Cain got caught in a lie.

By participating.

Did that really have to be explained?

Gawd you guys are dumb.
And, those who didn't participate, have not earned those rights. Better yet, who decides what constitutes participation?

That's pretty fucking stupid.

They "inherited" those rights. Hope that helped.
But, that's not what you said.

If someone did not participate (whatever YOU personally think participation means), they did not earn those rights.

That is pretty fucking stupid.
Cain was at Morehouse from 1963-1967. What part of those 4 years were the last 2 years of the civil rights movement?

At 18, my family wanted me to join the family trucking business, I joined the Navy. I was old enough to make my own choices, as was cain and he chose to watch.
Now black people who go to college are not black enough for you?
You are committing racial blackmail. An offense black people commit against each other when one discovers that another is not "down with the cause"....Or when they decide to continue their education, while speaking proper English, they are accused of "acting white"...Of if they move away from their original neighborhood into a middle class area of either mixed race or predominantly white, you folks accuse them of "forgetting where they came from"....
Do not deny this. Happens with great frequency.
Unreal how some blacks will try to hold back more successful people of the same race.
Now you will have a kaniption and call me a racist. I write the truth. You'll spit nails and call me names. Guess what, Salty? I don't give a shit what you think of me.
I am on the side of truth and facts. You are emotional and hateful.
You said so yourself. You don't hate white people because you consider yourself a victim. You hate white people because they are white people. Good.
I am glads you hate me. I like it when you liberals seethe and stew in your emotional paralysis.

DO you think about black people? If you hate broccoli or spinach do you "seethe and stew in your emotional paralysis" worrying about it? I don't socialize with whites and outside of work I don't really interact with whites. Your gladness or sadness is of no concern to me.

Herman Cain is a Herman Cain, that's the 2011 term for the character Steppin' Fectchit.


What an ignoramus.
By participating.

Did that really have to be explained?

Gawd you guys are dumb.
And, those who didn't participate, have not earned those rights. Better yet, who decides what constitutes participation?

That's pretty fucking stupid.

They "inherited" those rights. Hope that helped.

You do no EARN a RIGHT, brain-dead.

We are endowed by our Creator certain INALIENABLE RIGHTS.
It is only our government's job to protect those rights.
They do not grant rights any more than we have to earn them.

Hope that helped.


He was an adult in 1963.

This controversy shows black Americans were Herman Cain stood and still stands.

This controversy shows no such thing. Thousands of black American's did not march-that does not prove they were not proud of those who did. All it shows is that, for the majority of the movement, he was a kid. It also shows he had hard working parents who he respected and who put him through college. In addition it proves how desperate and ugly democrats can get...their black ain't allowed off the democratic plantation- otherwise they are attacked and disrespected by those good minding black folks who know their place...Herman Cain dares to have a mind of his own!

Give it up...Salt wants welfare checks and administrators cheating for their test scores while government dumbs things down for blacks. They want the easy life on your dime......... thats all. Simple really.. right salt?

Except I've never been on welfare or collected unemployment insurance and I scored in the top 5% in all national tests I took throughout school. My military retirement is on the tax payer's dime and so is my defense contractor paycheck.
This controversy shows no such thing. Thousands of black American's did not march-that does not prove they were not proud of those who did. All it shows is that, for the majority of the movement, he was a kid. It also shows he had hard working parents who he respected and who put him through college. In addition it proves how desperate and ugly democrats can get...their black ain't allowed off the democratic plantation- otherwise they are attacked and disrespected by those good minding black folks who know their place... dares to have a mind of his own!

Give it up...Salt wants welfare checks and administrators cheating for their test scores while government dumbs things down for blacks. They want the easy life on your dime......... thats all. Simple really.. right salt?

Except I've never been on welfare or collected unemployment insurance and I scored in the top 5% in all national tests I took throughout school. My military retirement is on the tax payer's dime and so is my defense contractor paycheck.

Not for you... We can see you are conservative in many respects.
Give it up...Salt wants welfare checks and administrators cheating for their test scores while government dumbs things down for blacks. They want the easy life on your dime......... thats all. Simple really.. right salt?

