Cadets at the Army Navy game seen flashing White Power hand signs.

Pravda had to come up with something to counter the overwhelmingly positive response trump got from the Americans at the Army-Navy game.

What does this controversy have anything to do with the orange whore at the game?
Wow I didn't know you were there. Where were you sitting?

I wasn't. Was the "overwhelmingly positive response" to trump or not? What was this idiotic comment about Pravda for? Pravda is russian media and the orange whore is a russian puppet.
Better Russian than democrat.
That is not a racist gesture, never has been, and never will be. Just lying LIbErals looking for an excuse to gratuitously play the Race Card.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

What, the circle with finger and thumb?? It means "all okay." I just used it yesterday to signify to my husband in the car that the front door was locked before we went out. I use it often.

And now I'll use it oftener, because I am so sick of the Left constantly messing up our language! And now they are trying to mess up normal sign language, too?? This is their way of keeping us in constant confusion.

I have been making a point of not ever using PC language -- I say the real words instead. Homosexual, not gay. Blacks, not "African-Americans," which is crazy to start with. Trannies or transvestites, not transgender, because no one can change sex, not really: it's just fraud.

They are trying to keep us locked up in PC language and confusion: let's never, never cooperate.

the OK sign, WAS NOT USED in the pictures in the linked article...
bigrebnc1775, why do members of white supremacist groups flash that sign in pictures and videos? Who are they saying OK to?

Why can’t you be honest? What harm does it do you to be honest?

That did not answer the question. But it did tell me that you know what I’m referring to. Why can’t you be honest.
Gee, LoneLaugher. The okay sign has been universally used by Americans of all shapes sizes and colors for generations. I heard it was picked up by a postal service fella who couldn't spell and his version of "all correct" was "O.K." lololol Don't ask me why that is, but I lived in Casper Wyoming for 35 years, where they let go the misspelled name of Caspar Collins in favor of the easier and more phonic spelling "Casper."

Why is everything that started in an amusing way now in the dour realm of weaponized political blathering? Enquiring minds would like to know.

Do white supremacist groups use the sign to symbolize “white power”?

That’s a yes or no question and has only one honest answer. What is yours?
I'm neither for nor against "white supremacist groups" who aren't doing more than expressing their opinions under the First Amendment. That includes using symbols that THEY CHOOSE to use. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater, toots.
IN Uniform?
There is no white power hand signal(s). That is one of two things.

Extreme paranoia or

A deliberate attempt by those on the left to link innocent hand gestures and traditional gestures into separate definitions for a political purpose.

I'm thinking it is the latter for the purpose of destroying specific freedoms of political opponents.

The gesture means everything is okay. It has nothing to do with white power.

We should all use it as much as possible so they don't succeed in confusing us and stealing our language. I suppose the reason they try to make so many words dirty is to stop us talking at all.
you had a fricking heart attack with Michelle and Barack's hand gestures with each other?
All this matter involves is an investigation by the commanders of the military academies. Why not wait for the results? Many of you seem so awfully antsy. Why?
Because the Left keeps trying to mess up everyone's words! gay means homosexual, transgender means transvestite male prostitutes, African-American means blacks --- this is stopping by me. They don't get my OK sign.

And I'm using plain words that mean what they mean.
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And words keep changing....are you excusing the WP sign now?

Yes. Free speech! You leftists quit trying to suppress free speech!!! Darn, if anyone tried to suppress blacks doing that fist thing for Black Power, the Left would go all crazy. So yes, if anyone wants to make a White Power sign, more power to them.

JUST DON'T MAKE IT MY 'OKAY' SIGN! I use that sign.
You know that if the hand is upright, that's not the WP sign, right?

There is no fucking white power sign, dumbass!
"If" it was a white power sign. It would be a breach and the TACs will deal with it. Never met a Pointer (even a fresh one) that was a racist. Met a couple with a disdain for enlisted, but they were better after an attitude adjustment.
There is no white power hand signal(s). That is one of two things.

Extreme paranoia or

A deliberate attempt by those on the left to link innocent hand gestures and traditional gestures into separate definitions for a political purpose.

I'm thinking it is the latter for the purpose of destroying specific freedoms of political opponents.

The gesture means everything is okay. It has nothing to do with white power.

We should all use it as much as possible so they don't succeed in confusing us and stealing our language. I suppose the reason they try to make so many words dirty is to stop us talking at all.

Thank you.

This is the whole point, the libs want to constantly shanghai the common language and change meanings and implications.
Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning. The do it openly. The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.
"Surreptitiously" while standing next to a broadcaster speaking on national t.v.? Such a stupid inexplicable comment.
There is no white power hand signal(s). That is one of two things.

Extreme paranoia or

A deliberate attempt by those on the left to link innocent hand gestures and traditional gestures into separate definitions for a political purpose.

I'm thinking it is the latter for the purpose of destroying specific freedoms of political opponents.

The gesture means everything is okay. It has nothing to do with white power.

We should all use it as much as possible so they don't succeed in confusing us and stealing our language. I suppose the reason they try to make so many words dirty is to stop us talking at all.

Thank you.

