CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Say what? Youre 70 years plus wearing depends .
With weak ass wrist....
A damn pneumatic torque gun still runs circles around a piece of shit of a battery one, you have to charge the shit out of it...and have a lot of batteries..
LoLz - our cuddly bear and others pretend that they are smarter than Elon Musk :D
Elon musk Is a fucking freeloader and a rapist. He probably stands on the back of real men and women of technology

Yup he is a whore for government money we all know this ...
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.

No, the chemistry does not work. The video I posted is a fake.
The amount of electrical energy to split the hydrogen of off the water molecule is greater than or equal to the amount of energy output by the exothermic reaction of combining (burning) the hydrogen and oxygen back into water.

Also, if it were so easy to convert a gas engine to run on water, they would be all over the place. There would be a mechanic in every town converting regular cars to water powered cars, and those mechanics would be filthy rich.

That's odd because they do exist they just aren't that popular .....

Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy (in this case hydrogen) directly into electrical energy, water and heat. In most hydrogen fuel cell cars, a high-power fuel cell and motor combination provide propulsion in place of an internal combustion engine.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an area of the automotive industry that is becoming increasingly important as more manufacturers commit to developing this type of power-train.

Like electric cars, hydrogen powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are are classed as ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) since the only substance to come out of the exhaust is water vapour.

As most FCEVs have an on-board battery for temporary energy storage, they are in this sense similar to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), the fuel cell performing the same role as the PHEV's small combustion unit.

Hydrogen cars - 2018 UK guide to fuel cell vehicles
2. Honda will begin leasing its fuel-cell car, the Honda Clarity, in California by the end of 2016.

The EPA recently gave the car an estimated range of 366 miles — the longest range of any zero-emissions vehicle. Honda says the Clarity has a refuel time of just three to five minutes.

3. Lexus wants to unveil its hydrogen-powered car in 2020, but we have yet to hear details on its range or other specs.

10 hydrogen-powered cars in the works right now

The Honda Clarity is a plug-in hybrid. It has nothing to do with fuel cells.

Note your date. 2016. I could sworn it was already 2018.
Of course I do and I thought you claimed to own a pick up truck?
Oh let me guess you just bought it for looks and not do a real mans job like haul toys?

Nope -

I do men's work in the form of hauling around my mower and landscaping tools for my rental yard work
I haul my canoes and kayaks up to Redfish Lake and other Idaho waterways and retreats minimally a dozen times a year
I avoid delivery charges on ginormous appliances for my kitchen remodel and the 65" 4K TV I bought last year
And I use 4WD mode when we got the rudest winter since 1984 last year just to get around town.

What else ya got BearFlake? :cool-45:
That makes me laugh, You call that work?

Exactly, look at him

He says He Has a "pick up truck" and takes it out for kayaks trips..


ngersoll Rand W7150-K2 1/2-Inch High-Torque Impactool, Charger, 2 Li-ion Batteries and Case Kit
452 customer reviews

| 100 answered questions
  • Power - 1100 ft-lb nut-busting torque from a tool weighing just 6.8 lb – best power to weight ratio in its class
  • Durability- High-efficiency rare earth magnet motor, high-capacity variable speed trigger, all-metal drive train, and metal-reinforced housing enable this tool to stand up to the toughest jobs
  • Comfort - Optimized balance combined with an ergonomic handle and soft touch over-molded grip provide increased comfort in extended use
  • Long life 20V lithium-ion battery delivers high-charge capacity and low internal impedance for maximum power delivery and run time. Intelligent battery management system (BMS)— provides power-level and current control from the battery to the switch to the motor for optimum efficiency

No real workingman would embarrass himself with such a piece of shit
ngersoll Rand W7150-K2 1/2-Inch High-Torque Impactool, Charger, 2 Li-ion Batteries and Case Kit
452 customer reviews

| 100 answered questions
  • Power - 1100 ft-lb nut-busting torque from a tool weighing just 6.8 lb – best power to weight ratio in its class
  • Durability- High-efficiency rare earth magnet motor, high-capacity variable speed trigger, all-metal drive train, and metal-reinforced housing enable this tool to stand up to the toughest jobs
  • Comfort - Optimized balance combined with an ergonomic handle and soft touch over-molded grip provide increased comfort in extended use
  • Long life 20V lithium-ion battery delivers high-charge capacity and low internal impedance for maximum power delivery and run time. Intelligent battery management system (BMS)— provides power-level and current control from the battery to the switch to the motor for optimum efficiency

