Calif Secession, UN Vote Against Israel Make It Easy for Trump

I don't have a problem if California leaves. It won't change anything for the rest of the country other than the rest of the country having to deal with the influx of people who leave blue states to find jobs and employment. I don't know anyone who moves to california for the jobs.

California's economy is booming right now. The Red States, not so much.

You all didn't vote for a Nazi because you were happy with your lot in life.
Census Bureau: California still has highest U.S. poverty rate
Census Bureau: California still has highest U.S. poverty rate

Covered California Faces $78M Deficit in FY 2015-2016 Budget
Covered California Faces $78M Deficit in FY 2015-2016 Budget

California Budget in Deficit as Silicon Valley Falters
California Budget in Deficit as Silicon Valley Falters - Breitbart

Really? I lived here in California but never aware that we have the highest poverty rates. I know that we are far better economically, living, employments etc. compared to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Mississippi etc. but here is the link dated Nov. 2015. Despite with the highest population it's rank #18 and not even listed as top 10 worst state to retire.
We are also the 6th largest economy in the world.

US Poverty Level By State

California Economy Grows To 6th Largest In The World
Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

Actually crazy Cali cannot support itself financially nor economically nor with food/water. It's a overtaxed state. Without the rural areas of it it would collapse for sure.
The rural areas of the country would do just fine on their own… The urban areas are what is holding the whole country back.
Get your Fucking head out of your ass, And get out of your mothers basement every once a while. Shit for brains

And what state do you live?
The best thing that could ever happen to America is for Ca. to go bye bye.........cant happen fast enough.

CalExit is very real and will be going to the voters in 2018. And thank God for the rest of us......or we're all going to have to bail out this shithole of a state...............

Calexit Means American Taxpayers Won't Have To Bail Out California's Ticking Pension Time Bomb
the illegals will most likely to go to Arizona, Oregon and Nevada then to get their federal dollars and cali will slime away. It's what illegals do. Will need more wall.

Why would they go there? Economy, unemployment, crimes, drug, poverty are worse than California.
"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
The Palestinians have never got anything from negotiating with the Israelis.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I guess the Israeli people will be rid of Natanyahu
And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.
Attacking their neighbors, occupying their land and periodically massacring Arabs demonstrates the bellicose instinct of the Israelis. Not conduct calculated to ensure peace.

You do understand Israel was attacked first, right?
One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?

Actually, living next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land is being stupid about your survival.

Second, most of the Arab Israeli Wars, incluidng the 67 War, The Zionist Entity was the aggressor.

Once again, Joey proves himself to be a lying sack of shit. You're simply wrong. Israel was NOT the aggressor in '48 or the six day war.
LOL, epic smackdown with post #2. Notice the resident teat sucking conservative redneck fuckboi's haven't got JACK SHIT to say about those inconvenient facts.
LOL, epic smackdown with post #2. Notice the resident teat sucking conservative redneck fuckboi's haven't got JACK SHIT to say about those inconvenient facts.

Epic smackdown, where? No need to rebut incorrect liberal ignorance, why would any sane intellectual even waste the time. None of the Graphs presented as "evidence" have the required amount of information to even start an investigation into actual fiscal exchange. So what do you want us to do accept a projected assUmption with almost NO evidence to support it? Of course you do you are a liberal and do it all the time. because you are too far below the curve to ascertain the needed facts to support such a claim.
Israel warned New Zealand that UN resolution was 'declaration of war'
Source: The Age

Wellington: Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu personally phoned New Zealand's Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully to warn him a UN resolution co-sponsored by the country was a "declaration of war," according to a report.

The UN Security Council resolution called for Israel to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian land. It went as far as declaring the settlements "illegal".

It was picked up and sponsored by New Zealand and three other countries after US President-elect Donald Trump reportedly pressured Egypt into dropping it.

It was passed on Saturday after the US abstained instead of vetoing, as they historically have done on votes concerning Israel.

If NZ is at war then the ANZUS treaty means Australia and the US are also at war. FFS.

Read more: Israel warned New Zealand that UN resolution was 'declaration of war': report
The war of 1861-1865 settled that.

Not really. It just proved you don't take up Arms against the Federal government.

