Cain got caught in a lie.


Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.
And, thank goodness Blacks had role models who used the oppressor's system to succeed, in spite of that system.


There is no way in heck Cain would have gotten as far as he did without the civil rights movement.

Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.

Cain has a long way to go to catch up to the number of lies obama has told.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.
Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.

Cain has a long way to go to catch up to the number of lies obama has told.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.

And anything that is promised if not kept is a lie.

Husband take his vows at his wedding to love honor cherrish and obey his wife and cheats on her is that a lie?

Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honor her/him throughout your years together? (each responds, "I will.")
Cain has a long way to go to catch up to the number of lies obama has told.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.

And anything that is promised if not kept is a lie.

Husband take his vows at his wedding to love honor cherrish and obey his wife and cheats on her is that a lie?

Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honor her/him throughout your years together? (each responds, "I will.")

Cain has a long way to go to catch up to the number of lies obama has told.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.

And anything that is promised if not kept is a lie.

Husband take his vows at his wedding to love honor cherrish and obey his wife and cheats on her is that a lie?

Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honor her/him throughout your years together? (each responds, "I will.")

So now you are calling 50% of Americans that marry, liars? Because that about the number of marriages that end in divorce.

Good luck with that.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.

And anything that is promised if not kept is a lie.

Husband take his vows at his wedding to love honor cherrish and obey his wife and cheats on her is that a lie?

Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honor her/him throughout your years together? (each responds, "I will.")

So now you are calling 50% of Americans that marry, liars? Because that about the number of marriages that end in divorce.

Good luck with that.


yes I am. I am very cut and dry when it comes to liar's and lying.
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Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.
And, thank goodness Blacks had role models who used the oppressor's system to succeed, in spite of that system.


There is no way in heck Cain would have gotten as far as he did without the civil rights movement.
And no way in heck many Blacks would have gotten as far as they did had Blacks succeeded in parallel.

And no way many women would have gotten as far as they did had I not done what I did - succeeded.

What lies?

A promise not kept is not a lie. So long as you tried to keep it.

And anything that is promised if not kept is a lie.

Husband take his vows at his wedding to love honor cherrish and obey his wife and cheats on her is that a lie?

Do you (name) take (name) to be your lawful wedded wife/husband? (each responds, "I do.") Will you love, respect and honor her/him throughout your years together? (each responds, "I will.")

So now you are calling 50% of Americans that marry, liars? Because that about the number of marriages that end in divorce.

Good luck with that.

Ummm, yeah. Those who break oaths definitely.
Amen! I watch it yesterday and today. Cain is certainly not a role model for blacks!

Of course he can't be a role model (according to the left)! He is a man who went to school, studied hard, got good grades, got out of his situation with those grades and went to college, excelled there, went to grad school, excelled there, and ran a large business and improved his socio-economic standing.

Nope, he sucks as a role model. The left does not want African Americans educated because the more ignorant a person is, the easier they are to lead by the nose.

Fucking racist.

He ran an f'in pizza parlar, yeah that is presidential.

He was CEO of a national chain of restaurants. How are you defining "Presidential"?
Cain is clearly an Uncle Tom. While there is nothing illegal about that - it certainly denotes a measure of dishonesty as to who he is. His past civil rights non-participation; hiding behind the Navy as a civilian to avoid Vietnam; zero political experience. Hell, has he ever advocated for anything - racial or otherwise?

You're comparing Cain to a Christ-figure? Either you REALLY like the guy, or you're an uneducated twat who's never read the book in question. Guess which one MY money's on. :eusa_whistle:
As an expert on the topic of blackness and the only one to post so far. This interview with O'Donnell just knocked Herman Cain's "30% of the black vote" down to less than the amount garnered by McCain/Palin in 2008. He was there in the cradle of the civil rights movement along with thousands of other black college students and he didn't "cause trouble", but John Lewis did.