Go to mine in Wyoming and see what they are using for tools, maybe you should you would embarrass yourself
Funny thing electric cars Are run by toxic batteries... lol
Funny, ICE engines emit all kinds of toxic gases, have toxic lead-acid batteries in them, and toxic oil in the crankcase. The batteries in EV's are sealed and can be re-cycled. You 'Conservatives' are so damned stupid in use arguements that invalidate your own points.
Last modern car I had emission checked blew zero across the board. No unburned fuel, no carbon monoxides, no oxides of nitrogen. The guy was so surprised he ran the test again, with the same result. There are at least two levels of emission certification CLEANER than that Tier II ULEV.

I saw that vehicle, Fred Flintstone was driving it, and Barney Rubble was with him. I even remember Dino chasing the car and Fred yelling, "Yaba, Daba, Do!"

Jarlaxle plans a "gay old time" in one of those later tonight! :D

Have you been drinking bong water again?

He got into Hildabeasts colostomy bag again... Even though the election was over year ago. LOL
This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.

Perhaps what you say is true (not the "couple of football fields" worth of panels to feed one charging station part - don't be silly) and you may know more about solar than I do, however renewables cover 30% of CA electricity requirements at present. There are ginormous new wind and solar farms going in and that 30% will likely be 60% in the next 5-10 years.

The Energy Commission estimates that about 30 percent of 2017 retail electricity sales in California were served by renewable energy facilities, (Figure 1) such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and small hydroelectric

So much bullshit, so little time. Those estimates always use the INSTALLED capacity for wind and solar. The ACTUAL yearly average production is a 1/3 of that.

Second -- when the Cal ISO brags about renewables, they are including the 14% of Hydro power that has been there for ages now.. With hydro being almost always 14% of gen capability, the truth is closer to ALL renewables being 20% or so.. And not LIKELY to INCREASE by much because new LARGE hydro is a "bad thing" and biomass is just another word for "burning trash"..

And "a couple of football fields" is not silly. It's engineering calculation. For any "charging station" where 8 to 10 cars are involved. That's quite a hefty investment for a fueling station only OPEN for biz 300 days a year and 6 to 8 hours a day on those days..
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?
Wow, just wow.

How were the solar panels made? What powered the machines to make them? Where they manufactured outdoors using no lights? How about the process that made the charging station. What is it made of? Plastics, metals, polymers? How were they made?

Add another thousand little parts made the same way, with something that requires petroleum to manufacture, including the car itself.

Zero emissions are laughable at best. An outright lie usually.
Stupid ass, no one has recommended that we not use oil to create plastics and other materials. In fact, burning this industrial feedstock is kind of stupid.
You’re too stupid to realize that fossil fuels are used to get rare earth minerals...
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.

You do know their is now a tariff of 30% on solar panels :)

Go Trump


I don't generally LIKE tariffs to cope with global competition. But one thing they DO do -- is encourage the foreign company to manufacture in the USA. Simplest way to get around a tariff.. The govt of China can afford to subsidize the intl. trade in solar panels. But they do that with a highly leverage local currency. Forcing them to manufacture in their client countries -- does "make it fairer"..
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Wow, I hate to tell ole governor Jerry this- there is NO SUCH THING as zero emissions cars. If the car is moving it requires energy consumption. Generating that energy will cause emissions. And before some yahoo claims that electricity generated from hydro or solar is zero emission electricity, read this-
Solar Energy Isn’t Always as Green as You Think
Solar panels glimmering in the sun are an icon of all that is green. But while generating electricity through photovoltaics is indeed better for the environment than burning fossil fuels, several incidents have linked the manufacture of these shining symbols of environmental virtue to a trail of chemical pollution. And it turns out that the time it takes to compensate for the energy used and the greenhouse gases emitted in photovoltaic panel production varies substantially by technology and geography.

It may be cleaner, but why don’t we start by being honest and acknowledge that it isn’t crystal clean.
Why don't you start being honest and admit that no one said that the whole of the process of creating and running an electric car was 100% clean? But very definitely far cleaner then the manufacture and running of an ICE.

