CA Gov pardons 2 felon illegal aliens (one is a known gang member) to avoid deportation

Liberals feel that it is better than a thousand criminals go free if it will "piss off" Trump. This is why Trump won, and why he will win again.

Joyriding is a common plea to avoid a carjacking charge and so is simple car theft. When I was carjacked, the prosecutor fought with me tooth and nail to reduce the carjacking charge to simple car theft and remove the ten year enhancement for use of a gun. I wouldn't let it happen. I forced the issue.
The Democrats have MS-13, Crips and Bloods but the Republicans only have the Boy Scouts and the Little League
It tells everyone something about the nature of liberal culture.
The only politician I've seen that's shown more open contempt for his public than Brown-like-the-shit-he-is is Obama. If anything, Brown gets schadenfreude when the "freeloaders" (what he incredibly calls the taxpayers) are subjected to crime.
The story never stated what joyriding charge was associated with, so you are lying about the article saying he stole a car...

“Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County.”

Felony joyriding.....

To joyride is to drive around in a stolen vehicle with no particular goal other than the pleasure or thrill of doing so.

Joyride (crime) - Wikipedia

Come on, Moonglow...

Read more here: Defying Trump again, Jerry Brown pardons immigrants about to be deported

Usually the felony joyride is a plea bargained offense offered by the Prosecution as a lesser charge than grand theft.

Also this is Moonbat ur talking about. He/she is one of the most shameful trolls on this board!

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In his pardon, Brown wrote that both Kong and Neth have “lived an honest and upright life," and "exhibited good moral character" since being released from prison.

The pardons may eliminate the reason for their deportations, an attorney told the Sacramento newspaper, which noted that the men will still need to ask immigration courts to reopen their cases.

California governor pardons two men facing deportation: report
Oh how this must just piss the orange turd off. He has to take it as various governors around the country kick sand in his face. As do his supporters.


This should piss off everyone, Liberal and Conservative alike. The CA Gov released
at least one (probably 2) violent gang member illegal back onto the streets. He offers nothing to out society other than an illegally casted vote.

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The story never stated what joyriding charge was associated with, so you are lying about the article saying he stole a car...

“Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County.”

Felony joyriding.....

To joyride is to drive around in a stolen vehicle with no particular goal other than the pleasure or thrill of doing so.

Joyride (crime) - Wikipedia

Come on, Moonglow...

Read more here: Defying Trump again, Jerry Brown pardons immigrants about to be deported

Usually the felony joyride is a plea bargained offense offered by the Prosecution as a lesser charge than grand theft.

Also this is Moonbat ur talking about. He/she is one of the most shameful trolls on this board!

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Just cause you step in shit, don't try to blame me for it..
Timothy Meads - Gov. Brown Challenges Trump Immigration Policy With Two Pardons

If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

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Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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Timothy Meads - Gov. Brown Challenges Trump Immigration Policy With Two Pardons

If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

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Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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I have noticed his cowardly lack of a response.

He is a race baiting asshole.
Dems can’t lose their “Gang member” voting base.
Neither can the KKK GOP...

Yes, most of the KKK is likely conservative and most people in prison and gang members are likely liberal.

It still doesn’t change what a legal definition of a joyride is,
Untrue, as you have the Aryans and other white supremacy groups.., which many do not have any political affiliation because they are felons in prison or on parole and have no interest in anything other than existing...You must be so arrogant to think that people like this have any aspirations to vote....Dumbass clean folks don't understand the mentality of a convict who hates society in the first place not to mention the nation...
Timothy Meads - Gov. Brown Challenges Trump Immigration Policy With Two Pardons

If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

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Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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I have noticed his cowardly lack of a response.

He is a race baiting asshole.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat...
Timothy Meads - Gov. Brown Challenges Trump Immigration Policy With Two Pardons

If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

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Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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Nothing in the story addressed the issue..I did post from another article in which the gov. had said the reason for the pardon was they had not gotten into trouble and were an asset to society.. But you missed that part...get out yer damn reading glasses grandpa....Realize that articles like the one you posted limited info so you can make a biased assumption as to why it occurred...
Last edited:
Timothy Meads - Gov. Brown Challenges Trump Immigration Policy With Two Pardons

If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

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Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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I have noticed his cowardly lack of a response.

He is a race baiting asshole.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat...

Hey, I WANT to hear what he has to say, to support his race baiting.

I'm TRYING to draw him out.
Hey, moron........

You failed to mention that the 2 men were NOT Mexicans of Hispanics....(where your xenophobia likes to concentrate on)......

Brown’s pardons involved two Northern California Cambodian men picked up in October in immigration sweeps, Mony Neth of Modesto and Rottanak Kong of Davis.

Kong was convicted on felony joyriding in 2003 in Stanislaus County at age 25 and sentenced to a year in jail. Neth was convicted on a felony weapons charge with a gang enhancement and a misdemeanor charge of receiving stolen property with a value of $400 or less in 1995 in Stanislaus County, .

Both men came to the U.S. as children after their families fled the Khmer Rouge.

Who the hell cares? The point remains, he is using his power to prevent the deportation of dangerous criminals.

See Nat, as did Moonbat, presented weak red herrings because they have no argument to justify such absolute reckless abuse of power.

I means Nat jumps on a fallacy that I started this was about brown people. No sir it is about illegal immigrants, whether they are white, black, Brown, yellow or green. He tries to make it about race. Notice how he hasn’t responded since.

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I have noticed his cowardly lack of a response.

He is a race baiting asshole.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat...

Hey, I WANT to hear what he has to say, to support his race baiting.

I'm TRYING to draw him out.
That's not hard...He has no problem showing his superiority over the other creatures...
If anyone believes liberals do not hate America then look no further then Gov “douche bag” Brown. He is pardoning 2 illegals who were charged with felonies in order for them not to be deported. One is a known gang member charged with discharging an illegal weapon (aka he shot at someone and missed and plea bargained it down). This guy is a dangerous illegal, but numbnutz liberals want to protect him! Why not pardon a US citizen who has turned him/herself around in prison? Nope instead, they want to release a dangerous criminal onto the streets in the name of rigging elections.

Oh the other stole a car and was charged with joy riding. That is usually a plea bargain offense. More than likely he is a gang member who stole the car to chop it up and got caught. Either way, even liberals, should push to have this guy deported.

So two guys who committed MINOR crimes that wouldn't even get them sent to jail if they were white boys....

Not seeing a problem here.
The two fellows that got a pardon are being directed by the gov. that gave them the pardon to reopen their case with immigration to become citizens because they took refugee status when fleeing the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia after Nam ended...So you see it's not about Trump at all....

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