Cain at it again

It was the RNC who was in a panic that Cain might actually get the has to look no further than that

It was your shameful party that went apeshit over the concept of a black man running for office outside of the party. Gettin all uppity and thinking he can make up his own mind, that will NOT be tolerated.

This is classic DNC demagoguery, the same script used on party enemies over and over again.

IOW, the politics of personal destruction.
Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars

Sounds like another broke and unemployed bimbo eruption... so far, it is all unsubstantiated nonsense. Call me when Cain starts jaclking off on somebody's dress and lying under oath.

"unsubstantiated nonsense"
Cain's lawyer does not think so. Lin Wood saw all of the phone records and texts last night.
Why do you think there was no denial in his letter to Channel 11? His letter basically admitted the sex and stating that has no place in public matters.
Sad that there is a shit load of documentation here and now we see that there are a number of staff there that also knew of this woman around Cain while at NRA.
How many do you need? 5 more, 10 more, 20 more?
100 more could come forward and say the same thing. I understand. You do not want to believe it. I don't either.
But the facts are in on this one. Herman Cain is a bald faced liar.

I Googled "Cain's letter to channel 11" and I got nothing. Perhaps you can provide me the "shit load" of documents that proves he did all these thing. So far, it's a few broke-ass bitches desperately in need of money who have proved nothing. BTW.. I'm no Cain fan, but I'm even less a fan of people who find it ok to smear people... if it was such a big deal... why wait all this time?

Sorry, it wreaks.
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Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars
It was a pre-emptive strike on Cain's part. He was informed that the lady was going to talk about the affair and made the decision to get HIS story out first before HERS did.

The story now is that he's "re-assessing his campaign." That's the tell-tall sign that a resignation is soon-to-follow.

He should have resigned when there were "non-factual" stories, but he insisted on staying in the race until damning facts came in that could not only damage him politically, but personally. He's toast.
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What the fuck does Bill Clinton have to do with Herman Cain?

The accusations that you demand are fatal to Cain were excused for Clinton.

What is your argument? That since Bill Clinton did it it is ok for Cain?

Standards be applied equally to a black man as they were to a white man?

What an outrageous idea I have floated.

The media WAS ALL OVER all of the bimbo eruptions on Clinton.


How did you find out about Flowers and all of them?

The National Enquirer didn't play by the rules. They broke the blue dress and the Edwards story as well, the party press would have suppressed all of it.

A bird flew by and told you?
Bill Clinton has nothing to do with this. Nice try.

Right, you hold an entirely different set of standards for him. How dare I suggest that the same standards apply to both men.

Those of us that have been around a long time know the difference between shit and shinola.
And this is shit and it stinks and Cain needs to resign this morning.

No JUST resign, but start campaigning for Barack Obama to pay for his uppityness.

Your problem is that you want to make winners and losers out of this.

Nah, I was leaning more towards a consistent set of ethical standards that apply to all, regardless of skin color or party.

Obviously, you find that concept offensive.

There are NO winners in any of this Moe. Cain sunk his ship trying to make the women all look like gold diggers but this current one was his lover for over a decade and the facts arethere to prove it and she is not getting a pot to piss in for it.

I do find the timing a tad interesting. I would also bet that the economic situation of these women is mysteriously improving.

And guess what? This story has been in the shit can for a few weeks. They knew she was out there, I BEEN TELLING YOU FOR WEEKS SHE WAS OUT THERE, and now she is there.
This is old news sports fans.

Except that Cain was rebounding, there was real fear that the public would ignore that last round and Obama would have to face a black contender.
It was the RNC who was in a panic that Cain might actually get the has to look no further than that

It was your shameful party that went apeshit over the concept of a black man running for office outside of the party. Gettin all uppity and thinking he can make up his own mind, that will NOT be tolerated.

This is classic DNC demagoguery, the same script used on party enemies over and over again.

IOW, the politics of personal destruction.

You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats. He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

The bottom line is that Cain was woefully unprepared for a presidential run, which should not be suprising since he's never held ANY elective office, including just being a member of a city council.

Cain's personal life was bound to come out. How he imagined that he could just 'wing it' is beyond anyone's understanding.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.
It was the RNC who was in a panic that Cain might actually get the has to look no further than that

It was your shameful party that went apeshit over the concept of a black man running for office outside of the party. Gettin all uppity and thinking he can make up his own mind, that will NOT be tolerated.

This is classic DNC demagoguery, the same script used on party enemies over and over again.

IOW, the politics of personal destruction.

You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats. He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

The bottom line is that Cain was woefully unprepared for a presidential run, which should not be suprising since he's never held ANY elective office, including just being a member of a city council.