He allowed other blacks to do the heavy lifting. Even if I thought he was qualified to be president, which I certainly don't, I would never vote for him for that reason.

Or maybe he just realized the protests were so much useless grandstanding, and the REAL battle was being fought - and won - in the courts and legislatures. But I like how we're denigrating the value of attending to one's education and becoming a productive member of society, rather than being a rabble-rouser and getting arrested.
Are you black?

It matters to you a great deal, doesn't it?

Do you know why?

The REAL question is, do we care? I hate to break it to you, but pretty much the only people who give a rat's ass about your color are you and the three-toothed racist white trash lurking around the edges. So it's long past time you find something REAL to be proud of, instead of the melanin content of your skin.
Should I, as a black man, call Russell Means an Uncle Tomahawk?

I fail to see the similarity? Russell Means is an Oglala Sioux activist for the rights of Native American people. He does heavy lifting for his people.

The similarity is: I don't have the right to call a Native American an "Uncle Tomahawk" unless I am a Native American. Just as you don't have the right to call Herman Cain a Uncle Tom, unless you are a black American.

You both have every right in the world to say any ignorant, racist thing you want. It's sad that this country is producing bigoted ignoramuses like you who think they can tell people "You have no right to say that", but it's not actually illegal for you to be a drooling fucktard.

As a favor to others, though, it would be nice if you would take your "I'm not good for anything except being brown" bullshit and peddle it somewhere else.
Like I've always said if a black person strays off the democrat plantation he's demonized as a sell out. Sad really...

[ame=]Shelby Steele on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson - YouTube[/ame]
As an expert on the topic of blackness and the only one to post so far. This interview with O'Donnell just knocked Herman Cain's "30% of the black vote" down to less than the amount garnered by McCain/Palin in 2008. He was there in the cradle of the civil rights movement along with thousands of other black college students and he didn't "cause trouble", but John Lewis did.

He allowed other blacks to do the heavy lifting. Even if I thought he was qualified to be president, which I certainly don't, I would never vote for him for that reason.

Or maybe he just realized the protests were so much useless grandstanding, and the REAL battle was being fought - and won - in the courts and legislatures. But I like how we're denigrating the value of attending to one's education and becoming a productive member of society, rather than being a rabble-rouser and getting arrested.

Agreed. In matters of Conscience, there are no leaders or followers. It's all false expectation, to have any claims on what Another does or doesn't do. It actually seems pretty retarded to me, that Cain is being Judged like this. It's beyond Bullshit.
Cain avoided fighting for his own race. Cain avoided fighting during Vietnam. A word comes to mind...

Maybe, unlike you, he knew how superficial, stupid, and unimportant a designation "race" is.

It's just pathetic that it's 2011, and there are still people ignorant enough to think such things are meaningful. A word comes to mind: bigot.
He allowed other blacks to do the heavy lifting. Even if I thought he was qualified to be president, which I certainly don't, I would never vote for him for that reason.

Or maybe he just realized the protests were so much useless grandstanding, and the REAL battle was being fought - and won - in the courts and legislatures. But I like how we're denigrating the value of attending to one's education and becoming a productive member of society, rather than being a rabble-rouser and getting arrested.

Agreed. In matters of Conscience, there are no leaders or followers. It's all false expectation, to have any claims on what Another does or doesn't do. It actually seems pretty retarded to me, that Cain is being Judged like this. It's beyond Bullshit.

Cain is a threat to the libs, its all is about deflection. Liberals will try to personally destory someone instead of argueing the policies or the substance.
Did Obama?

And, how is you think he did not participate in civil rights?

It's now a matter of public record. Don't you follow the news...? He admitted he did NOT participate in the civil right movement. He enjoys the benefits, but ignored the struggle.

So instead of marching or whatever you think he should have done, he actually made something for himself and his family of his own will and you discredit him for it? :cuckoo:

Apparently, black people are not afforded the same right to independent thought and priorities that other people are. They're required to all think and act in lockstep.

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