Boy scouts lose 425,000 boys 1 week after announcing name change

It is a good thing they are changing their name. As an Eagle Scout, I wanted nothing to do with what they have become in the last ten years. This way it preserves the high level of achievement and honor that an Eagle Scout denotes.

We just called it growing up injun style.
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.
What is wrong with boys camping with girls?
Are you stupid or what?

Are you a dinosaur or what?

Rightwinger answered it perfectly in post #54.

Yes, appaparently you are that stupid.

Thanks for demonstrating yuour answer.

And no, I am not obligated to answer questions whose answers are obvious, but most parents dont want their little Johny fucking little Tina when he goes camping, dumbass.

Welcome to my ignore list, troll.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

LOL , it didn't take a rocket scientist to have known this was going to happen.

I never been a Boy Scout but co-workers gave me the nickname Boy Scout because I was always prepared. Women in the work place are just as able as men and some women are stronger than men. Let the Girl Scouts become full fledged what ever they are now and if boys can't do a 15 mile hike, let the girls do it.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

LOL , it didn't take a rocket scientist to have known this was going to happen.

What about the Girl Scouts though?

The Girl Scouts will have to teach the Boy Scouts how to bake cookies. What is going to happen to the Brownies and Cub Scouts. Brownies wear a brown beret. The hat decision must be figured out .
425,000? Wow. That's a lot. Boy Scouts was never really very popular in my area. I was a member of the Brownies when I was very young, like 5. It sucked. We just sat around a classroom and drank juice and ate cookies - or at least that is all I can remember.
425,000? Wow. That's a lot. Boy Scouts was never really very popular in my area. I was a member of the Brownies when I was very young, like 5. It sucked. We just sat around a classroom and drank juice and ate cookies - or at least that is all I can remember.

My kid sister was a Brownie but Mom made me study Piano and Cello. Mom would not let me join the Boy Scouts, too expensive she said.
425,000? Wow. That's a lot. Boy Scouts was never really very popular in my area. I was a member of the Brownies when I was very young, like 5. It sucked. We just sat around a classroom and drank juice and ate cookies - or at least that is all I can remember.

My kid sister was a Brownie but Mom made me study Piano and Cello. Mom would not let me join the Boy Scouts, too expensive she said.

More expensive than a piano and piano lessons or a cello and cello lessons? I have no idea how much either activity costs, but I imagine that neither of them would be cheap.
Just to have your kid be able to play sports in school costs an arm and a leg nowadays. My son played football, and that was also super expensive, and they are always wanting more money for one thing or another.
Again jackass quote your entire post. YOU mentioned parental is there for everyone to see.

Good grief you're stupid

My question has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PARENTS you fucking moron.

It is my question and I dictate what it is referring to. How can you be so stupid as to not understand that?

I guess I have to ask it even simpler for your limited brain.

What is wrong with boys camping with girls?

Now can you get it together enough to answer that?

Quote the entire post lmao. You're trapped like a rat. YOU mentioned parents....gawd you're ignorant

Let's try something else - since you are entirely incapable of answering my previous questions. Or simply don't dare for fear of making your whole original point look nonsensical.

What specifically is your objection to boys camping (supervised by Scout Leaders) with girls?

Boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I don't have anything against girls wishing to be boys, but damnit the two genders are different and wiping out that element isn't good.

How is boys and girls camping together going to wipe them out?

How are boys having their own scout organization and free from homosexuals such a threat to the Libtards?
My question has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PARENTS you fucking moron.

It is my question and I dictate what it is referring to. How can you be so stupid as to not understand that?

I guess I have to ask it even simpler for your limited brain.

What is wrong with boys camping with girls?

Now can you get it together enough to answer that?

Quote the entire post lmao. You're trapped like a rat. YOU mentioned parents....gawd you're ignorant

Let's try something else - since you are entirely incapable of answering my previous questions. Or simply don't dare for fear of making your whole original point look nonsensical.

What specifically is your objection to boys camping (supervised by Scout Leaders) with girls?

Boys should be boys and girls should be girls. I don't have anything against girls wishing to be boys, but damnit the two genders are different and wiping out that element isn't good.

How is boys and girls camping together going to wipe them out?

How are boys having their own scout organization and free from homosexuals such a threat to the Libtards?

It is because they are crazy is all I can gather. Lol. They don't want people to be able to "exclude" anyone. This probably relates back to their own childhoods - that's my theory.
No outstanding skills for any ONE person. We are collectivists of a hive mentality dammit! :lol: We are all the same, no differences.
Isn't it odd how leftists are always braying about diversity but they sure don't like to acknowledge that diversity exists! :D
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change
One week after the century-old Boy Scouts of America announced it was changing its name and its mission to accept girls at all levels of scouting, its single biggest participant announced Tuesday that it was cutting ties to the Scouts.

LOL , it didn't take a rocket scientist to have known this was going to happen.

What about the Girl Scouts though?
Nope...not a peep about name change. Why? Seems to lend some credence to those who argue that there is a cultural war on boys.
My question has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PARENTS you fucking moron.

It is my question and I dictate what it is referring to. How can you be so stupid as to not understand that?

I guess I have to ask it even simpler for your limited brain.

What is wrong with boys camping with girls?

Now can you get it together enough to answer that?

Quote the entire post lmao. You're trapped like a rat. YOU mentioned parents....gawd you're ignorant

And again...he/she ducks the question. Or maybe she/he does not have the intellectual ability to answer questions she/he has not been prepared for...kinda like Trump.

What is wrong with boys camping with girls?

Well, I could see the problem if they're BOYS! A lot of babies being born 9 months later. ;) I don't think it is good to destroy the atmosphere of the BOY scouts. If a "Transman" wants to join then they'll have to be a man and deal with the reality that this place is a place for boys.
Most of the boys on the camping trips are 12-15 years old
If girls are there, there must be strict chaperone regulations. More difficult, but not impossible

Scouts go up to 18 years old
Kids that age will find a way scouting or not

So lets just help it along as they sneak off into the woods making it even easier than a school trip to the nearest mall.

And for an added bonus we have planned parenthood teaching them where the hell to stick a dildo at when they're 6 yrs old so yeah. They'll find a way alright lol.

If two 17 year olds want to find a way to have sex....they will
They don’t need the scouts
I'd still love to know what this obsession the Left has with creating a genderless society.

Any guesses? Clues? My suspicion is that it's tied to their hatred of masculinity. Dilution.

Our entire education system began emasculating males nearly 10 years ago.
Removing pretty much all things male -specific.

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