Cain's personal life was bound to come out. How he imagined that he could just 'wing it' is beyond anyone's understanding.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

Well you all followed and elected a JUNIOR SENATOR...And just what the hell did he know about ANYTHING? before he was elected to Congress FOR TWO YEARS until I guess he got a calling that he should run for President...Before that he was a lowly state Senator from Illinois community organizer... He didn't even know how to PROUNCE the branches of OUR MILITARY.
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Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars
It was a pre-emptive strike on Cain's part. He was informed that the lady was going to talk about the affair and made the decision to get HIS story out first before HERS did.

The story now is that he's "re-assessing his campaign." That's the tell-tall sign that a resignation is soon-to-follow.

He should have resigned when there were "non-factual" stories, but he insisted on staying in the race until damning facts came in that could not only damage him politically, but personally. He's toast.

I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?
You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats.

Yeah, like Freddy Kruger. Cain destroyed Obama. The ONLY way that Obama could survive was to destroy Cain - which the party has done.

He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

What an idiotic claim. Cain was the most informed and articulate of the candidates, with the possible exception of Gingrich.

The bottom line is that Cain was woefully unprepared for a presidential run, which should not be suprising since he's never held ANY elective office, including just being a member of a city council.

What utterly stupid bullshit.

Cain's personal life was bound to come out. How he imagined that he could just 'wing it' is beyond anyone's understanding.

The party was willing to spend whatever it took to destroy Cain, that is a fact.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

Cain was the most qualified candidate on the board - vastly more capable than Obama and better prepared than his Republican rivals. Cain had a viable economic plan that would finally bring the economy out of the cesspool Obama has thrown it in.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

Cain is still the best candidate there is.

Yes, the slander and libel that your shameful party engaged in has destroyed him as a viable contender, nevertheless, he still is the best leader of the bunch.
Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars
It was a pre-emptive strike on Cain's part. He was informed that the lady was going to talk about the affair and made the decision to get HIS story out first before HERS did.

The story now is that he's "re-assessing his campaign." That's the tell-tall sign that a resignation is soon-to-follow.

He should have resigned when there were "non-factual" stories, but he insisted on staying in the race until damning facts came in that could not only damage him politically, but personally. He's toast.

He should have packed it in when he realized we realized he knew nothing about Libya. He cant come back from that one. No way.

Everything else is crap.
It was the RNC who was in a panic that Cain might actually get the has to look no further than that

It was your shameful party that went apeshit over the concept of a black man running for office outside of the party. Gettin all uppity and thinking he can make up his own mind, that will NOT be tolerated.

This is classic DNC demagoguery, the same script used on party enemies over and over again.

IOW, the politics of personal destruction.

You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats. He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

The bottom line is that Cain was woefully unprepared for a presidential run, which should not be suprising since he's never held ANY elective office, including just being a member of a city council.

Cain's personal life was bound to come out. How he imagined that he could just 'wing it' is beyond anyone's understanding.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

Most Democrats mourn the premature climax of Cains political career
I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?

Palin wasn't running.

That said, the Jews got far more honest and fair treatment from Goebbels than Sarah Palin got from the democratic party and their press corpse.

Are you admitting that Cain got the same treatment as Palin?
I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?



Too funny.

*wipes tears from my good eye*
You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats.

Yeah, like Freddy Kruger. Cain destroyed Obama. The ONLY way that Obama could survive was to destroy Cain - which the party has done.

He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

What an idiotic claim. Cain was the most informed and articulate of the candidates, with the possible exception of Gingrich.

What utterly stupid bullshit.

The party was willing to spend whatever it took to destroy Cain, that is a fact.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

Cain was the most qualified candidate on the board - vastly more capable than Obama and better prepared than his Republican rivals. Cain had a viable economic plan that would finally bring the economy out of the cesspool Obama has thrown it in.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

Cain is still the best candidate there is.

Yes, the slander and libel that your shameful party engaged in has destroyed him as a viable contender, nevertheless, he still is the best leader of the bunch.

This election cycle, some conservatives remind me of teenage girls (around 15). Both they and you fall in love too easily.
It was the RNC who was in a panic that Cain might actually get the has to look no further than that

It was your shameful party that went apeshit over the concept of a black man running for office outside of the party. Gettin all uppity and thinking he can make up his own mind, that will NOT be tolerated.

This is classic DNC demagoguery, the same script used on party enemies over and over again.

IOW, the politics of personal destruction.

You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats. He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

The bottom line is that Cain was woefully unprepared for a presidential run, which should not be suprising since he's never held ANY elective office, including just being a member of a city council.

Cain's personal life was bound to come out. How he imagined that he could just 'wing it' is beyond anyone's understanding.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

That shouldn't be too hard to answer Mustang. Not when the general consensus is to destroy Obama at all costs AND NOT support Romney at all costs.

