Caleb White, 17-year-old No. 3 high school basketball player in Alabama, dies after collapsing on court


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Seems to be alot of these over the past 2 years or so.
Weird, huh?
I wonder why,
God Bless this young man and his family. Very sad.

There are quite a few studies out that show a dramatic increase in deaths especially among young people from causes that traditionally have not afflicted the young. I personally know of at least a dozen people who got the vax then died under suspicious circumstances.
The media is in full cover up mode and not allowing the public to know the real extent of the rate of deaths.

Seems to be alot of these over the past 2 years or so.

Weird, huh?

I wonder why,

God Bless this young man and his family. Very sad.
Strange. Growing up, we heard yearly, here in the Mid-South of high school football players succumbing to the heat, being pushed in preschool season practice, during the dog days of August, but now, more often than not, it is basketball players from high school college and even pro teams.
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There are quite a few studies out that show a dramatic increase in deaths especially among young people from causes that traditionally have not afflicted the young. I personally know of at least a dozen people who got the vax then died under suspicious circumstances.
The media is in full cover up mode and not allowing the public to know the real extent of the rate of deaths.

lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.
Strange. Growing up, we heard yearly, hear in the Mid-South of high school football players succumbing to the heat, being pushed in preschool season practice, during the dog days of August, but now, more often than not, it is basketball players from high school college and even pro teams.

these tragic stories far predate the vaccine.
Can't wait to see how this belongs in politics.

it is because a drug put on the front burner by trump and , perhaps, over hastily approved by subordinates more concerned about trump's reelection than the lives of we citizens MUST be blamed on democrats, and quickly .

i'm not complaining because the vaccine has been every bit as effective as advertised.

of course every side effect must be studied.
lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.
The only wanker here is the dirtbag assuming a gifted athlete and honor student must be a drug addict. Meanwhile, said dirtbag celebrates an experimental treatment which has no proven benefit to otherwise healthy people. Wow.
Strange. Growing up, we heard yearly, here in the Mid-South of high school football players succumbing to the heat, being pushed in preschool season practice, during the dog days of August, but now, more often than not, it is basketball players from high school college and even pro teams.
I heard a stat that historically it was 19 of these type deaths per year, and for the past 2 years it has been like 10/month.
these tragic stories far predate the vaccine.
I do think, they are more common stories now, but do not know if it is due to the vaccine or wider news pickup, as back in the day, it was local newspaper and TV stations, mostly of happenings within the region, sparking outrage against coaches pushing young players beyond their limits.

I do not know the answer. Still players pushed beyond limits? A common inoculation that some people may have so genetic disposition, that reacts adversely? If so, where is the test, to see who might have a genetic defect. I say defect, as the vast majority of the population (myself included) have no such reaction, though in my case, I still (even at my age) push to limits, with no ill effects and a family history of heart disease and hypertension. Whatever the answer, it is clear the possible effect does not affect the vast majority of the population. So, it begs the question, is genetic research being done to identify who might be susceptible? I have no personal doubt, the Covid Vaccines, inoculations or whatever you choose to call them have had benefit for the majority, but is there a minority, predisposed genetically to unintended consequence. If so, who is it? Are there genetic identifiers?

There has been an OBVIOUS uptick on these nu bers on the past coupke of years.
lololololol too ridiculous to answer.

these kids are not in good shape, taking steroids and every kind of "performance enhancer" that their coaches and peers sneak to them and you want to blame this tragic death on a life saving, civilization saving, vaccine?

what a sorry bunch of total wankers.

Soak your head, you weirdo cult fuck.
I do think, they are more common stories now, but do not know if it is due to the vaccine or wider news pickup, as back in the day, it was local newspaper and TV stations, mostly of happenings within the region, sparking outrage against coaches pushing young players beyond their limits.

I do not know the answer. Still players pushed beyond limits? A common inoculation that some people may have so genetic disposition, that reacts adversely? If so, where is the test, to see who might have a genetic defect. I say defect, as the vast majority of the population (myself included) have no such reaction, though in my case, I still (even at my age) push to limits, with no ill effects and a family history of heart disease and hypertension. Whatever the answer, it is clear the possible effect does not affect the vast majority of the population. So, it begs the question, is genetic research being done to identify who might be susceptible? I have no personal doubt, the Covid Vaccines, inoculations or whatever you choose to call them have had benefit for the majority, but is there a minority, predisposed genetically to unintended consequence. If so, who is it? Are there genetic identifiers?

the immediate utilitarian value of the vaccine seems fairly clear, but, of course, this disease and everything associated with it will require decades of study.
Seems like many young men of African heritage. I wonder if somehow the ethnicity of genetics is part of the cause.

We know children were not as affected by COVID as fat and old people.

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