CA girls demand their "right" to be boy scouts

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why have boy and girl scouts been separated in the first place? If they were together from the very beginning this wouldn't even be an issue now. At the end of the day, a scout is a scout no matter if they are male or female aren't they?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Males and females are not separated in the law enforcement field, the fire fighting field, etc., so why are the male and female scouts separated?
Women don't belong in fire fighting.
Yes because if we allow girls to build fires and camp, they might turn into boys. :lol: This is so funny. Lol.

Who said that in this thread???

Well what are you all so worried about then?

What? What in my post makes you think I was worried about it? The Girl Scouts changed their focus years ago, apparently. All they need do is change their focus back to what they did in the past. Pretty simple; like I said, when I was in scouting the Girl Scouts did pretty much what Boy Scouts did, even sharing the same camps and weren't shut out of anything they wanted to do.

Who cares? Really who besides some nutty right wingers? :D So, some girls in CA want to join the Boy Scouts. BFD. This is . . . peanuts. If you had a child who was in that particular troop, and you had some kind of valid issue with it, then I could understand maybe getting upset, but otherwise, it's just kind of stupid thing to get bothered about. The girls probably do not get to do the same things the boys do, and they want to do some of those things. Instead, we have nutters trying to make it sound as if this is some kind of conspiracy theory and something we should be concerned about. It's retarded, IMO.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why have boy and girl scouts been separated in the first place? If they were together from the very beginning this wouldn't even be an issue now. At the end of the day, a scout is a scout no matter if they are male or female aren't they?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Males and females are not separated in the law enforcement field, the fire fighting field, etc., so why are the male and female scouts separated?
Women don't belong in fire fighting.

In most cases, you are probably right, but there are always exceptions to the rule. If a woman is able to pass all the fitness and strength challenges without being given any handicaps, then she should be able to become a firefighter. I understand what you mean though, as when I picture myself struggling to survive and caught in a fire, I would probably prefer to see a big strong man coming to rescue me than some small woman who may or may not be able to pick me up over her shoulder and save my life. So, I can understand that, but this is not about firefighters or the police department. It is just an activity for children, basically to keep them busy and so that they can learn some skills. It's just not that big of a deal.
I'm ok with this unisex stuff as long as we're consistent. That means letting boys play on girls basketball teams and swim teams and golf teams. Same with the pros. Let men play the WNBA and LPGA.

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

News of the girls' participation reached the local Boy Scout council, which last month, barred them from further scouting activities.

"They're just being discriminatory and not nice," said Jacobs. "Because we're girls, they're saying because we're a different gender we shouldn't be allowed to do the same things boys can."

Why not just make their own 'Scouts of America' group that isn't gender-biased and do everything both sexist versions do? BSA/GSA are both cultural dinosaurs better abandoned than continued and changed. They both perpetuate stereotypes we've long since abandoned.

While we at it, let's get rid of female-softball. Oh my god, is anything more degrading to women than having to pitch underhand with an oversized, softer ball?
I'm ok with this unisex stuff as long as we're consistent. That means letting boys play on girls basketball teams and swim teams and golf teams. Same with the pros. Let men play the WNBA and LPGA.

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

News of the girls' participation reached the local Boy Scout council, which last month, barred them from further scouting activities.

"They're just being discriminatory and not nice," said Jacobs. "Because we're girls, they're saying because we're a different gender we shouldn't be allowed to do the same things boys can."

Why not just make their own 'Scouts of America' group that isn't gender-biased and do everything both sexist versions do? BSA/GSA are both cultural dinosaurs better abandoned than continued and changed. They both perpetuate stereotypes we've long since abandoned.

While we at it, let's get rid of female-softball. Oh my god, is anything more degrading to women than having to pitch underhand with an oversized, softer ball?

Because the extreme right wingers think women are too stupid and weak to go camping, climb rocks and make fires. :D We can only sew, cook and raise children.
I was never in the Girl Scouts, so I don't really know what they do. I was in the Brownies when I was very young though, and we didn't do really anything except for do fundraising activities and sit around drinking juice and eating cookies. I remember I was excited to join because I thought I was going to be camping and doing fun and active things (like a camp we had gone to for a field trip which was a BLAST), but it sucked, and I didn't want to go anymore. It was boring.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.

Get me a pic of male-cheerleaders side by side with females, or any pro sports team on the planet with male cheerleaders alongside female ones and you'll win the case. Otherwise, until I see it, there aren't any boys equal in cheerleading with girls. No male Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, or anything of the sort.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.

Get me a pic of male-cheerleaders side by side with females, or any pro sports team on the planet with male cheerleaders alongside female ones and you'll win the case. Otherwise, until I see it, there aren't any boys equal in cheerleading with girls. No male Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, or anything of the sort.

I just did, twice, and if you google, you can see even more of them.

Nope, the NFL is completely different. They want to make money, and most people do not want to see men cheerleaders. I wouldn't have an issue if they were a little more active with their cheering and did invite men and did more interesting acrobatic and gymnastic routines.
At high school and college level, cheerleading is a sport and competition. If you become an NFL cheerleader, you are more like "eye candy." That is not really a sport. It's more like eye candy for the men who are the biggest consumer of NFL football products, etc.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.

Get me a pic of male-cheerleaders side by side with females, or any pro sports team on the planet with male cheerleaders alongside female ones and you'll win the case. Otherwise, until I see it, there aren't any boys equal in cheerleading with girls. No male Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, or anything of the sort.

I just did, twice, and if you google, you can see even more of them.

Nope, the NFL is completely different. They want to make money, and most people do not want to see men cheerleaders. I wouldn't have an issue if they were a little more active with their cheering and did invite men and did more interesting acrobatic and gymnastic routines.

Notice you didn't provide a link. Only male cheerleaders with pom-poms on google's first page of results seem to be doing it mockingly, or are on all-male squads. There's no boys side by side in a real cheerleading squad any where since as "The Birdcage" put it (caught it last night) "No way, I'd look like a fag." from the 'butler' Sparatcus. :)

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