Didn't you get the memo....?

If you're not united with us GET OUT OF OUR WAY!!!

Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Quite the ladies man

Herman Cain revealed Monday that an Atlanta-area woman would soon come forward alleging an "extended," 13-year extramarital affair with the Republican presidential candidate, telling CNN her claims are untrue.*

Cain told Wolf Blitzer he wanted to "give you a heads up and everyone a heads up" that the woman would be coming forward.

He said he knows the woman - but that he did not have an affair with her.

According to an Atlanta affiliate of Fox News, a woman is claiming that she and Cain had a 13-year long affair.

"Here we go again," Cain said in response to the forthcoming allegations. "I didn't do anything wrong."

They are coming out of the woodwork.........of course they are all liars
It was a pre-emptive strike on Cain's part. He was informed that the lady was going to talk about the affair and made the decision to get HIS story out first before HERS did.

The story now is that he's "re-assessing his campaign." That's the tell-tall sign that a resignation is soon-to-follow.

He should have resigned when there were "non-factual" stories, but he insisted on staying in the race until damning facts came in that could not only damage him politically, but personally. He's toast.

I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?

and you all have Obama. sitting at 40% approval. I think it's you all that should be the one's worring about MERCY.
I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?

Palin wasn't running.

That said, the Jews got far more honest and fair treatment from Goebbels than Sarah Palin got from the democratic party and their press corpse.

Are you admitting that Cain got the same treatment as Palin?

Awwwww.......them nasty Dems are worse than NAZIS

Don't you hate it when the Lamestream media reports what comes out of your mouth
It was a pre-emptive strike on Cain's part. He was informed that the lady was going to talk about the affair and made the decision to get HIS story out first before HERS did.

The story now is that he's "re-assessing his campaign." That's the tell-tall sign that a resignation is soon-to-follow.

He should have resigned when there were "non-factual" stories, but he insisted on staying in the race until damning facts came in that could not only damage him politically, but personally. He's toast.

I blame the Democrats

So far them rascally Dems have ruined the promising presidential ambitions of:

Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rick Perry
Herman Cain

Have they no mercy?

and you all have Obama. sitting at 40% approval. I think it's you all that should be the one's worring about MERCY.

Have you seen the approval rate of Republican Party?
Awwwww.......them nasty Dems are worse than NAZIS

Goebbels could have learned a lot from the party press.

Don't you hate it when the Lamestream media reports what comes out of your mouth

Most of what you believe Palin said came from Saturday Night Live skits. When it comes to sliming the opposition, fact and fiction are all the same.

When comedian Jon Stewart is the main news source for the party, any hint of integrity in reporting is bound to be a joke.
You need a reality check. Cain was a dream GOP candidate for Democrats.

Yeah, like Freddy Kruger. Cain destroyed Obama. The ONLY way that Obama could survive was to destroy Cain - which the party has done.

He obviously was ill-prepared to answer even the simplest of questions on issue ranging from abortion, to Libya, to what a neocon is.

What an idiotic claim. Cain was the most informed and articulate of the candidates, with the possible exception of Gingrich.

What utterly stupid bullshit.

The party was willing to spend whatever it took to destroy Cain, that is a fact.

Cain's supreme confidence in light of his lack of preparation was and is stunning since I've seen no evidence that he approached his business career that way. Therefore, I can only assume that his run for the presidency was an effort to raise his public profile (that succeeded, of course) which morphed into an ego-driven effort to prove that he was worthy of the office.

Cain was the most qualified candidate on the board - vastly more capable than Obama and better prepared than his Republican rivals. Cain had a viable economic plan that would finally bring the economy out of the cesspool Obama has thrown it in.

What's MORE startling is how so many conservatives were willing to follow him when he was obviously not at all prepared to even answer rudimentary questions.

Cain is still the best candidate there is.

Yes, the slander and libel that your shameful party engaged in has destroyed him as a viable contender, nevertheless, he still is the best leader of the bunch.

Hey, if you want to look foolish, who am I to stand in your way? But you're embarrassing yourself by saying that Cain was the most qualified candidate.

If Cain could win any award, it would be for flagrant hubris despite glaring inadequacies in the areas of knowledge and preparedness when attempting to answer simple questions. He's grabbed that mantel from Sarah Palin (the previous hands down winner) and managed to prevent Michele Bachmann from contending for this years award.

I've seen politicians backpedal later in the day from ill-advised statments they make. I've seen politicians whose campaigns have to 'clarify' a previous statemet (otherwise known as contradicting what was previously said). But I've NEVER seen a candidate contradict himself several times within one short interview as Cain manages to do over and over again.

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