Caging Versus Killing


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
There comes a time when ANY population has to look at the issue and prisons are getting just TO full and costing way to much. I think it's time we as a nation and as a people at least talked about EXPANDING the death penalty. There ARE groups of people we simply do NOT need.

By simply taking certain groups of criminals and killing them we COULD cut our budget and make our streets safer.

1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists
3, Drug dealers
4, Terrorists
5, Drug smugglers
6, Human traffickers
7, Murderers
8, Border hoppers

Folks we simply do NOT NEED these people as citizens or anything else for that matter. And as far as the death penalty goes who says a child molester should NOT hang because it's to painful? Hell I hope he screams so loud that OTHER wanna be child molesters are SCARED!

We have our values ALL wrong when we put more concern in the guilty's pain then the victims suffering. If an 8 year old girl has to live her life and be productive be at ease with the rest of the world then we as a nation and as a people owe it to HER and NOT the molester to see fit it NEVER happens again.

That is what a JUST population does and that IS what a FAIR legal system does.
It REMOVES the criminal to NEVER repeat EVER.
1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists
3, Drug dealers
4, Terrorists
5, Drug smugglers
6, Human traffickers
7, Murderers
8, Border hoppers

1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
Kill them.

3 and 5, keep them locked up. Get rid of the one I listed to kill, plenty of room for 3 and 5.

8.....send them back over the border with an "i" tattooed on their forehead.
What do you think, Pinky? Gas chambers or firing squad?


Authoritarians.... they never learn.
Firing squad.

And why would anyone WANT child rapists, rapists, terrorists, etc to LIVE? And pay for their medical and food while in a cage? Our prisons are overcrowded. Time to clean house and put them out of our misery.

Druggies can be helped. The others, not so much. They are a lost cause. Fuck 'em. Kill 'em.
There comes a time when ANY population has to look at the issue and prisons are getting just TO full and costing way to much. I think it's time we as a nation and as a people at least talked about EXPANDING the death penalty. There ARE groups of people we simply do NOT need.

By simply taking certain groups of criminals and killing them we COULD cut our budget and make our streets safer.

1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists
3, Drug dealers
4, Terrorists
5, Drug smugglers
6, Human traffickers
7, Murderers
8, Border hoppers

Folks we simply do NOT NEED these people as citizens or anything else for that matter. And as far as the death penalty goes who says a child molester should NOT hang because it's to painful? Hell I hope he screams so loud that OTHER wanna be child molesters are SCARED!

We have our values ALL wrong when we put more concern in the guilty's pain then the victims suffering. If an 8 year old girl has to live her life and be productive be at ease with the rest of the world then we as a nation and as a people owe it to HER and NOT the molester to see fit it NEVER happens again.

That is what a JUST population does and that IS what a FAIR legal system does.
It REMOVES the criminal to NEVER repeat EVER.

The prison industry is similar to the defense industry. Both stand to benefit financially from something negative. War and crime.

So we have lots of wars, and lots of crime.

So long as someone makes money putting people into a cell for some length of time, that's what's going to happen. It isn't about justice. Justice is the arresting officer in Kentucky in 1988 who arrested the drunk driver who driving the wrong way on the highway struck a church bus murdering all 27 aboard, 24 of whom were children, executing the drunk driver when he caught up to him. The 11 years he got for murdering 24 little kids and 3 adults wasn't justice.

America isn't just. It's about the people and groups who make the rules all benefitting financially in some manner. See more justice in arab countries with sharia law much as ignorant people love to diss it. Steal something in KSA they chop off the hand that did it. That's justice.
There comes a time when ANY population has to look at the issue and prisons are getting just TO full and costing way to much. I think it's time we as a nation and as a people at least talked about EXPANDING the death penalty. There ARE groups of people we simply do NOT need.

By simply taking certain groups of criminals and killing them we COULD cut our budget and make our streets safer.

1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists
3, Drug dealers
4, Terrorists
5, Drug smugglers
6, Human traffickers
7, Murderers
8, Border hoppers

Folks we simply do NOT NEED these people as citizens or anything else for that matter. And as far as the death penalty goes who says a child molester should NOT hang because it's to painful? Hell I hope he screams so loud that OTHER wanna be child molesters are SCARED!

