a wall then demanding the American taxpayer pay, to testifying in person before an investigation then submitting written answers during his absence from the process, to promise of tax returns (post audit, snicker) then saying people voted for him anyway so he doesn't have to provide them, to allowing McGahn to testify (hopefully falsely at Sekulow's suggestion) then disallowing McGhan to answer a subpoena. Then there's the old waffle in Helsinki about changing 'would' to 'wouldn't' after he returned to a kerfuffle. I can hear Mary Poppins singing, "A spoonful of snake oil makes the medicine go down"

These are just a few examples

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