C.D.C. Data Shows U.S. Coronavirus Infections Much Higher Than Reported

Why do YOU talk nonsense ? Everyone KNOWS this came from China. Only question is were US Democrats in on it, with them ? I suspect yes. They will do ANYTHING to win in November. But this is backfiring on them.

Yes, this nonsense. Here you are musing about whether Democrats colluded with China to infect Americans with a virus to beat Trump.

Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit.
Who's "Corona-Bob" ?

Yes, this nonsense. Here you are musing about whether Democrats colluded with China to infect Americans with a virus to beat Trump.

Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit.
You have no more shreds of evidence to show they didn't collude with China, than I have to show they did. Actually, I might have slightly more evidence (circumstanially) to show they might have.

1. It is in league with their MO of demonizing Trump to have an issue to make him look bad.

2. Democrats leftist philosophy is also in league with China's Marxism, and globalist internationalism vs Trump's nationalism.
1. How did the name Bob get into it ?

2, Trump has emerged as the HERO of the Coronavirus issue, you don't know ? lol
See Post # 100.

1. "Baghdad Bob" ring a bell? No?

2. To steal a word: "Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit."
The flu doesn't kill 32,000 people in New York.
Maybe it wont kill any in new york this year since the chinese disease got to them first

Let's assume that's true.

Covid has already killed 32,000 people in New York this year. The flu usually kills around 5,000 people in New York.

32,000 > 5,000

This is more deadly than the flu.
Not to mention the many cases of survivors suffering from neurological damage, strokes, kidney damage, damage to their sense of smell and taste, etc.

But talk radio somehow forgets to cover any of that.
Yes, this nonsense. Here you are musing about whether Democrats colluded with China to infect Americans with a virus to beat Trump.

Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit.
You have no more shreds of evidence to show they didn't collude with China, than I have to show they did. Actually, I might have slightly more evidence (circumstanially) to show they might have.

1. It is in league with their MO of demonizing Trump to have an issue to make him look bad.

2. Democrats leftist philosophy is also in league with China's Marxism, and globalist internationalism vs Trump's nationalism.
No, you don’t. You have confirmation bias, that’s all.
1. "Baghdad Bob" ring a bell? No?

2. To steal a word: "Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit."
1. No it doesn't. :yourpointsmile:

2. So you are disputing the CDC's Covid death reports as "fake" ? If so, upon what might that dispute be based ? :neutral:
No, you don’t. You have confirmation bias, that’s all.
No, there is evidence. Circumstantial and slight, but evidence nevertheless.

Note: I haven't really researched a Democrat/China Covid connection. Subsequent research could reveal more. Stay tuned.

And: Let’s not forget Biden’s back door deals with CHINA as well.
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The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

BJ -

This is why bubble people are so misinformed.

The rest of the world - infections have been overstated by at least 10%
The CDC and NYT - the rate is 2 to 13 times higher

Ya can't make it up

You can
They did.

Great news! means this shit is less deadly than thought.

1. No it doesn't. :yourpointsmile:

2. So you are disputing the CDC's Covid death reports as "fake" ? If so, upon what might that dispute be based ? :neutral:

1. Baghdad Bob achieved immortality with his performances touting Saddam's message about Iraq emerging victorious while U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad. Whereas Trump is touting his own horn spreading the message he's doing a spectacular job, and the virus is miraculously going away, while the virus rages through communities throughout the country. He shall forever be remembered as "Corona Bob". He deserves it.

2. The previously declining death rates were due to physicians learning how better to treat Covid-19 patients, keeping more of them alive. Currently, the surge in cases overwhelms these advances of science due to Corona Bob's bungled, callous, incompetent pandemic response, and death rates are rising. Describing Corona Bob as a hero is about as otherworldly as describing Baghdad Bob as a hero. No, wait, it's exactly as otherworldly, or rather, complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit.

With that, the lesson comes to and end, since you - Corona Bob, the Lesser - have complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit for brains. Utterly pointless.
1. "Baghdad Bob" ring a bell? No?