We have our values ALL wrong when we put more concern in the guilty's pain then the victims suffering. If an 8 year old girl has to live her life and be productive be at ease with the rest of the world then we as a nation and as a people owe it to HER and NOT the molester to see fit it NEVER happens again.

That is what a JUST population does and that IS what a FAIR legal system does.
It REMOVES the criminal to NEVER repeat EVER.

The prison industry is similar to the defense industry. Both stand to benefit financially from something negative. War and crime.

So we have lots of wars, and lots of crime.

So long as someone makes money putting people into a cell for some length of time, that's what's going to happen. It isn't about justice. Justice is the arresting officer in Kentucky in 1988 who arrested the drunk driver who driving the wrong way on the highway struck a church bus murdering all 27 aboard, 24 of whom were children, executing the drunk driver when he caught up to him. The 11 years he got for murdering 24 little kids and 3 adults wasn't justice.

America isn't just. It's about the people and groups who make the rules all benefitting financially in some manner. See more justice in arab countries with sharia law much as ignorant people love to diss it. Steal something in KSA they chop off the hand that did it. That's justice.

"Justice" has nothing to do with what the OP wants. He's out for sadism, that's it.

We live in a culture that celebrates death at every opportunity; Pinkie's just looking for more of those opportunities. Part of his Minidick power complex, no doubt the same complex that makes him post in those obnoxious bold fonts.
1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists

Interesting that "Child Molesters" somehow gets an apostrophe ( :wtf: ) while "Rapists" do not. I don't get that. "Child Molester is"?

I think we should hang, electrocute, draw and quarter those who can't be bothered to learn how apostrophes work, or that we never for any reason whatsoever use one to form a plural in English.

Would sure clean up this board...
There comes a time when ANY population has to look at the issue and prisons are getting just TO full and costing way to much. I think it's time we as a nation and as a people at least talked about EXPANDING the death penalty. There ARE groups of people we simply do NOT need.

By simply taking certain groups of criminals and killing them we COULD cut our budget and make our streets safer.

1, Child Molester's
2, Rapists
3, Drug dealers
4, Terrorists
5, Drug smugglers
6, Human traffickers
7, Murderers
8, Border hoppers

Folks we simply do NOT NEED these people as citizens or anything else for that matter. And as far as the death penalty goes who says a child molester should NOT hang because it's to painful? Hell I hope he screams so loud that OTHER wanna be child molesters are SCARED!

We have our values ALL wrong when we put more concern in the guilty's pain then the victims suffering. If an 8 year old girl has to live her life and be productive be at ease with the rest of the world then we as a nation and as a people owe it to HER and NOT the molester to see fit it NEVER happens again.

That is what a JUST population does and that IS what a FAIR legal system does.
It REMOVES the criminal to NEVER repeat EVER.

The prison industry is similar to the defense industry. Both stand to benefit financially from something negative. War and crime.

So we have lots of wars, and lots of crime.

So long as someone makes money putting people into a cell for some length of time, that's what's going to happen. It isn't about justice. Justice is the arresting officer in Kentucky in 1988 who arrested the drunk driver who driving the wrong way on the highway struck a church bus murdering all 27 aboard, 24 of whom were children, executing the drunk driver when he caught up to him. The 11 years he got for murdering 24 little kids and 3 adults wasn't justice.

America isn't just. It's about the people and groups who make the rules all benefitting financially in some manner. See more justice in arab countries with sharia law much as ignorant people love to diss it. Steal something in KSA they chop off the hand that did it. That's justice.

"Justice" has nothing to do with what the OP wants. He's out for sadism, that's it.

We live in a culture that celebrates death at every opportunity; Pinkie's just looking for more of those opportunities. Part of his Minidick power complex, no doubt the same complex that makes him post in those obnoxious bold fonts.

While that's true, think the problem's simply it's more profitable to imprison people than execute them. As with healthcare and,

"A patient cured is a customer lost."

Why cure something if treating it is orders of magnitude more profitable? Why execute someone for their crime if incarcerating them for the next 50 or so years makes the prison and law enforcement industries a shitload of money, enables more law enforcement funding, etc.

If we executed every criminal, there'd be no crime to speak of. And of course no reason to fund law enforcement, build prisons, etc. There'd be layoffs everywhere! :)

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