Cadets at the Army Navy game seen flashing White Power hand signs.

bodecea said:
You know that if the hand is upright, that's not the WP sign, right?
It's Not WP No Matter How It's Held
You Know That, Right ??
^ ^ ^ ^
That's What We're TRYING To Get Through Your Thick Skull !!
Nice try, but the cadets seem to be making an inverted white power hand sign and not a conventional upright OK signal

No question it was intentional and not inadvertent

They will be dealt with severely for embarrassing the Corp
back in my youth when we did it that way it meant suck my dick

To you and all your gay buddies that may have been true, but that is hot what it means any more than "white power"
The sign that used to mean O.K. is now outlawed? What's next for these hyper sensitive racists?
When I was in college, I wore jeans a lot to classes and such. Not in high school as we had a stricter dress code, ties and jackets.

But when I was in school, they announced after the fact that such and such a day was "homosexual jeans day", where if you wore jeans that day, it meant you were light in the loafers.

That was the same kind of bullshit IMHO. Take a common sign or activity, and then make it a point of negativity to make a point I guess.
An inverted OK sign is not common
I have never used it
Ok so those without a dick wouldn't use it.
Polishprince said:
What I'm saying is that reasonable people can't keep up with all of these "signs"
When It Was Probably Dreamt Up On 4chan Or Some Dump

If MSM Hadn't Tried To Pull That On Zina Bash
We Never Would Have Heard Of It Even Now
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You are as bad as the fucking libtards! It's the "made you look" game.
Nice try, but the cadets seem to be making an inverted white power hand sign and not a conventional upright OK signal

No question it was intentional and not inadvertent

They will be dealt with severely for embarrassing the Corp
back in my youth when we did it that way it meant suck my dick

To you and all your gay buddies that may have been true, but that is hot what it means any more than "white power"
You're an ignorant son of a bitch look it up inverted ok sign
In looking at the pictures, it seems the hand gesture is only made behind the black cadet and black midshipman in the picture.

I'm sure it is just a coincidence

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You are as bad as the fucking libtards! It's the "made you look" game.
Look it up dumb ass oh wait you must be really young. Sorry for calling you a stupid don of bitch ignorence of the past is not your fault
Witness the inability of USMB RW nutbags to be honest.

When they know it’s wrong and they can’t deny that it happened, they have no choice but to claim that it is not wrong.

Flashing the white power sign.

It is those who are calling a perfectly innocuous and postie gesture a “white power sign” who are being dishonest.

It is not a white power sign, nor any other sort of racist symbol, it never has been, and it never will be. Those who are trying to characterize it as such, and on that basis, to accuse people of being racist for making that sign, are flat-out, knowingly, willfully lying. It really is that simple, and that clear. They are proving their own inability to be honest.
As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online


I agree that all soldiers are green.

Turns out your source is a lie, though. The Okay symbol has nothing to do with white supremacy.
Nice try, but the cadets seem to be making an inverted white power hand sign and not a conventional upright OK signal

No question it was intentional and not inadvertent

They will be dealt with severely for embarrassing the Corp
back in my youth when we did it that way it meant suck my dick

To you and all your gay buddies that may have been true, but that is hot what it means any more than "white power"
You're an ignorant son of a bitch look it up inverted ok sign

I know what it means. Apparently your homosexual cohorts have attached a name to it that no one else believes.
Yeap and that kind of crap is going to give a super majority in both houses and Trump will be YOUR president for 4 more years. Keep it up!

Yes. I know. You believe that there are enough morons who will be upset by people being held to account for dopey racism that Trump will win in a landslide. Good for you.
No silly, I'm talking about the insane impeachment ploy that you loons are trying to pull off.
View attachment 294910
Just think if you don't think like she does. Your the enemy too.

Oh! Yeah. Trump being impeached is good for his election prospects. You are brilliant.

I don't support Trump but I do believe it very well might indeed do that.

He isn't going to be removed and all it will then do is energize his base.

His base has peaked. They can be energized but it won’t make them grow.
Trumps approval rating is higher than Obama's were at the same time in their presidency. Obama had the press in his back pocket. Gonna be a beating against democrats in November.
No one said he was a good guy. We just thought shooting a kid for jaywalking was a little excessive. just fked up--thank you!! it wasn't for jaywalking--it was for ATTACKING the cop
you are now forever discredited for posting crap

In order to be discredited, he would have to have had some credibility to begin with.

One cannot lose what one never had.
As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online


If you want to bitch about something bitch about the filthy ass Democrat dirty tricks operation to impeach Trump along strict party lines that is absolutely bat shit crazy.

That is a lot more damaging to our country to have that kind of senseless partisanship hate because Trump beat them in an election than a couple of meaningless hand signs at a football game.
That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
So? what if they do? why do blacks use the word N!@ger all the time?
The inverted ok means suck my dick as for decades

You are as bad as the fucking libtards! It's the "made you look" game.
Look it up dumb ass oh wait you must be really young. Sorry for calling you a stupid don of bitch ignorence of the past is not your fault

I work with retired Army personnel and before that I taught middle and high school. The meaning has never been "suck my dick" except to you and your faggot friends. . It's the "made you look!" game that I have seen for about 45 years now. I have 40 year-old retirees from the Army that do this STILL!

BTW, the word is "ignorance" which you displayed by spelling it wrong.
Pravda had to come up with something to counter the overwhelmingly positive response trump got from the Americans at the Army-Navy game.

What does this controversy have anything to do with the orange whore at the game?
Wow I didn't know you were there. Where were you sitting?

I wasn't. Was the "overwhelmingly positive response" to trump or not? What was this idiotic comment about Pravda for? Pravda is russian media and the orange whore is a russian puppet.

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