Boy scouts lose 425,000 boys 1 week after announcing name change

425,000? Wow. That's a lot. Boy Scouts was never really very popular in my area. I was a member of the Brownies when I was very young, like 5. It sucked. We just sat around a classroom and drank juice and ate cookies - or at least that is all I can remember.

My kid sister was a Brownie but Mom made me study Piano and Cello. Mom would not let me join the Boy Scouts, too expensive she said.

More expensive than a piano and piano lessons or a cello and cello lessons? I have no idea how much either activity costs, but I imagine that neither of them would be cheap.

Actually making me study piano and cello taught me mathematics that I could not master and especially harmonics. Harmonics are bad in the electrical industry but good in music. Teaching a child how to play the piano was horrible for me but connected my brain neurons correct when young. I mastered the piano but sat third chair on cello. The Horror.
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.

Our entire education system began emasculating males nearly 10 years ago.
Removing pretty much all things male -specific.

And it shows in the current younger generation of "boys" a lot of whom remind me of little mice. :D Seriously. A lot of them seem to be either pudgy, out of shape and lazy or really mousy and meek. What is happening to our boys?
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.
I don’t think the Boy Scouts are trying to create a gender less society

They are finding their existing format less relevant to today’s kids. They seem to think that expanding their base might convince more kids to join
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.
I don’t think the Boy Scouts are trying to create a gender less society

They are finding their existing format less relevant to today’s kids. They seem to think that expanding their base might convince more kids to join

Well, just offer video games, cell phones and McDonald's.
Quote the entire post lmao. You're trapped like a rat. YOU mentioned parents....gawd you're ignorant

Let's try something else - since you are entirely incapable of answering my previous questions. Or simply don't dare for fear of making your whole original point look nonsensical.

What specifically is your objection to boys camping (supervised by Scout Leaders) with girls?

Boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I don't have anything against girls wishing to be boys, but damnit the two genders are different and wiping out that element isn't good.

How is boys and girls camping together going to wipe them out?

How are boys having their own scout organization and free from homosexuals such a threat to the Libtards?

It is because they are crazy is all I can gather. Lol. They don't want people to be able to "exclude" anyone. This probably relates back to their own childhoods - that's my theory.

It is a shame that Libtard stupidity and hatefulness had damaged and will probably result in the death of the Boy Scouts.

The stupid Liberals in this country are obsessed with political correctness and are out of touch with reality and it is a shame.

They destroy everything they touch.
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.

Our entire education system began emasculating males nearly 10 years ago.
Removing pretty much all things male -specific.

And it shows in the current younger generation of "boys" a lot of whom remind me of little mice. :D Seriously. A lot of them seem to be either pudgy, out of shape and lazy or really mousy and meek. What is happening to our boys?

Masculinity is being discouraged, and even medicated out of boys. The Drugging of the American Boy

Playground equipment providing boys the scientifically proven greater need for physical activity than girls - GONE.
Physical education for schools across the nation have removed virtually all activity that is "too competitive" or gave boys a physical advantage after the education system insisted P.E. be co-ed. Which is dumb.
"Violent" books...which means pretty much any book with action-drama....GONE.

You can go on.
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.

Our entire education system began emasculating males nearly 10 years ago.
Removing pretty much all things male -specific.

And it shows in the current younger generation of "boys" a lot of whom remind me of little mice. :D Seriously. A lot of them seem to be either pudgy, out of shape and lazy or really mousy and meek. What is happening to our boys?

Masculinity is being discouraged, and even medicated out of boys. The Drugging of the American Boy

Playground equipment providing boys the scientifically proven greater need for physical activity than girls - GONE.
Physical education for schools across the nation have removed virtually all activity that is "too competitive" or gave boys a physical advantage after the education system insisted P.E. be co-ed. Which is dumb.
"Violent" books...which means pretty much any book with action-drama....GONE.

You can go on.

Let's try something else - since you are entirely incapable of answering my previous questions. Or simply don't dare for fear of making your whole original point look nonsensical.

