C-SPAN 2021 Presidential Rankings

Stupid people fall for the appeal to authority fallacy every time, it seems.

Intelligent people ask questions, instead, and the intelligent question to ask here regards to the metrics (if any) being used.
Well C-SPAN’s annual rankings of Presidents is out. They seem pretty solid. I’d have Obama ahead of Reagan but below JFK but it’s in the ballpark. Maybe Jefferson gets a boost from pre Presidency accomplishments.

Top 10

1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. FDR
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Ike
6. Truman
7. Jefferson
8. Kennedy
9. Reagan
10. Obama

Bottom 5

40. Harrison
41. Trump
42. Pierce
43. A. Johnson
44. Buchanan

(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)

Full list:
(It’s 44 because Cleveland is twice, but ranked once together)
C-SPAN used to be gold standard of non partisan neutrality

But that was when the founder Brian Lamb was in control

But all good thing end eventually

And C-SPAN is non partisan no more
Lyndon Johnson should be higher than Reagan or Obama.
Lyndon Johhson reinstituted slavery.

Why are all of you Democrats so pro-slavery?

I believe that slavery is very unethical, why don't you?

Why do you Democrats believe that other people should be your personal property?
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Lyndon Johnson should be higher than Reagan or Obama.
Lyndon Johhson reinstituted slavery.

Why are all of you Democrats so pro-slavery?

I believe that slavery is very unethical, why don't you?

Why do you Democrats believe that other people should be your personal property?
Why are you such a moron?
I don't believe that I am a moron because I scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

Why are you dodging the questions?
Trump was dead last in Administrative Skills.

I thought what America needed was a businessman in office? A businessman should have topped the list.


So why dead last, Trumpers? Is the whole reverence for a businessman running the country bullshit? Or was Trump just a complete business fuck-up? An outlier to this decades-held ideology?
Lyndon Johnson should be higher than Reagan or Obama.
Lyndon Johhson reinstituted slavery.

Why are all of you Democrats so pro-slavery?

I believe that slavery is very unethical, why don't you?

Why do you Democrats believe that other people should be your personal property?
Why are you such a moron?
We know when something real tragic happens, massive changes occur. Sometimes to much with some disasters in the results. A lot of money has been spent with success to correct wrongs, but near not enough for what the taxpayers have had taken from their hide. And the tragedy was the the assassination of JFK. that gave LBJ a sympathetic Presidency he then screwed up as he was not going to win in 1968.
Lyndon Johnson should be higher than Reagan or Obama.
Lyndon Johhson reinstituted slavery.

Why are all of you Democrats so pro-slavery?

I believe that slavery is very unethical, why don't you?

Why do you Democrats believe that other people should be your personal property?
Why are you such a moron?
We know when something real tragic happens, massive changes occur. Sometimes to much with some disasters in the results. A lot of money has been spent with success to correct wrongs, but near not enough for what the taxpayers have had taken from their hide. And the tragedy was the the assassination of JFK. that gave LBJ a sympathetic Presidency he then screwed up as he was not going to win in 1968.
IIRC, Lyndon Johnson didn't even run. And he had a perverted habit of pulling his penis out in front of his colleagues when he was drunk, which was a daily occurrence. The Secret Service guys have written that he was more of a lush than even Hillary Clinton.
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