This is the whole point, the libs want to constantly shanghai the common language and change meanings and implications.
Yes. It appears that they wish to do so to silence the speech of those they disagree with and for the express purpose of political power.
Nice try, but the cadets seem to be making an inverted white power hand sign and not a conventional upright OK signal

No question it was intentional and not inadvertent

They will be dealt with severely for embarrassing the Corp
back in my youth when we did it that way it meant suck my dick
Flashed it a lot, did you?
Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning. The do it openly. The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.
"Surreptitiously" while standing next to a broadcaster speaking on national t.v.? Such a stupid inexplicable comment.

They may have been motivated to do it by the fact that they were on camera. Would they have done it with their hands held down on their knees if they had merely been sitting in a row in the bleachers watching the game?

Just let the investigation take its course. There is no use arguing about it before the investigation concludes.
As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online


If you want to bitch about something bitch about the filthy ass Democrat dirty tricks operation to impeach Trump along strict party lines that is absolutely bat shit crazy.

That is a lot more damaging to our country to have that kind of senseless partisanship hate because Trump beat them in an election than a couple of meaningless hand signs at a football game.
"strict party lines" tells us something on how the Republican party has become the trump party. I bet you're proud of fat donnie and his behavior.
As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online


If you want to bitch about something bitch about the filthy ass Democrat dirty tricks operation to impeach Trump along strict party lines that is absolutely bat shit crazy.

That is a lot more damaging to our country to have that kind of senseless partisanship hate because Trump beat them in an election than a couple of meaningless hand signs at a football game.
"strict party lines" tells us something on how the Republican party has become the trump party. I bet you're proud of fat donnie and his behavior.

You may not know this because you listen to fake news all the time but not only will the Republicans all vote against it but a bunch of Democrats will jump ship and we even have a Democrat changing parties because he doesn't want to be part of the filthy Democrat TDS afflicted hatefest.
As a former Soldier, let me tell you young wannabe Officers this. There is no where in the Military for Racism. Soldiers are Green. Not white. Not black, or brown, or blue. They are all green. Sailors are all Blue.

The only way the Military works is with equality between the races. That’s it. And if you are a cadet at one of our Service Academy’s, and haven’t learned this lesson yet, then please take the opportunity to depart the service forthwith. We don’t want you, or need you in uniform. You don’t deserve the uniform, and you damned sure don’t deserve to be an Officer who will have troops to command.

Cadets and midshipmen appeared to flash white power hand signs at Army-Navy broadcast | Daily Mail Online


If you want to bitch about something bitch about the filthy ass Democrat dirty tricks operation to impeach Trump along strict party lines that is absolutely bat shit crazy.

That is a lot more damaging to our country to have that kind of senseless partisanship hate because Trump beat them in an election than a couple of meaningless hand signs at a football game.
"strict party lines" tells us something on how the Republican party has become the trump party. I bet you're proud of fat donnie and his behavior.

I guess you didn't see how the Democrat Party ran Rep. Van Drew out of the party for Failure to support the Witch Hunt?

The D's have a firm party line, and Nervous Nancy's starting to lose it.
Shut the fuck up

So SavannahMann does not have the right to free speech?

Given that the meaning of this hand-signal is said to have changed to become a sign of a racist movement, an investigation is in order to determine whether these cadets are qualified to serve in our military and be trusted by their fellow service members and subordinates.This is not an issue of "conservatives" or "liberals," it is a matter of preserving the integrity of the U.S. Military.

Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning. The do it openly. The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.

That gesture is universal as the pictures of liberals usining it demonstrate
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So, you claim is that they were just flashing the sign to say "ok!", like a "thumbs-up"...?

Then explicitly state that. See if you can type it without feeling embarrassed.
They may have been motivated to do it by the fact that they were on camera. Would they have done it with their hands held down on their knees if they had merely been sitting in a row in the bleachers watching the game?

Just let the investigation take its course. There is no use arguing about it before the investigation concludes.
I'm not arguing. Just disputing your definition of a "surreptitious" act.
Personally I think some of these signs were made specifically because they are forbidden, like a kid who is flipping the bird in a yearbook class photo.
It's an act of rebellion and defiance.
All this matter involves is an investigation by the commanders of the military academies. Why not wait for the results? Many of you seem so awfully antsy. Why?
Because the Left keeps trying to mess up everyone's words! gay means homosexual, transgender means transvestite male prostitutes, African-American means blacks --- this is stopping by me. They don't get my OK sign.

And I'm using plain words that mean what they mean.
Then keep flashing it....I'm sure it will impress people.
Shut the fuck up

So SavannahMann does not have the right to free speech?

Given that the meaning of this hand-signal is said to have changed to become a sign of a racist movement, an investigation is in order to determine whether these cadets are qualified to serve in our military and be trusted by their fellow service members and subordinates.This is not an issue of "conservatives" or "liberals," it is a matter of preserving the integrity of the U.S. Military.

Photos have been posted here showing well-known people using this hand-sign according to its traditional meaning. The do it openly. The photos included in the article provided by the OP show cadets who clearly are making it surreptitiously. If they were doing it to cheer on their team, they would have done it with their hands held high. Something suspicious appears to be going on here.

That gesture is universal as the pictures of liberals usining it demonstrate
View attachment 294879

Protecting the low life white Supremacists is just about as disgusting as defending them. Fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

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