The legal issue of whether a state can vote to secede has never really been decided.

the question is, if California votes to leave the union, Will Trump send troops there to stop them?

You see, if you are in California, and you are only getting back 79 cents for every dollar you send to Washington, and then your votes are ignored for president, why would you want to stay in the Union?
"John Kerry" Is Working On Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize A Palestinian State!

Oh, that oughta work ... given that Palestinian leaders have refused a two-state solution every time, while the Israelis have been intermittently agreeable.

the Palestinian leaders refuse to accept Zionist theft of their land...

Again, time is not on the Zionists side. Eventually, all these little zionists are going to wonder why they are living next to people who hate them.
You do understand Israel was attacked first, right?

Not really. Hey, before 1946, there were few Jews living in Palestine... then all this filth from Europe started showing up because the world felt bad for them.

What I find amusing is that you guys are losing your shit about Mexicans moving in to this country, but wonder why the Arabs don't want a bunch of Europeans showing up in theirs.
"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
The Palestinians have never got anything from negotiating with the Israelis.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I guess the Israeli people will be rid of Natanyahu
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.
Attacking their neighbors, occupying their land and periodically massacring Arabs demonstrates the bellicose instinct of the Israelis. Not conduct calculated to ensure peace.

You do understand Israel was attacked first, right?
The disproportional responses to a few provoked firecrackers from Gaza shows the Israelis to be curs, unfit to inhabit our planet.
You do understand Israel was attacked first, right?

Not really. Hey, before 1946, there were few Jews living in Palestine... then all this filth from Europe started showing up because the world felt bad for them.

What I find amusing is that you guys are losing your shit about Mexicans moving in to this country, but wonder why the Arabs don't want a bunch of Europeans showing up in theirs.

"...filth from Europe"

That says it all you antisemitic piece of shit.

What I find amusing, no sad really, is that you guys are losing your shit about the slightest racist or phobic language in this country while spewing vile antisemitic hatred at the same time.
"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
The Palestinians have never got anything from negotiating with the Israelis.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I guess the Israeli people will be rid of Natanyahu
One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.
Attacking their neighbors, occupying their land and periodically massacring Arabs demonstrates the bellicose instinct of the Israelis. Not conduct calculated to ensure peace.

You do understand Israel was attacked first, right?
The disproportional responses to a few provoked firecrackers from Gaza shows the Israelis to be curs, unfit to inhabit our planet.

Wow, eliminate 'em all huh? I don't usually evoke Hitler, but you just summed up his strategy nicely.

Another leftist antisemitic fuck. Color me shocked.
"John Kerry" Is Working On Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize A Palestinian State!

Oh, that oughta work ... given that Palestinian leaders have refused a two-state solution every time, while the Israelis have been intermittently agreeable.

the Palestinian leaders refuse to accept Zionist theft of their land...

Again, time is not on the Zionists side. Eventually, all these little zionists are going to wonder why they are living next to people who hate them.
Only a blithering idiot would think that Israel is Palestinians land. Get the fuck out of your mothers basement every once in while…:lmao:
"...filth from Europe"

That says it all you antisemitic piece of shit.

What I find amusing, no sad really, is that you guys are losing your shit about the slightest racist or phobic language in this country while spewing vile antisemitic hatred at the same time.

Hey, the Zionists deserve no sympathy... Their response to Nazis were to become Nazis.

It's why the whole world voted against them.
The war of 1861-1865 settled that.

Not really. It just proved you don't take up Arms against the Federal government.

The legal issue of whether a state can vote to secede has never really been decided.

the question is, if California votes to leave the union, Will Trump send troops there to stop them?

You see, if you are in California, and you are only getting back 79 cents for every dollar you send to Washington, and then your votes are ignored for president, why would you want to stay in the Union?

What a nutty question. Seriously.

I do live in California. There is no real secession movement.

The leader is a nutjob who lives in Russia.

California is part of the United States.

We aren't going anywhere.
Number of these idiots are no more than 7,000 that signed up since it got started Nov. 8.

People like me will not let this nonsense happen so try not to make this a big deal.
Oooooh ... it's good to know we have knights like you to protect us.

Maybe you haven't figured out .... we're not worried about secession ... in fact, we're kinda hoping for it.

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