What specifically is your objection to boys camping (supervised by Scout Leaders) with girls?

Boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I don't have anything against girls wishing to be boys, but damnit the two genders are different and wiping out that element isn't good.

How is boys and girls camping together going to wipe them out?

How are boys having their own scout organization and free from homosexuals such a threat to the Libtards?

It is because they are crazy is all I can gather. Lol. They don't want people to be able to "exclude" anyone. This probably relates back to their own childhoods - that's my theory.

It is a shame that Libtard stupidity and hatefulness had damaged and will probably result in the death of the Boy Scouts.

The stupid Liberals in this country are obsessed with political correctness and are out of touch with reality and it is a shame.

They destroy everything they touch.

I think a large part of the problem is a lack of physical activity and technology, so kids don't want to play outside anymore. They want to stay in and be on their electronic devices all day long, so they aren't getting outside, they aren't really socializing with other boys and girls outside of school and twitter and FB and snapchat, or whatever social media they are using. Also, the processed foods, and I've also heard of things to do with hormones that they put into our food. It's probably a combination of many different things, including liberals demeaning masculinity and always making it seem as if masculinity is a negative thing.
Let's try something else - since you are entirely incapable of answering my previous questions. Or simply don't dare for fear of making your whole original point look nonsensical.

What specifically is your objection to boys camping (supervised by Scout Leaders) with girls?

Boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I don't have anything against girls wishing to be boys, but damnit the two genders are different and wiping out that element isn't good.

How is boys and girls camping together going to wipe them out?

How are boys having their own scout organization and free from homosexuals such a threat to the Libtards?

It is because they are crazy is all I can gather. Lol. They don't want people to be able to "exclude" anyone. This probably relates back to their own childhoods - that's my theory.

It is a shame that Libtard stupidity and hatefulness had damaged and will probably result in the death of the Boy Scouts.

The stupid Liberals in this country are obsessed with political correctness and are out of touch with reality and it is a shame.

They destroy everything they touch.
Boy Scouts has never been a liberal organization
It is faith based and most of the leadership is very conservative
I think liberals are confusing "masculinity" with being an asshole. Lol. Some PEOPLE (men and women) are assholes. Just because a guy who is an asshole also might try to be masculine, that doesn't mean that all masculine men are assholes. ;)
I think liberals are confusing "masculinity" with being an asshole. Lol. Some PEOPLE (men and women) are assholes. Just because a guy who is an asshole also might try to be masculine, that doesn't mean that all masculine men are assholes. ;)

These Liberals are confused about many things.

They need to stop being so full of hate and mindless political correctness and most of all stop being assholes.
I think liberals are confusing "masculinity" with being an asshole. Lol. Some PEOPLE (men and women) are assholes. Just because a guy who is an asshole also might try to be masculine, that doesn't mean that all masculine men are assholes. ;)

The Boy Scouts will rise again and this is only a minor setback. 425,000 Boy Scouts jump ship in one week, I thought Courage was part of the Boy Scouts Motto and I know Honor is.
I think liberals are confusing "masculinity" with being an asshole. Lol. Some PEOPLE (men and women) are assholes. Just because a guy who is an asshole also might try to be masculine, that doesn't mean that all masculine men are assholes. ;)

The Boy Scouts will rise again and this is only a minor setback. 425,000 Boy Scouts jump ship in one week, I thought Courage was part of the Boy Scouts Motto and I know Honor is.

The Boy Scouts are too entangled with the old Anglo establishment.\

We need a new young male org that is traditional, Christian and masculinely pro-American.
I think liberals are confusing "masculinity" with being an asshole. Lol. Some PEOPLE (men and women) are assholes. Just because a guy who is an asshole also might try to be masculine, that doesn't mean that all masculine men are assholes. ;)

The Boy Scouts will rise again and this is only a minor setback. 425,000 Boy Scouts jump ship in one week, I thought Courage was part of the Boy Scouts Motto and I know Honor is.

I don’t see how losing 425,000 Mormons hurts the organization

At its core, Scouts are made up of individual troops and local councils. They get very little funding from the national BSA. In fact, most troops pay more in to BSA than they get in return.

