Calif Secession, UN Vote Against Israel Make It Easy for Trump

The best thing that could ever happen to America is for Ca. to go bye bye.........cant happen fast enough.

CalExit is very real and will be going to the voters in 2018. And thank God for the rest of us......or we're all going to have to bail out this shithole of a state...............

Calexit Means American Taxpayers Won't Have To Bail Out California's Ticking Pension Time Bomb
the illegals will most likely to go to Arizona, Oregon and Nevada then to get their federal dollars and cali will slime away. It's what illegals do. Will need more wall.
Moon Bat.

If you don't like some states subsidizing the welfare of other states then join me in advocating that all welfare be eliminated so that nobody has to pay for the welfare of somebody else.

Do you have a courage of conviction to do that or are you simply a loud mouth Moon Bat that doesn't really believe in anything?

I don't have a problem with welfare... It's the sign of a compassionate society.

What I have no use for is they hypocrisy of welfare collectors. you know, like the dumb ass white trash drunk in a Red State who goes on disability who thinks he's better than a black woman who applies for food stamps in a blue state.

Because he's not.
who says he is? You? Seems you're your own worst hurdle.

And when the underpaid workers of America revolt because they have nothing to eat, what will you do? Even the Ancient Romans were smart enough to feed the poor and keep them entertained, knowing that they ruled as long as the poor were kept from making trouble.

The simpliest idiot gets this concept. Conservatives say "Let em starve".

The best way for the "underpaid worker" to get higher wages is to stop voting for Liberals that create dismal economic growth like this Obama asshole.

Since Obama has been President poverty has increased, income disparity has increased, taxes have increased, welfare rolls increased, family income has decreased and the economy hasn't even seen a 3% growth. That on top of jobs fleeing overseas and high paying jobs evaporating and burger flipping jobs replacing them.

It is time to do away with this filthy ass welfare state and stop curtailing the capitalism that is the jobs creator in our economy. Everybody would be better off then.

When the combined cost of government is 40% of the GDP no wonder working Americans have very little money to spend on themselves. Almost half of it is going to the welfare queens, illegal aliens and the special interest groups that feed off the government. Aren't you glad that a President was elected that is not beholding to the typical special interest groups that fund the Democrat and Republican parties?

Almost half of it is going to the military industrial complex and foreign wars, you idiot. Stay out of the Middle East, and you'll have a shot at a lower tax rate.

And for the record, growth was just fine under Obama, but as long as wages are low and workers use all of their disposable income putting a roof over their heads, and have to rely on expensive government "handouts", which are really a subsidy paid by the middle class to some of the richest corporations in America, so that the wealthy don't have to pay their workers a living wage.

You're being ripped off by the wealthy, and you blame their workers for the theft. Because that's what conservatives have trained you to believe. The dumbification of the American voter, raised on "conservative values" and trained to hate the poor in conservative run schools, so you don't see the truth of it all.

And when the underpaid workers of America revolt because they have nothing to eat, what will you do? Even the Ancient Romans were smart enough to feed the poor and keep them entertained, knowing that they ruled as long as the poor were kept from making trouble.

The simpliest idiot gets this concept. Conservatives say "Let em starve".

The best way for the "underpaid worker" to get higher wages is to stop voting for Liberals that create dismal economic growth like this Obama asshole.

Since Obama has been President poverty has increased, income disparity has increased, taxes have increased, welfare rolls increased, family income has decreased and the economy hasn't even seen a 3% growth. That on top of jobs fleeing overseas and high paying jobs evaporating and burger flipping jobs replacing them.

It is time to do away with this filthy ass welfare state and stop curtailing the capitalism that is the jobs creator in our economy. Everybody would be better off then.

When the combined cost of government is 40% of the GDP no wonder working Americans have very little money to spend on themselves. Almost half of it is going to the welfare queens, illegal aliens and the special interest groups that feed off the government. Aren't you glad that a President was elected that is not beholding to the typical special interest groups that fund the Democrat and Republican parties?

Almost half of it is going to the military industrial complex and foreign wars, you idiot. Stay out of the Middle East, and you'll have a shot at a lower tax rate.

And for the record, growth was just fine under Obama, but as long as wages are low and workers use all of their disposable income putting a roof over their heads, and have to rely on expensive government "handouts", which are really a subsidy paid by the middle class to some of the richest corporations in America, so that the wealthy don't have to pay their workers a living wage.

You're being ripped off by the wealthy, and you blame their workers for the theft. Because that's what conservatives have trained you to believe. The dumbification of the American voter, raised on "conservative values" and trained to hate the poor in conservative run schools, so you don't see the truth of it all.

I am against interventionism, foreign aid and fighting other people's wars for them so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. You need to be telling that to assholes like Obama who has been at war every day of his administration and who has 160 military bases in foreign lands instead of using the military to guard our own borders, which are being over run with illegals.

The only people that have been ripping me off is the filthy ass government that steals the money that I earn and gives to the special interest groups that elected the government leaders,. You know, like Obama when he bailed out GM and Chrysler with my taxpayer's money to pay back the greedy UAW that gave him hundreds of millions of dollars during his campaign. Like when Obama took my money to give to the executives of Solyndra who were campaign bundlers for the Democrat party. Or when Obama is paying off his welfare queens and illegal aliens so they will vote Democrat. That is where I am being ripped off. .

Like all Moon Bats you are simply confused about this Obama asshole. Either that or in denial about his failures. Maybe even both. The economy has not done well. Poverty has increased, family income has decreased, debt has sky rocketed, welfare rolls increased, income disparity has grown and he is the first President in 70 years not to achieve at least one year of 3% economic growth in an administration.

Our unemployment figures would be dismal if it wasn't for the fact that high paying full time jobs are being replaced with low paying part time jobs. That is Obama's real economic legacy.

