Calif High Speed Rail project derailed

There is a large and demonstrable need for fast transit between SF and LA. Air travel is not going to be the full answer.

Doing nothing about that is a big mistake for the economy. And, blocking all progress (such as corridor acquisition) until all questions are answered is incredibly close to doing nothing.
This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.
And CA needs to comply with the law.

This has always been the White Elephant project of all White Elephant projects. A hundred billion dollars, spent to benefit a very few people, at a time when California already has adequate road and air transportation, and is under staggering debts with its liberal politicians pouring on more and more.

Not sure what Obama has to do with all this, aside from the fact that massive Federal funds were coming in to help pay for it, even though most of the country would never had ridden on the train.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a judge actually announced that California had to obey the law.

That brought everything to a screeching halt.

Hopefully the second sentence of the article is correct.


Obama's High-Speed Rail Plan Loses Big in California Court

Conn Carroll | Nov 26, 2013

California Gov. Jerry Brown can not spend state bond revenues on President Obama's signature transportation project until the state can identify how they will pay for the entire $68 billion project, a California court ruled Monday. The decision almost certainly spells death for the project.

This August, Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny ruled that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) “abused its discretion by approving a funding plan that did not comply with the requirements of the law."

That law would be Proposition 1A (the “Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century”), which required the CHSRA to identify “sources of all funds to be invested in the corridor” and complete “all necessary project level environmental clearances” before construction can begin.

At the time, Democrats sold Obama's high-speed rail plan as a $40 billion project. But that number quickly skyrocketed to more than $100 billion, after California voters approved it, of course.

Sacramento judge's ruling throws bullet train's future in doubt -
Anyone that thinks that the republican party doesn't hates science and infrastructure. Well, this is a hint of that.

Now that you have your Democrat Party talking points out of the way, here are a few doses of reality:

The Republican Party Isn't Really the Anti-Science Party - Mischa Fisher - The Atlantic

Column: If GOP is anti-science, so are Dems ?

I would go to Japan and buy one of their 300 mph trains ;)

If you like their trains so much, then do us all a favor and move there. Unlike buying a train, moving there is realistic for you. Please do so, you would raise the our nations IQ average if you move there.
We already have Amtrak, and look how mismanaged that is!

Here's a question that the proponents of a high speed rail system should dwell on: Do we really need high speed rail...or is it just a cool toy that everyone else has, so logic dictates we have to get one too?
Yeah really....Who needs improved mass transportation in California. Keep the cars on the roads. The oil companies need the money and the air needs the smog.[/B] was going to be between Bakersfield and Fresno dumbfuck.

You do realize that you are dealing with a liberal that does not need to be bothered with silly details. He just knows when he goes to California there are cars and it impedes his progress.

I think he does realize that he is dealing with a sloganeering idiot.

If anybody would follow the proposed points of connections in ANY US state for the high speed rail project, one would inevitably realize that the project in any point is meant to be solyndra one - or just stealing the taxpayer's money by the people from the king's court.
the party of the king does not matter, BTW.

But in order to analyze and compare one has to have some brains and critical thinking skills, which this particular leftard parrot lacks entirely.

If one REALLY wants to reinstate efficient public transportation in the US one would start with looking at the previously existing train lines, which were dismantled in the 50s.
Seems like everything is being derailed in America....

60 billion dollar cut in infrastructure since 2009. A bunch of crooks are screwing over this country and handing it over to the middle east and fat cats.
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What happened with Americanwanting the best and biggest?

Oh'yesss,,,,the right has a ****** vision for our country!

What are you babbling about? You're as bad as Franco sometimes.

And you're fighting for our country becoming a second rate nation. Maybe you should fight for cutting waste and efficacy???

Oh can't have that as that means we spend on our country.

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