Calif Secession, UN Vote Against Israel Make It Easy for Trump

Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

There you have it. The stupidest thing I've seen in a month of libtard.
Hey...where are all those liberals who called Texans traitors for threatening to secede? Not hearing a peep from them when it's their team doing the threatening.

Personally, I can't wait for those 55 electoral votes to disappear. The last Democrat President will have been elected for 50 years. As an added bonus, we won't have to bailout their bloated pension shortfall. (Any chance you'll take Illinois with you?). And Pelosi, Issa and Feinstein will lose their jobs. I don't see a down side.
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Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

There you have it. The stupidest thing I've seen in a month of libtard.

He frequently takes the award dude........a mental case. Look at that post count!:ack-1:
Hey...where are all those liberals who called Texans traitors for threatening to secede? Not hearing a peep from them when it's their team doing the threatening.

Personally, I can't wait for those 55 electoral votes to disappear. The last Democrat President will have been elected for 50 years. As an added bonus, we won't have to bailout their bloated pension shortfall. (Any chance you'll take Illinois with you?). And Pelosi, Issa and Feinstein will lose their jobs. I don't see a down side.

Yeah, whole lotta dishonesty and hypocrisy from Democrats on this one. You make some great points. Without California's Electoral Votes, Democrats would have a very difficult time ever seeing the White House again.
Yeah, we could go ahead let the people out in California secede, then we could make Cuba the 50th state to keep everything even. If we did that, Gitmo could become a stateside resort were Obama could go see his people freely.
I don't have a problem if California leaves. It won't change anything for the rest of the country other than the rest of the country having to deal with the influx of people who leave blue states to find jobs and employment. I don't know anyone who moves to california for the jobs.
Moon Bat.

If you don't like some states subsidizing the welfare of other states then join me in advocating that all welfare be eliminated so that nobody has to pay for the welfare of somebody else.

Do you have a courage of conviction to do that or are you simply a loud mouth Moon Bat that doesn't really believe in anything?

I don't have a problem with welfare... It's the sign of a compassionate society.

What I have no use for is they hypocrisy of welfare collectors. you know, like the dumb ass white trash drunk in a Red State who goes on disability who thinks he's better than a black woman who applies for food stamps in a blue state.

Because he's not.
Says the dufus who thinks one Jew living next door in the West Bank is justification for terrorism.

Muslims and Christians live and worship in Israel without fear. They serve in government positions and the Israeli military.

But one Jew living next door in the West Bank? Criminal for you racists.

The West Bank is stolen land, and Christians and Muslims are second class citizens in the Zionist Entity.

The rest of the world gets this. It's why Israel got NO VOTES on the Security Council. It has no friends in the world.
I don't have a problem if California leaves. It won't change anything for the rest of the country other than the rest of the country having to deal with the influx of people who leave blue states to find jobs and employment. I don't know anyone who moves to california for the jobs.

California's economy is booming right now. The Red States, not so much.

You all didn't vote for a Nazi because you were happy with your lot in life.
There you have it. The stupidest thing I've seen in a month of libtard.

Yet, you couldn't refute any of it.

As with all diehard liberals, or shill, there is no point to refute any of the nonsense you blather about, which is why I rarely make any serious remark on this forum. If I did, all you would do is lie more. I will say one thing, much of the problems Obama and the dems have created are well documented, so you just don't want to see it, or you have a reason for posting your foolishness. So, that being said, there should be a law passed that requires all people such as yourself to carry a plant around with you to replace the oxygen you steal.
As with all diehard liberals, or shill, there is no point to refute any of the nonsense you blather about, which is why I rarely make any serious remark on this forum. If I did, all you would do is lie more. I will say one thing, much of the problems Obama and the dems have created are well documented, so you just don't want to see it, or you have a reason for posting your foolishness. So, that being said, there should be a law passed that requires all people such as yourself to carry a plant around with you to replace the oxygen you steal.

Okay, so essentially, you can't refute the point I made, which was that the Red states are stealing from the blue states in terms of public benefits... which the maps proved pretty clearly.

So I do get that you don't want to have that discussion. Then you might start having the discussion about why after you guys in the Red states gave up all your rights as workers, you are in such shitty positions...
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

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