Liberalism doesn't create jobs. All it does is create a welfare state until the money that was made under capitalism runs out, which is what we are seeing now. Hopefully Trump will be able to reverse some of the damage that was done by that shithead Obama by lowering taxes.
"The UN is an organization that exacerbates tensions. It doesn't assuage them" -Charles Krauthammer
California could not secede from the United States because secession is not permitted by the federal government. Some American states tried it in the 9th century but the were forced to remain in the USA.
You are confused Moon Bat. Social Security is not welfare when the filthy ass government takes the money by force that you earn over your life time and then gives a little back to you at a latter date. The same with Medicare. You are forced to pay for these two programs while you work and you are lucky to get your money back.

Actually, you'll get all the money you put into SS back if you retire at 65 and live to be 72. After that, it's all welfare. Medicare- Same thing. You get everything back in a few years of retirement. You get everything you put into Unemployment back if you are unemployed for more than five weeks.

White People Welfare... got to love it.

There are some rural counties in some red states that have predominate Democrat voting Black populations that are those areas you are bitching about. However, the great majority of the welfare queens getting Federal money live in the Democrat big city shitholes that usually vote Democrat so stop being a stupid confused Moon Bat with your ignorance.

Again, buddy, you are confused. The majority of people on "actual" welfare - TANF, SNAP, Section 8 - Are in fact, White. And most of them live in the red states. You see, without the blue states, where most of the economic activity of the country comes from, the reds states would be a third world country.

We need to stop government transfer payments to everybody. The government should never be in the filthy ass business of taking money from one person and giving it to another. That includes money collected in blue states and giving to the welfare queen in red states.

I would like to see more people working rather than collecting, but that's not the point. The fact is, 87% of the wealth is held by 10% of the population. If the wealth were distributed evenly, you wouldn't need the government to redistribute it...

I will leave you to continue frothing at the mouth...
California could not secede from the United States because secession is not permitted by the federal government. Some American states tried it in the 9th century but the were forced to remain in the USA.

Actually, it's debatable whether or not they can, legally. If a majority of Californians voted to seceed, why shouldn't they be allowed to?
One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?

Actually, living next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land is being stupid about your survival.

Second, most of the Arab Israeli Wars, incluidng the 67 War, The Zionist Entity was the aggressor.
California could not secede from the United States because secession is not permitted by the federal government. Some American states tried it in the 9th century but the were forced to remain in the USA.

Actually, it's debatable whether or not they can, legally. If a majority of Californians voted to seceed, why shouldn't they be allowed to?
The war of 1861-1865 settled that.
And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.

So when Israel didn't exist, and a bunch of Jews just showed up and took their land, how was that "attacking Israel", exactly.

Here's the thing for the Zionist. Demographics are not your friend. Eventually, they'll either have to give the West Bank up or give Palestinians equal rights to Jews...

Of course, i have to wonder about the pure stupidity of living next to people who want to kill you because a Magic Fairy in the Sky said to.
First Israel has existed for 1000s of years.

You are a revisionist. In the 1800s the land was barren, but the Jews maintained a majority in Jerusalem. Jews started to come back to Israel and build it up. Once the Jews made a flower in the desert the Muslims started to flock to Israel.

And damn right the Jews should build in Judea and Samaria and push the Arabs further and further away. Nope they won't have to give the lands up they will continue to push them back until they are in Syria and Jordan as they should be!

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"John Kerry" Is Working On Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize A Palestinian State!
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.

Finally!!! Somebody speaks the truth.

The land belongs to Israel - it's called the "spoils of war".

Don't like it? Don't attack ...

Never play if you can't afford to lose your money.
"John Kerry" Is Working On Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize A Palestinian State!

Oh, that oughta work ... given that Palestinian leaders have refused a two-state solution every time, while the Israelis have been intermittently agreeable.
Trump does not need California nor does he need the UN.
The actions the crazies have taken make it easy for Trump to defund them and tell them to go pound sand.

LOL- hmmmm what is the difference between California and the UN (Weatherman needs help with this)

California is part of the United States- and the idiot promoting secession is living in Russia, with Trump's buddy Putin. We aren't going anywhere.
The actions the crazies have taken make it easy for Trump to defund them and tell them to go pound sand.

I'm not sure, what's the Crazy the UN did. They took the exact same position that the US has taken for years, that the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.
The left love ethnic cleansing.

No- that would be you- you are the one who loves ethnic cleansing.

What do you think Israel should do with the Palestineans who live there? Shoot them- or gas them?
Krauthammer on what Trump should do with the United Nations: "Turn it into condos."
Close the doors, open it up as a safe house for Christians who are under attack from liberals and Muslims, OR make it into a home for children and use all of the money paid for the UN to teach them true history and real Justice. Then unleash them on the liberal scum by placing them in all of the top positions in Media by pulling the license of ANY media group that supports liberal lying shit and giving them the license. Then use the new department of education to take all of the liberal colleges in the countries accreditation . I would pull oshit-ma's alma mater first and go right down the line, NO conservatives allowed to speak, no accreditation. No conservative representation, no accreditation. Open them back up with NO liberals allowed for twenty years, and we will eradicate the scum of the earth. HAHAHAAA laughing at you liberals, you are so much dumber than you dog sitting there looking at you and laughing too.
California could not secede from the United States because secession is not permitted by the federal government. Some American states tried it in the 9th century but the were forced to remain in the USA.

Actually, it's debatable whether or not they can, legally. If a majority of Californians voted to seceed, why shouldn't they be allowed to?
The war of 1861-1865 settled that.

Man they can secede, we will talk to Trump for them I am sure he will allow it. They may as well their entire State government is going to be in the pokey pretty soon or the state will have to pay a few trillion in fines and recompense.

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