Cal lib wants to extend obamacare to illegals

In other news, a federal judge ordered the removal of California Democrats from life support. "Anyone this stupid is clearly brain dead with no hope of recovery."
Since no one can check their status, they can already sign up for Obamacare.
Sure why the fuck not.

America- fucking itself in the ass since 2008.

I had a patient who used to stand in front of a mirror and do it from the front and the back. It really is possible. But I am pretty sure I am the only person on here who has actually seen it done. If I'm not, then someone else has lived a life as colorful as mine has been. I had not thought of that patient in over two decades.
Sure why the fuck not.

America- fucking itself in the ass since 2008.

I had a patient who used to stand in front of a mirror and do it from the front and the back. It really is possible. But I am pretty sure I am the only person on here who has actually seen it done. If I'm not, then someone else has lived a life as colorful as mine has been. I had not thought of that patient in over two decades.

Ma'am our lives are our own fortresses. Bare your brunt. With deference to non4.
Gee…Governor Moonbeam…..who'd a thunk it? Let's see….you go to Mexico and get thrown in prison - never to be heard from again. They come to California and get the world.

Sounds about right.

And people wonder why America is doomed……….
Want in one hand and shit in the other. Most of us don't care what some poltician wants. I doubt it will pass.
Sure why the fuck not.

America- fucking itself in the ass since 2008.

I had a patient who used to stand in front of a mirror and do it from the front and the back. It really is possible. But I am pretty sure I am the only person on here who has actually seen it done. If I'm not, then someone else has lived a life as colorful as mine has been. I had not thought of that patient in over two decades.

Sorry to have drummed up that memory.
Illegals won't sign up for obamacare. It's an empty gesture. Illegals already get free care simply by showing up at an ER then walking away from the bill. They use a phony name anyway. If they had obamacare, they would have to pay a premium. They won't pay a premium. They will continue to expect free medical care so nothing would change.
Im not sure why they would supposedly want to come out of the "shadows" to get their ass taxed, spied on, social engineered and so on. I think I'd rather stay in the "shadows".
A few years ago California passed a law saying that a driver had to provide proof of car insurance in order to register their cars and get the all important registration stamp so no one would be pulled over for not having the stamp.

Illegals as well as citizens were rushing down to phony insurance companies, plunking down $30.00 - $50.00 as a binder on a policy. Take the binder to the DMV and register the car. They never paid a dime on the insurance policies that were cancelled for non payment. That's how we got thousands of uninsured cars on the road. The DMV no longer requires proof of insurance to register a car. It turned out to be meaningless.

Whatever California tries to do, illegals will outwit the state.

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