CA girls demand their "right" to be boy scouts

Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

Can't girls sew patches in girls scouts? Can't they have their parents take them camping?

Why do the Boy Scouts need to accept girls? What benefit does it bring to the Boy Scouts?
CA girls demand their "right" to be boy scouts

This is really just the LGBT "T" element "demanding girls have a "right" to be boys; which is equivalent in the DSM to a blind person demanding their "right" to be a jet fighter pilot. It's known as the inability to accept reality on its own terms, which is the paramount diagnosis of mental illness.

In related news...campouts result in higher pre-teen and teen pregnancies...
Still waiting for libs to explain why girls have a right to be boy scouts but men can't play golf on the LPGA tour.

What freaking man would want to play on the LPGA, that would be humiliating. You sick or what?

Hey einstein. He'd win every event and make $50 million a year. THINK

Liberals act like they love science but refuse it when it goes against their crazy beliefs. It is a anthropological fact that men have far more muscle mess and so he's going to be able to hit that ball a lot further. Woman should compete against other woman because that is fair....The fact that so many woman think they're men is a mental disorder.
ya got that right. Seen Lydia Ko lately? Not to mention the prize money, easier competition and Oh those Motel pillow fights

They're not all ugly man-hating feminist lezbos. Some of the LPGA babes are really cute.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

And have been for at least 50 years. Bush 43 was one.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)

There are already boy cheerleaders.

And have been for at least 50 years. Bush 43 was one.

When are boys going to ask to be let into the girl scouts? It seems women get their own t.v channels, colleges, mags, etc but men are expected to give it all up. I call bull shit!
I'm ok with this unisex stuff as long as we're consistent. That means letting boys play on girls basketball teams and swim teams and golf teams. Same with the pros. Let men play the WNBA and LPGA.

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

News of the girls' participation reached the local Boy Scout council, which last month, barred them from further scouting activities.

"They're just being discriminatory and not nice," said Jacobs. "Because we're girls, they're saying because we're a different gender we shouldn't be allowed to do the same things boys can."

Why not just make their own 'Scouts of America' group that isn't gender-biased and do everything both sexist versions do? BSA/GSA are both cultural dinosaurs better abandoned than continued and changed. They both perpetuate stereotypes we've long since abandoned.

While we at it, let's get rid of female-softball. Oh my god, is anything more degrading to women than having to pitch underhand with an oversized, softer ball?
And in fact that argument will come up. It isn't like BSA is the only venue by which a child can learn to start a campfire. A group of parents could come together and send their daughters on a camping trip with a learning syllabus of their choosing. BSA isn't preventing girls from learning survival skills.
I'm still wondering what kind of parent would allow their child around the moon bat in the photo. She's obviously a couple fries short of a happy meal
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)
The girls do not have a legal right to join the BSA otherwise there would be no controversy.

Gays have a legal right to get married (now.) Think there's still a bit of controversy though. :)
The OP is about Girls as boy scouts no more no less.
Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye [sic] both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured [sic] long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

There actually are some animals where the sexes work very differently than they do with us. All mammals have pretty much the same sex-selection methods that we do, involving X and Y chromosomes, and all the same hormones and such—XY = Male; XX = Female, and whatever sex a creature is conceived as, that's the sex it is for its entire life.

Some other lower animals have different patterns. Some kinds of fish start out as one sex, and then, at some point in their lives, they change to the other sex. Hermaphroditism is common in some molluscs.

But as far as I know, it works the same for all mammals as it does for us.
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

Can't girls sew patches in girls scouts? Can't they have their parents take them camping?

Why do the Boy Scouts need to accept girls? What benefit does it bring to the Boy Scouts?

Why can't they do the same activities as the boys if that's what they want to do? Why does there have to be a benefit to the boy scouts? Maybe one benefit is they will be able to see that girls can do a lot of the same things that they can do?
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

Can't girls sew patches in girls scouts? Can't they have their parents take them camping?

Why do the Boy Scouts need to accept girls? What benefit does it bring to the Boy Scouts?

Why can't they do the same activities as the boys if that's what they want to do? Why does there have to be a benefit to the boy scouts? Maybe one benefit is they will be able to see that girls can do a lot of the same things that they can do?

If there is a market for it fine, create an organization that caters to girls. The BOY Scouts are boys only. They bother no one, they support a strong market. Nothing wrong with a boys only club. Nothing wrong with a girls only club.

Curves fitness centers are women only, why is that? Why can't men join Curves?

NOW is a women only club. Why can't men join it?
What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

Can't girls sew patches in girls scouts? Can't they have their parents take them camping?

Why do the Boy Scouts need to accept girls? What benefit does it bring to the Boy Scouts?

Why can't they do the same activities as the boys if that's what they want to do? Why does there have to be a benefit to the boy scouts? Maybe one benefit is they will be able to see that girls can do a lot of the same things that they can do?

If there is a market for it fine, create an organization that caters to girls. The BOY Scouts are boys only. They bother no one, they support a strong market. Nothing wrong with a boys only club. Nothing wrong with a girls only club.

Curves fitness centers are women only, why is that? Why can't men join Curves?

NOW is a women only club. Why can't men join it?

I don't have a thing for segregating, so it's not a big deal to me at all. Why do you care so much?

They support a strong market? Not sure I know what you mean by that.
If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

Can't girls sew patches in girls scouts? Can't they have their parents take them camping?

Why do the Boy Scouts need to accept girls? What benefit does it bring to the Boy Scouts?

Why can't they do the same activities as the boys if that's what they want to do? Why does there have to be a benefit to the boy scouts? Maybe one benefit is they will be able to see that girls can do a lot of the same things that they can do?

If there is a market for it fine, create an organization that caters to girls. The BOY Scouts are boys only. They bother no one, they support a strong market. Nothing wrong with a boys only club. Nothing wrong with a girls only club.

Curves fitness centers are women only, why is that? Why can't men join Curves?

NOW is a women only club. Why can't men join it?

I don't have a thing for segregating, so it's not a big deal to me at all. Why do you care so much?

They support a strong market? Not sure I know what you mean by that.
Since I'm not a Boy Scout I don't care what they do. But there are things that boys and girls can do separately. Market is a base of customers and Boy Scouts had a solid base of customers that caters to boys.
I don't have a thing for segregating, so it's not a big deal to me at all. Why do you care so much?

They support a strong market? Not sure I know what you mean by that.

What do you care about? This attitude is perplexing. You have things you care about; and no doubt think the world should support you in your cares. Some people care about the boy scouts not admitting girls, which as everyone knows is another notch of progression for the LGBT cult in gender-blending, transgender and all that insanity.

You should care about insanity spreading throughout a culture. "Boys are girls...girls are boys..." That's INSANE. Wait until your daughter is in the boy scouts and comes home pregnant after a camping expedition when Mr. Gilbert the scoutmaster fell asleep in his tent early one night and the kids ran wild at will.

"Why do you care so much?" (Implied message "drop it or we'll accuse you of being obsessed"). Ah, gaslighting...

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