Except I've never been on welfare or collected unemployment insurance and I scored in the top 5% in all national tests I took throughout school. My military retirement is on the tax payer's dime and so is my defense contractor paycheck.

Not for you... We can see you are conservative in many respects.

I am on defense and gun control. My parents were lifelong NRA members who quit after Sarah Palin addressed the convention in 2008, they also are still lifelong NAACP members and both former chapter presidents.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.
Fucking racist.


Cain certainly is.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.
Fucking racist.


Cain certainly is.
Like Obama is?

Except I've never been on welfare or collected unemployment insurance and I scored in the top 5% in all national tests I took throughout school. My military retirement is on the tax payer's dime and so is my defense contractor paycheck.

Not for you... We can see you are conservative in many respects.

I am on defense and gun control. My parents were lifelong NRA members who quit after Sarah Palin addressed the convention in 2008, they also are still lifelong NAACP members and both former chapter presidents.

I wish I had something positive to add about the chapter here in Seattle. They embarrassed themselves badly by rallying to a false cause. Other then that you never here anything from them. I too have mixed feelings about the NRA, but that was long before I had even heard of Palin.

I sincerely hope you get over the hate. It isnt healthy!
They "inherited" those rights. Hope that helped.
But, that's not what you said.

If someone did not participate (whatever YOU personally think participation means), they did not earn those rights.

That is pretty fucking stupid.

The problem here is that they can't slam Cain without slamming millions of other blacks who went about their business. They are desperately searching for something to discredit Cain with, as they did with Clarence Thomas.

It's all disgustingly sleazy. The left has no scruples whatsoever.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Yes, MLK would just be thrilled with the state of the black community today. The left is tastelessly attacking Cain not for what he did, but for what he didn't do. There were plenty of blacks in the south that chose not to march, whatever their reasons, and using your simplistic logic all of them supported racism and betrayed their race and aren't truly black.

The only people I remember questioning Obama's blackness were Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, as they are now decrying Cain as a Uncle Tom because he dare have his own unique political ideas. When over 85% of people constantly vote Democrat and attack with vitriol, like you have demonstrated, anyone that dares go against the grain are much like cult members.
I'm listening to them discuss it on TV. They showed a clip from a Cain interview from yesterday. He was asked why, since he lived in Atlanta, Georgia why he didn't march. He said the marchers were college students and he was in high school. It was pointed out that he was at MLK's college from 1963 to 1967, and in his 20's. He said that his father taught them not to get in trouble and they if they were told to move to the back of the bus, they moved to the back of the bus. Cain was asked what would have happened if Rosa Parks followed his father's advice, where would blacks be today? He said his father didn't give advice to Rosa Parks and at this point, became very, very angry and said, "Don't tell me how to be black".

Now this is a guy who has questioned Obama's "blackness and Americanism" and calls other blacks "brainwashed". A man who sat in the back of the bus and lied about why he wasn't "involved". MLK would would not be a Republican today. Cain received benefits he didn't earn. That much is clear.

Amen! I watch it yesterday and today. Cain is certainly not a role model for blacks!
Neither is obamaturd, who has been caught in more lies than even bill clinton.

Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.

Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.

Cain has a long way to go to catch up to the number of lies obama has told.

Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.
And, thank goodness Blacks had role models who used the oppressor's system to succeed, in spite of that system.

Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.
And, thank goodness Blacks had role models who used the oppressor's system to succeed, in spite of that system.

It seems that the greatest oppressed in the black community are those blacks who the NAACP don't support. Those who achive on their own without the blessing of the black cacus. Who don't get their marching orders from the reverand Jesse Jackson.
Cain brought this upon himself.

And hes got some really ridiculous views on the whole thing. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for a lot of very brave people that died for civil rights in this country.
And, thank goodness Blacks had role models who used the oppressor's system to succeed, in spite of that system.

It seems that the greatest oppressed in the black community are those blacks who the NAACP don't support. Those who achive on their own without the blessing of the black cacus. Who don't get their marching orders from the reverand Jesse Jackson.
All Blacks apparently aren't as equal as others. Considering the content of MLK's speeches, I have to think he would be rolling over in his grave with this racism rearing its ugly head from the O-bots.

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