So a local troop of 20 boys is not really affected by 425,000 Mormons in Utah leaving BSA
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I don't care that they invited girls to join personally. Maybe if they made Girl Scouts more than about sewing and selling cookies, more girls would be interested in the Girl Scouts. I remember the commercials for Boy Scouts looked like fun when I was little. They got to do all kinds of cool things in the commercials. Lol. I don't think it was quite the same for Girl Scouts. Well, girls like to have fun and excitement too!
I don't care that they invited girls to join personally. Maybe if they made Girl Scouts more than about sewing and selling cookies, more girls would be interested in the Girl Scouts. I remember the commercials for Boy Scouts looked like fun when I was little. They got to do all kinds of cool things in the commercials. Lol. I don't think it was quite the same for Girl Scouts. Well, girls like to have fun and excitement too!

When my sons were in scouts, other than the monthly camping trips they went whitewater rafting, rock climbing, swimming, sailing, kayaking, fishing, shooting, son even got to fly an airplane

Activities most kids don’t get to experience
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

LOL , it didn't take a rocket scientist to have known this was going to happen.

Well of course. The point of the BOY scouts is that it's for BOYS. You change it so girls can join, and it simply isn't BOY scouts anymore.

I knew this was going to happen to. I would pull my boys out for sure. The whole point is to send them where they can have men mentors, and develop relationships with boys.

SOME haven't learned that destroying the male is an engineered plan. Radical feminist and these twisted loons hung up on " Woman power" Hear me roar will destroy it for males.

If these idiots want " equality" they sure in the hell don't show it.

Men should have their " get away from women" clubs, trips, socializing days too as well as places to go.

It sickens me these feminist idiots want to invade everything male while screaming " equal rights" .....

Hey man...if you are SOOOO desperate to get away with just the boys...why don't you drop by a gay men's club? I imagine that many of them organize lots of men-only getaway's.

I mean you seem SO desperate for men-only bars seems to be what you are calling out for.

Now Me? I don't much care for going away with just men. But I am hetero, so......

First off i'm a female........

2nd off asshat . if WOMEN can have their own gawd dam everything why in the hell can't men.

You are an INDOCTRINATED IDIOT falling for a socialist set up and you have become an IDIOT victim..

WOMEN do NOT need to step into every aspect of a mans gawd dam enjoyments in life, just like a man should invade some of those " just female" groups in life..

are you seriously that stupid you can't figure out what that means.

You are beyond a MORON, and the issue has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING GAY ASSHOLE..
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Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

LOL , it didn't take a rocket scientist to have known this was going to happen.

Thank you MindWars and saveliberty
I guess this is more like the splits between church denominations that result in name changes.

Why not let the LDS and other "traditional" sponsors incorporate under a separate name
such as "American Boy Scouts" that keep the old school policies in place?

Churches go through this all the time, including over similar issues of homosexuality, marriage and gay pastors/priests.

The more different groups, the more people and policies can be "included" in the name of diversity.
Not one size fits all, because it doesn't.
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.
I don’t think the Boy Scouts are trying to create a gender less society

They are finding their existing format less relevant to today’s kids. They seem to think that expanding their base might convince more kids to join
Convince more kids to join. That's why they have lost so many. Who does that make sense too?7
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.
I don’t think the Boy Scouts are trying to create a gender less society

They are finding their existing format less relevant to today’s kids. They seem to think that expanding their base might convince more kids to join
Convince more kids to join. That's why they have lost so many. Who does that make sense too?7
Scouts is a great organization
They offer opportunities to young adults that are not available to most

Now they will offer those opportunities to girls
They may offer opportunities as will other groups. This is not going to help the scouts. Unfortunately ever politically correct action they have taken has only reduced and destroyed the organization further. They let in gay scouts and lost membership. They tried to fix that by admitting gay scoutmasters and shrunk further. Now they have abandoned the Boy Scouts completely and in the first week lost 425,000 members

Seems like they have been doing it wrong all along.

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