Then why do they call it zero emission? Yea, because they aren’t being honest you sap.
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Wow, I hate to tell ole governor Jerry this- there is NO SUCH THING as zero emissions cars. If the car is moving it requires energy consumption. Generating that energy will cause emissions. And before some yahoo claims that electricity generated from hydro or solar is zero emission electricity, read this-
Solar Energy Isn’t Always as Green as You Think
Solar panels glimmering in the sun are an icon of all that is green. But while generating electricity through photovoltaics is indeed better for the environment than burning fossil fuels, several incidents have linked the manufacture of these shining symbols of environmental virtue to a trail of chemical pollution. And it turns out that the time it takes to compensate for the energy used and the greenhouse gases emitted in photovoltaic panel production varies substantially by technology and geography.

It may be cleaner, but why don’t we start by being honest and acknowledge that it isn’t crystal clean.
Why don't you start being honest and admit that no one said that the whole of the process of creating and running an electric car was 100% clean? But very definitely far cleaner then the manufacture and running of an ICE.
Fossil fuel mining equipment and drilling equipment is used to make those renewable energy’s

Don’t say that to the greenie dreamers,,they are a fragile and shallow lot.
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

This is some serious delusion right there. Aint no way putting up solar panels less than the size of a couple football fields is gonna sustain --- "a charging station".. Maybe not even a home solar installation for ONE EV unless it's overspecified by a factor of 2..

The capture rate of solar would NEVER run a drop in solar "gas station". Go learn some things.

Charging at 120V just won't work for "drive-up" stations. At 220V, it's a 40 AMP service. That's 8KWatts of power. About 2.5 to 4 times the size of a home installation. And that's ONE vehicle at a time. And ONLY for about 7 hours of daylight.
Like the roofs of the charging stations are the only roofs in town? I imagine Musk is already working out deals with warehouses and utilities to use those roofs to provide electricity to his charging stations.

You do know their is now a tariff of 30% on solar panels :)

Go Trump


I don't generally LIKE tariffs to cope with global competition. But one thing they DO do -- is encourage the foreign company to manufacture in the USA. Simplest way to get around a tariff.. The govt of China can afford to subsidize the intl. trade in solar panels. But they do that with a highly leverage local currency. Forcing them to manufacture in their client countries -- does "make it fairer"..

What is funny is the one who complained the loudest was a solar plant in Georgia owned by the Chinese
It's all a scam to gain suckers right into their corporate buying. Which of course make them rich because sheep fall for all the bs that makes their Democratic cult leader rich. They're to stupid to figure out we have had cars that run on WATER and is extremely cheap now why do we suppose that's been kept out of the market.

We can bet the sheep can't think of it..................... But someone with a brain can think of why and or know why etc.
You mean like this one!

Proof that lots of people don’t understand basic chemistry.

I'll have to come back and listen to it , right now I could only look at it LOL, but if it's what I am thinking yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

Just like if they found a cure for cancer billions would be lost in big pharma and so how they keep those billions going they lie to the people . Pot cures cancer yet ppl can't piece together why or how come it is made to look big and scary. Oh and addictive which is pure bs.

No, the chemistry does not work. The video I posted is a fake.
The amount of electrical energy to split the hydrogen of off the water molecule is greater than or equal to the amount of energy output by the exothermic reaction of combining (burning) the hydrogen and oxygen back into water.

Also, if it were so easy to convert a gas engine to run on water, they would be all over the place. There would be a mechanic in every town converting regular cars to water powered cars, and those mechanics would be filthy rich.

That's odd because they do exist they just aren't that popular .....

Fuel cells are devices that convert chemical energy (in this case hydrogen) directly into electrical energy, water and heat. In most hydrogen fuel cell cars, a high-power fuel cell and motor combination provide propulsion in place of an internal combustion engine.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an area of the automotive industry that is becoming increasingly important as more manufacturers commit to developing this type of power-train.

Like electric cars, hydrogen powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are are classed as ultra low emission vehicles (ULEVs) since the only substance to come out of the exhaust is water vapour.

As most FCEVs have an on-board battery for temporary energy storage, they are in this sense similar to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), the fuel cell performing the same role as the PHEV's small combustion unit.

Hydrogen cars - 2018 UK guide to fuel cell vehicles
2. Honda will begin leasing its fuel-cell car, the Honda Clarity, in California by the end of 2016.

