C.D.C. Data Shows U.S. Coronavirus Infections Much Higher Than Reported

there is a lot of unknowns around the WuFlu

but we started believing the worst posdible and all the new information has made it less deadly

including reports of falsely blaming the Fung Flu for deaths by motorcycle accident

Then how exactly are you able to conclude that covid is no more deadly than the common flu? What calculations did you use?

Clearly, you're not using numbers or data.
The death rate was below 1 when thus new report came along about the cdc umbers being 10-13 times too high. I dont need a slide rule to conclude that the new death rate is going way down

however something new could fly over the transome tomorrow to change that
The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

BJ -

This is why bubble people are so misinformed.

The rest of the world - infections have been overstated by at least 10%
The CDC and NYT - the rate is 2 to 13 times higher

Ya can't make it up

You can
They did.
that makes the chinese disease no more deadly than the common flu
Yep! This knocks the mortality rate clean through the floor. :lmao:
Not exactly. It reduces our 4% mortality to anywhere from 0.3% to 2%. Even at the low end, that’s still probably the worst pandemic we’ve had in a century and that’s with modern medicine.
The old mortality rate was not 4%
Pretty close. Mortality rate is deaths divided by cases. Between 3.5 and 4% currently.
Not even remotely close lol

Never was, never will be. Seems you too have been duped by BULLSHIT listings for cause of death. Hospitals got rich & you got dumber, congrats!
Ah, conspiracy theories. No matter what, there’s always people making up theories about stuff.
Its been documented by ACTUAL DOCTORS AND NURSES

You can choose to remain ignorant but you can not impose that ignorance on anyone else.
Sure. Because you saw it on the internet where everything is true.
And I've watched the interviews. Course you haven't because the thought of watching something you might disagree with makes you pee your pants.
Oh, interviews. I guess those 100% accurate too then. Nope. No one has ever lied, exaggerated or misled in an interview.
there is a lot of unknowns around the WuFlu

but we started believing the worst posdible and all the new information has made it less deadly

including reports of falsely blaming the Fung Flu for deaths by motorcycle accident

Then how exactly are you able to conclude that covid is no more deadly than the common flu? What calculations did you use?

Clearly, you're not using numbers or data.
The death rate was below 1 when thus new report came along about the cdc umbers being 10-13 times too high. I dont need a slide rule to conclude that the new death rate is going way down

however something new could fly over the transome tomorrow to change that

This report is about the number of infections, not the number of deaths.

Again, how exactly are you able to conclude that covid is no more deadly than the common flu? What numbers are you using?

I don't need a slide rule to show you that 32,000 is bigger than 5,000. Which calculations are you using?
How many has it killed?
Someone with late term cancer is tested for COVID and passes away and it's recorded as a death from COVID.
The CPT and IDC10 pays way more for COVID.

That doesn't answer my question.
Nobody knows how many people are dying from COVID.
The COVID IDC10 and followup CPT pay way more than any other combination and every health facility is lying their asses off and making a fortune.
Even in Israel where there was a 3 week lock down, it has made a resurgence.
Except in Israel, they tell the truth about what someone dies from.
My wife and I know way too many MDs and nurses for anybody to pull the wool over our eyes.
Nobody knows how many people are dying from COVID.

Then it's not useful to discuss numbers with you if we can't even agree on numbers.
I agree and that's exactly the problem; at least I admit it.
The real discussion is exercising caution by wearing masks and social distancing in order not to infect others.
All other discussions are political horseshit.
For what it's worth, a shitload of people in Nassau County have stopped wearing masks.
CDC claims that covid infections are much higher than what is reported. You guys accept that.

CDC claims that there are a lot of covid deaths. You guys don't accept that.

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

BJ -

This is why bubble people are so misinformed.

The rest of the world - infections have been overstated by at least 10%
The CDC and NYT - the rate is 2 to 13 times higher

Ya can't make it up

You can
They did.

I agree. It's my opinion that covid was here way more early then they say.
CDC claims that covid infections are much higher than what is reported. You guys accept that.

CDC claims that there are a lot of covid deaths. You guys don't accept that.

I know way more people who have had COVID than died from it...What's the problem?
You have a fever and get better...does that upset you?
The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

BJ -

This is why bubble people are so misinformed.

The rest of the world - infections have been overstated by at least 10%
The CDC and NYT - the rate is 2 to 13 times higher

Ya can't make it up

You can
They did.
that makes the chinese disease no more deadly than the common flu
Yep! This knocks the mortality rate clean through the floor. :lmao:
Not exactly. It reduces our 4% mortality to anywhere from 0.3% to 2%. Even at the low end, that’s still probably the worst pandemic we’ve had in a century and that’s with modern medicine.
The old mortality rate was not 4%
Pretty close. Mortality rate is deaths divided by cases. Between 3.5 and 4% currently.
Not even remotely close lol

Never was, never will be. Seems you too have been duped by BULLSHIT listings for cause of death. Hospitals got rich & you got dumber, congrats!
Ah, conspiracy theories. No matter what, there’s always people making up theories about stuff.
Its been documented by ACTUAL DOCTORS AND NURSES

You can choose to remain ignorant but you can not impose that ignorance on anyone else.
Sure. Because you saw it on the internet where everything is true.
And I've watched the interviews. Course you haven't because the thought of watching something you might disagree with makes you pee your pants.
Oh, interviews. I guess those 100% accurate too then. Nope. No one has ever lied, exaggerated or misled in an interview.
Christ you are a sad individual. You have singlehandedly eliminated ANY source as being legit.

A real moron

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