CA girls demand their "right" to be boy scouts

There are already boy cheerleaders.

Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.

Get me a pic of male-cheerleaders side by side with females, or any pro sports team on the planet with male cheerleaders alongside female ones and you'll win the case. Otherwise, until I see it, there aren't any boys equal in cheerleading with girls. No male Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, or anything of the sort.

I just did, twice, and if you google, you can see even more of them.

Nope, the NFL is completely different. They want to make money, and most people do not want to see men cheerleaders. I wouldn't have an issue if they were a little more active with their cheering and did invite men and did more interesting acrobatic and gymnastic routines.

Notice you didn't provide a link. Only male cheerleaders with pom-poms on google's first page of results seem to be doing it mockingly, or are on all-male squads. There's no boys side by side in a real cheerleading squad any where since as "The Birdcage" put it (caught it last night) "No way, I'd look like a fag." from the 'butler' Sparatcus. :)

Well, most boys aren't interested in cheerleading, to be honest. That is completely different than a girl wanting to join the scouts to learn how to use a compass, how to build a fire, how to learn some survival techniques, etc.

Cheerleading is about attracting a crowd. Sorry, but men in skirts are just not very attractive to most people. :D You being one of the exceptions perhaps.
Not on the pom-pom line with the girls. Have the slacks wearing 'acrobatic support' types.

The boys are participating just as much as the girls. Even when it is girls, the bigger stronger ones are going to be on the bottom of the mound in a support type position. Only the small petite girls are at the top of the mound.

Get me a pic of male-cheerleaders side by side with females, or any pro sports team on the planet with male cheerleaders alongside female ones and you'll win the case. Otherwise, until I see it, there aren't any boys equal in cheerleading with girls. No male Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, or anything of the sort.

I just did, twice, and if you google, you can see even more of them.

Nope, the NFL is completely different. They want to make money, and most people do not want to see men cheerleaders. I wouldn't have an issue if they were a little more active with their cheering and did invite men and did more interesting acrobatic and gymnastic routines.

Notice you didn't provide a link. Only male cheerleaders with pom-poms on google's first page of results seem to be doing it mockingly, or are on all-male squads. There's no boys side by side in a real cheerleading squad any where since as "The Birdcage" put it (caught it last night) "No way, I'd look like a fag." from the 'butler' Sparatcus. :)

Well, most boys aren't interested in cheerleading, to be honest. That is completely different than a girl wanting to join the scouts to learn how to use a compass, how to build a fire, how to learn some survival techniques, etc.

Cheerleading is about attracting a crowd. Sorry, but men in skirts are just not very attractive to most people. :D You being one of the exceptions perhaps.

If it was really just girls wanting to do the same things the BSA do GSA could start doing those things. Should be asking why they don't that they have to be 'Boy' Scouts instead of Girl Scouts who do the same stuff.
Besides, if girls and boy camp together, what do you suppose is gonna happen? Think they'll stay in their own tents? Of course not. Now you have lawsuits over slacking scout masters who let some horny boyscout knock up his female-counterpart.
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.
Besides, if girls and boy camp together, what do you suppose is gonna happen? Think they'll stay in their own tents? Of course not. Now you have lawsuits over slacking scout masters who let some horny boyscout knock up his female-counterpart.

There are plenty of groups that do coed camping. What century are you living in???

Such as?

Christian groups, all kinds of camps, some school outings, etc., etc., etc. We went on an overnight field trip for school at a campground and stayed the night. Boys were in one cabin, girls in another.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)
The girls do not have a legal right to join the BSA otherwise there would be no controversy.
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.
If girls have a legal right to be Boy Scouts, guess boys have a legal right to be cheerleaders as with the pom-poms. And being stronger and more hardy, over time they'll take all the spots girls traditionally held relegating girls to the audience. :)
The girls do not have a legal right to join the BSA otherwise there would be no controversy.

Gays have a legal right to get married (now.) Think there's still a bit of controversy though. :)
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.
Activists have destroyed the Scouts, both Boys and Girls. No parent in their right mind lets their kids around that garbage
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

BSA source material is readily available, forming a group that resembles boy scouts and allows either just girls or both genders would be a relatively simple thing.

This is about forcing others to comply with your desires and moral standards, nothing more.
If there is a demand form a third group open to both genders. Everyone is happy.

The problem is these people won't be happy, because some people are living in a way they don't like, and thus must be crushed or made to conform.
Mixed-sex sleepovers, though common in European countries like Denmark, haven't really caught on here in the US yet. Can you imagine your daughter wanting to sleep over at a male-friend's home? Lots of boys, some girls, all sleeping in the same home, together. Same thing with camping but even less supervision.

What in the hell are you talking about? The topic of the thread is some girls in CA who want to join boy scouts instead of girl scouts.

As you can see here, the girls claim that they found Girl Scouts boring and that, no, they were not doing the same activities as the boys and wanted to learn THOSE skills. Did any of you bother reading or listening to the girls?

California girls barred from Boy Scouts claim gender discrimination

Four months after the Boy Scouts of America made history by allowing gay adults to become leaders, its local chapter in Northern California is facing new pressure from girls, asking to become full members.

They call their group "The Unicorns." The six young girls teach themselves things they didn't learn in the Girl Scouts, like building a campfire.

"I got jealous of what my brother got to do because he's a Boy Scout ...," said 10-year-old Ella Jacobs.

Jacobs and her friend, Allie Westover, decided they were more interested in what the boys were doing. So last fall, they started participating in activities alongside a local Boy Scout troop.

"I really like competitions and I really enjoy competitive nature and also working in teams and so being in Boy Scouts gave me the opportunity to work with boys and girls alike in a competitive nature," said Westover.

If that's really what it's about, the logical course of action is make the Girl Scouts do the same not-boring things the Boy Scouts do. Not force the Boy Scouts to accept girls when they already have a scouting org for them.

It's (I believe) another attempt to eliminate sex-norms re: the recent transgender stuff. While stereotypes and sex-norms can be negatives, sometimes they serve a useful purpose. Imagine a society where all conventions about sex are gone and males and females are exactly equal and interchangeable.

Nature's made men and women have different yet equally critical roles. If we start messing with that out of some misplaced PC urge, we're gonna have unintended consequences as a result. No other animal (I'm aware of) in nature has males and females interchangeable. Thye both have rigid roles in their communities and that works great. Humans too. We're not exceptions to nature, but part of it, go messing with what's worked that we'veendured long beyond where evolutionary scientists say other primates went extinct and I'd say don't make any retirement plans.

Lol! Are you serious? Scouts is just a kids activity. Lighten up! :D Some girls want to learn how to make campfires instead of how to sew patches onto their uniforms. Okay?

So have GSA teach that. Don't have to join Boy Scouts to do what Boy Scouts do. Interestingly, the impression sewing is a girl's thing was lost on the US Navy and I recall being taught how to sew in basic. :)

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