The EPA recently gave the car an estimated range of 366 miles — the longest range of any zero-emissions vehicle. Honda says the Clarity has a refuel time of just three to five minutes.

3. Lexus wants to unveil its hydrogen-powered car in 2020, but we have yet to hear details on its range or other specs.

10 hydrogen-powered cars in the works right now

The Honda Clarity is a plug-in hybrid. It has nothing to do with fuel cells.

Note your date. 2016. I could sworn it was already 2018.

Yes it is 2018 and the Honda clarity is sold as a fuel cell option

Honda Clarity offers variety of power options, including hydrogen fuel cell
Honda Clarity offers variety of power options, including hydrogen fuel cell
Say what? Youre 70 years plus wearing depends .
With weak ass wrist....
A damn pneumatic torque gun still runs circles around a piece of shit of a battery one, you have to charge the shit out of it...and have a lot of batteries..
LoLz - our cuddly bear and others pretend that they are smarter than Elon Musk :D
I worked in industry for 30 plus years tard...old rocks is lying so are you.
Settle down - I wouldn't know anything about pneumatic torque guns and there for didn't weigh in on the subject.

Say what? Youre 70 years plus wearing depends .
With weak ass wrist....
A damn pneumatic torque gun still runs circles around a piece of shit of a battery one, you have to charge the shit out of it...and have a lot of batteries..
LoLz - our cuddly bear and others pretend that they are smarter than Elon Musk :D
I worked in industry for 30 plus years tard...old rocks is lying so are you.
Settle down - I wouldn't know anything about pneumatic torque guns and there for didn't weigh in on the subject.


That was between me and old rocks, he is claiming that battery power torque guns is just as good in 2018 ...I know he is lying or sucks at his job ..

You have to carry around 3 or 4 batterys on you.
I'd bet that DrLove wouldn't last an hour on a real man's job, such as any of the last several that I've worked. Current job is on this huge rooftop, where I'm helping to build a 3-megawatt solar power system, about six times the size of the largest such systems on which I've previously worked.

View attachment 173742

That's a cool picture Bob - thanks for sharing. So one of the reasons I finished college was so that I could use me head instead of my body. I'm 6'5" and kinda blew out my knees playing hoops. Haven't been able to do a deep knee bend since college. Was growing too fast for my bones to keep up and developed a form of arthritis in the kneecap. So it was a good decision. I'd rather be the guy who sells solar systems than the guy who installs them.

I'm not pretending to know much about solar, although I did sell some of the early systems for hot water. So I defer to your expertise even though some of the claims as to required size of systems seems exaggerated. That's it, Peace
That was between me and old rocks, he is claiming that battery power torque guns is just as good in 2018 ...I know he is lying or sucks at his job ..

You have to carry around 3 or 4 batterys on you.

Ok -
I'd bet that DrLove wouldn't last an hour on a real man's job, such as any of the last several that I've worked. Current job is on this huge rooftop, where I'm helping to build a 3-megawatt solar power system, about six times the size of the largest such systems on which I've previously worked.

View attachment 173742

That's a cool picture Bob - thanks for sharing. So one of the reasons I finished college was so that I could use me head instead of my body. I'm 6'5" and kinda blew out my knees playing hoops. Haven't been able to do a deep knee bend since college. Was growing too fast for my bones to keep up and developed a form of arthritis in the kneecap. So it was a good decision. I'd rather be the guy who sells solar systems than the guy who installs them.

I'm not pretending to know much about solar, although I did sell some of the early systems for hot water. So I defer to your expertise even though some of the claims as to required size of systems seems exaggerated. That's it, Peace

You are 6' 5"?

Well that post explains a lot to me and who you are..

I am a little shit 5'9" 165 lbs , 52 years old and can still play basketball, jump , climb trees ...
You are 6' 5"?

Well that post explains a lot to me and who you are..

I am a little shit 5'9" 165 lbs , 52 years old and can still play basketball, jump , climb trees ...

Oh I still play in a 3 on 3 mens league - HALF COURT. Too much pounding running full court.
Most of my exercise is low impact - ride my bike a lot spring-fall and do more weights and cardio (elliptical) this time of year.
So's you know I ain't a wimp I did the STP (Seattle to Portland) ride year before last - 200 miles. Pretty brutal - It was probably my last
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