CA girls demand their "right" to be boy scouts

I don't like it when it is one sided...Girls always demand men to give up things we have but they call us names if a boy wanted to get into the girl scots [sic].

It is insane.

The Girl Scouts do, in fact, allow boys to join and participate…

What is Girl Scouts' position on serving transgender youth?
Girl Scouts is proud to be the premiere leadership organization for girls in the country. Placement of transgender youth is handled on a case-by-case basis, with the welfare and best interests of the child and the members of the troop/group in question a top priority. That said, if the child is recognized by the family and school/community as a girl and lives culturally as a girl, then Girl Scouts is an organization that can serve her in a setting that is both emotionally and physically safe.

In other words, if a boy claims to “identify” as a girl, the Girl Scouts will recognize him as such, and allow him to join.

How weird.
The mother is at the bottom of all this.
"Jacobs' mom, Danielle - herself a Boy and Girl Scout leader - helped the girls formally apply to become Boy Scouts. Last week, they were rejected.
"I don't think that having girls join and having a co-ed program necessarily destroys that tradition," Danielle said."

Yup - she' prolly hoping some rich moron will send her a million bucks to fund her "battle for justice".
Well, the OP is news to me. When I was in Cub and Boy Scouts my sister was in Girl Scouts, and they did a lot of the same activities re camping and the like, and even did summer camps at some of the same Scout camps, did the Merit Badge Collection thing, etc., etc.

So when did they change, or is it just California weirdos that changed? My guess is the California nut jobs split off on their own and attempted to turn their Girl Scout Orgs. into Femmi-Nazi propaganda mills or something years ago, and now are deciding to go back to the old school Scouting and pretending the Boy Scouts should finance their hobby shift.
Yes because if we allow girls to build fires and camp, they might turn into boys. :lol: This is so funny. Lol.
I wanted to be in the Boy Scouts when I was a little girl because they did all the cool stuff... The fact that they didn't accept girls wasn't a "big deal" though, I just QQ to my Mommy about it and moved on with my life.
Pick your battles. This one is stupid. It means absolutely nothing.
We're getting away from the simple truth that BSA is a PRIVATE organization and not subject to the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act. Hopefully these snotty girls' parents will lose the lawsuit and pay the legal fees for BSA.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why have boy and girl scouts been separated in the first place? If they were together from the very beginning this wouldn't even be an issue now. At the end of the day, a scout is a scout no matter if they are male or female aren't they?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Males and females are not separated in the law enforcement field, the fire fighting field, etc., so why are the male and female scouts separated?
Here's the woman behind it...there is some really strong mental issues in those eyes.


Got tranny wrote all over her.
Cross dressing freak
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why have boy and girl scouts been separated in the first place? If they were together from the very beginning this wouldn't even be an issue now. At the end of the day, a scout is a scout no matter if they are male or female aren't they?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Males and females are not separated in the law enforcement field, the fire fighting field, etc., so why are the male and female scouts separated?
Because males and females are different. Period
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why have boy and girl scouts been separated in the first place? If they were together from the very beginning this wouldn't even be an issue now. At the end of the day, a scout is a scout no matter if they are male or female aren't they?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Males and females are not separated in the law enforcement field, the fire fighting field, etc., so why are the male and female scouts separated?
Boy Scouts was created to socialize boys and turn them into patriotic men. This is the chief reason why the Left have the Boy Scour under attack.
Well, the OP is news to me. When I was in Cub and Boy Scouts my sister was in Girl Scouts, and they did a lot of the same activities re camping and the like, and even did summer camps at some of the same Scout camps, did the Merit Badge Collection thing, etc., etc.

So when did they change, or is it just California weirdos that changed?
My guess is the California nut jobs split off on their own and attempted to turn their Girl Scout Orgs. into Femmi-Nazi propaganda mills or something years ago, and now are deciding to go back to the old school Scouting and pretending the Boy Scouts should finance their hobby shift.

My understanding is that the entire Girl Scouts organization went in that direction, a very long time ago.
"What are the legal prospects for the California girls who want to join the Boy Scouts of America? Five girls, ages 10 to 13, have asked the local council to be admitted as full-fledged Boy Scouts. Should they eventually take their case to court, they won’t be able to rely on Title IX, the law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions, because Congress wrote in an exemption for the Boy Scouts.

Section 1681(a)(6). It exempts social fraternities and sororities, and adds the YMCA and YWCA, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and the Camp Fire Girls.

The law doesn’t give any explanation for the exemption, but it’s easy to see how it came about. Congress didn’t want to alter the existing parallel structure for boys and girls in a nationally prominent, traditional organization."
No Girls Allowed? Boy Scouts Have a Case - Bloomberg View


I do not see a girl as a boy scout for a while unless the BSA relents.
I'm ok with this unisex stuff as long as we're consistent. That means letting boys play on girls basketball teams and swim teams and golf teams. Same with the pros. Let men play the WNBA and LPGA.

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

News of the girls' participation reached the local Boy Scout council, which last month, barred them from further scouting activities.

"They're just being discriminatory and not nice," said Jacobs. "Because we're girls, they're saying because we're a different gender we shouldn't be allowed to do the same things boys can."

Agree...sometimes this stuff just goes too far. There's value in girls-only and boys-only organizations, especially for youth. We are different - not better, or worse but different and those differences are met in boy scouts and girls scouts not unisex scouts.

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