Cadets at the Army Navy game seen flashing White Power hand signs.

bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
The ok sign means white power? that's on so many levels of stupid. Are you saying the military is that stupid?

You didn't answer my question.
you're an idiot
I answered you god damn question
the ok sign is not racist you dumb son of a bitch. what in the fuck is wrong with you.
no one, was making the OK sign.
so they were saying suck my dick.

well that's what the fuck it means has for decades
Do you really think the military is going to ignore this?
The ok sign means white power? that's on so many levels of stupid. Are you saying the military is that stupid?

You didn't answer my question.
you're an idiot
I answered you god damn question
the ok sign is not racist you dumb son of a bitch. what in the fuck is wrong with you.

I think it's obvious by your reply that the problem is not with me.

I asked you if you thought the military was going to simply do nothing.

You did not answer that.
it must not be obvious to you since you had to ask a question that the answer was given to.
It's not a racist gesture the inverted ok sign means suck my dick the ok sign means everything is ok
Do you think the military is that stupid?

I think the military will discipline them, yes.
your white power signs are upside down in your pics?
it use to mean suck my dick
even if it were 'that', it was disrespectful of the uniform they wear, and our once, indivisible Nation...
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades
Lysistrata said:
Given that the meaning of this hand-signal is said to have changed to become a sign of a racist movement
And Which Retard, Exactly
Pulled That Out Of Their Ass
And Why Did Anyone Glom Onto It
The First I Ever Heard Of It

Was This:

View attachment 294880

This is not an issue of "conservatives" or "liberals,"
It's Saddling Us With Another Bullshit Leftist Definition
The Our Entire Society Will Have To Tippy-Toe Around

Because Progs Are All About Compulsion And Control
And Anything At All Will Do

Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning.
Because There Is No Other Meaning
The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.
Just Trolling The Idiots
Guess Who They Are ??

Oh, just go trying to deny that there are dirty people sneaking around attempting subvert to U.S. military, turn us against each other, and destroy our country. There has been a lot of discussion about the hate groups co-opting this signal to communicate with their fellow-travelers, since they are too stupid to think up their own, so your pretense of never having heard of it is absurd.

I see that you are a member of this "moloch" cult, which apparently is an offshoot of the southern-baptist cult and a half-a-brainchild of one of their preacher-creatures. I looked it up. Those people are insane. They can always be depended upon to produce primitive, tribal nonsense.
That is not a racist gesture, never has been, and never will be. Just lying LIbErals looking for an excuse to gratuitously play the Race Card.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

What, the circle with finger and thumb?? It means "all okay." I just used it yesterday to signify to my husband in the car that the front door was locked before we went out. I use it often.

And now I'll use it oftener, because I am so sick of the Left constantly messing up our language! And now they are trying to mess up normal sign language, too?? This is their way of keeping us in constant confusion.

I have been making a point of not ever using PC language -- I say the real words instead. Homosexual, not gay. Blacks, not "African-Americans," which is crazy to start with. Trannies or transvestites, not transgender, because no one can change sex, not really: it's just fraud.

They are trying to keep us locked up in PC language and confusion: let's never, never cooperate.
your white power signs are upside down in your pics?
it use to mean suck my dick
even if it were 'that', it was disrespectful of the uniform they wear, and our once, indivisible Nation...
OMG it was normally meant as a joking gesture your faux outrage is laughable lol
The ok sign means white power? that's on so many levels of stupid. Are you saying the military is that stupid?

You didn't answer my question.
you're an idiot
I answered you god damn question
the ok sign is not racist you dumb son of a bitch. what in the fuck is wrong with you.

I think it's obvious by your reply that the problem is not with me.

I asked you if you thought the military was going to simply do nothing.

You did not answer that.
it must not be obvious to you since you had to ask a question that the answer was given to.
It's not a racist gesture the inverted ok sign means suck my dick the ok sign means everything is ok
Do you think the military is that stupid?

I think the military will discipline them, yes.
For what?
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
I'm neither for nor against "white supremacist groups" who aren't doing more than expressing their opinions under the First Amendment. That includes using symbols that THEY CHOOSE to use. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater, toots.
You didn't answer my question.
you're an idiot
I answered you god damn question
the ok sign is not racist you dumb son of a bitch. what in the fuck is wrong with you.

I think it's obvious by your reply that the problem is not with me.

I asked you if you thought the military was going to simply do nothing.

You did not answer that.
it must not be obvious to you since you had to ask a question that the answer was given to.
It's not a racist gesture the inverted ok sign means suck my dick the ok sign means everything is ok
Do you think the military is that stupid?

I think the military will discipline them, yes.
For what?

Does it matter based upon what I initially said?
OK... it's Sunday... the end of the week, and this thread, hands down, wins top prize for the most ASININE THREAD.
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You acknowledge that, in context, the gesture that the cadets used could mean “White Power”?

That’s step one in your journey toward dealing with this topic in an honest manner. Congratulations.
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
I'm neither for nor against "white supremacist groups" who aren't doing more than expressing their opinions under the First Amendment. That includes using symbols that THEY CHOOSE to use. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater, toots.
One could push for regulation banning any racially connected groups. NAACP Black lives Matters, Black Panthers, the congressional black caucus

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You acknowledge that, in context, the gesture that the cadets used could mean “White Power”?

That’s step one in your journey toward dealing with this topic in an honest manner. Congratulations.
WHERE does it says ANYONE, let alone PLURAL, "CADETS," USED a imaginative white power sign?

WTF are you talking about?
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
I'm neither for nor against "white supremacist groups" who aren't doing more than expressing their opinions under the First Amendment. That includes using symbols that THEY CHOOSE to use. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater, toots.

Couldn’t answer with a yes or no?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You acknowledge that, in context, the gesture that the cadets used could mean “White Power”?

That’s step one in your journey toward dealing with this topic in an honest manner. Congratulations.
How in the fuck do you know their intent?
That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You acknowledge that, in context, the gesture that the cadets used could mean “White Power”?

That’s step one in your journey toward dealing with this topic in an honest manner. Congratulations.
WHERE does it says ANYONE, let alone PLURAL, "CADETS," USED a imaginative white power sign?

WTF are you talking about?

You don’t know what we are all talking about in this thread? Weird.
Shut the fuck up

So SavannahMann does not have the right to free speech?

Given that the meaning of this hand-signal is said to have changed to become a sign of a racist movement, an investigation is in order to determine whether these cadets are qualified to serve in our military and be trusted by their fellow service members and subordinates.This is not an issue of "conservatives" or "liberals," it is a matter of preserving the integrity of the U.S. Military.

Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning. The do it openly. The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.

That gesture is universal as the pictures of liberals usining it demonstrate
View attachment 294879
Those are democrats they have historically been racist.

Its a symbol for “ok”

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
I'm neither for nor against "white supremacist groups" who aren't doing more than expressing their opinions under the First Amendment. That includes using symbols that THEY CHOOSE to use. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater, toots.

Couldn’t answer with a yes or no?
Why should anyone answer a question about your IMAGINATION?

I don't CADETS flashing white power anything?

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