2. To steal a word: "Complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit."
1. No it doesn't. :yourpointsmile:

2. So you are disputing the CDC's Covid death reports as "fake" ? If so, upon what might that dispute be based ? :neutral:

Pehaps the fact that states like NY and NJ are counting every respiratory death as covid...
1. Baghdad Bob achieved immortality with his performances touting Saddam's message about Iraq emerging victorious while U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad. Whereas Trump is touting his own horn spreading the message he's doing a spectacular job, and the virus is miraculously going away, while the virus rages through communities throughout the country. He shall forever be remembered as "Corona Bob". He deserves it.

2. The previously declining death rates were due to physicians learning how better to treat Covid-19 patients, keeping more of them alive. Currently, the surge in cases overwhelms these advances of science due to Corona Bob's bungled, callous, incompetent pandemic response, and Describing Corona Bob as a hero is about as otherworldly as describing Baghdad Bob as a hero. No, wait, it's exactly as otherworldly, or rather, complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit.

With that, the lesson comes to and end, since you - Corona Bob, the Lesser - have complete tin foil hat, flat earth, fake moon landing, Illuminati, alien abduction level bullshit for brains. Utterly pointless.
Here's YOUR "lesson" >>>

1. The virus raging throughout the country has more to do with citizens ignoring the advice of Trump, Pence, Fauci, Birks, and others in the Trump Task force, than any other things. Cases may be up, but deaths are Waaaay down. Here's why cases go up >>>


2. The declining death rates are previous and CURRENT, as you incorrectly put this in the past tense. As of the last date reported by the CDC (July18), the death rate is still falling - from 2,097 July 11, to 336 July 18)

You also incorrectly stated that death rates are rising. FALSE! They are falling in a continuous decline (from 16,943 on 4/18, to 336 July 18)

Your post, overflowing with style is a complete failure due to you posting FALSE information. Caution: Form cannot substitute for incorrect or "bullshit" content.

And you have no excuse, since before your false comment of "death rates are rising." >>the CDC numbers were already posted in this thread, in Post # 100.

3. Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and fast development of a vaccine is underway.

The American people have much to thank President Trump for, including the numbskulls who don't acknowledge it.
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yes the death rate is under 1.3% right now and falling.
And Trump-bashing Democrats, hopelessly trying to use the pandemic as a way to stop Trump in November (maybe their last hope), are lying and claiming the death rate is rising. They must be countered with the truth, each and every time.

Good Job!
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The flu doesn't kill 32,000 people in New York.
Maybe it wont kill any in new york this year since the chinese disease got to them first

Let's assume that's true.

Covid has already killed 32,000 people in New York this year. The flu usually kills around 5,000 people in New York.

32,000 > 5,000

This is more deadly than the flu.
Not to mention the many cases of survivors suffering from neurological damage, strokes, kidney damage, damage to their sense of smell and taste, etc.

But talk radio somehow forgets to cover any of that.
how many people have been permanently damaged by the chinese disease?

you are good at spreading fear but the fact is that most people are not affected at all by the virus
For all those still willing to process and trying to understand data: The numbers posted by Corona Bob (the Lesser) have a commonly known flaw in that it takes weeks for the numbers to flow in. That means that for more recent weeks, the deaths are severely under-counted, and the CDC informs users about it:

The provisional counts for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths are based on a current flow of mortality data in the National Vital Statistics System. National provisional counts include deaths occurring within the 50 states and the District of Columbia that have been received and coded as of the date specified. It is important to note that it can take several weeks for death records to be submitted to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), processed, coded, and tabulated. Therefore, the data shown on this page may be incomplete, and will likely not include all deaths that occurred during a given time period, especially for the more recent time periods.

That's all there is to the lying lick-spittle's "declining death rates". For the last two weeks, Covid-19 deaths rose from below 600 to 800 per day (7-day average).
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The flu doesn't kill 32,000 people in New York.
Maybe it wont kill any in new york this year since the chinese disease got to them first

Let's assume that's true.

Covid has already killed 32,000 people in New York this year. The flu usually kills around 5,000 people in New York.

32,000 > 5,000

This is more deadly than the flu.
Not to mention the many cases of survivors suffering from neurological damage, strokes, kidney damage, damage to their sense of smell and taste, etc.

But talk radio somehow forgets to cover any of that.
how many people have been permanently damaged by the chinese disease?

you are good at spreading fear but the fact is that most people are not affected at all by the virus
You must be very angry at what Trump said yesterday, then.

Why is the man you adore so much spreading fear?

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