Calif Secession, UN Vote Against Israel Make It Easy for Trump

"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
The Palestinians have never got anything from negotiating with the Israelis.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I guess the Israeli people will be rid of Natanyahu
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.
Attacking their neighbors, occupying their land and periodically massacring Arabs demonstrates the bellicose instinct of the Israelis. Not conduct calculated to ensure peace.
Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.
Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?



Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

----- Snowflake that is from 2004. Got anything from the last decade? Bwhahahahah Bwhahahahah BTW moron those red states grow the food you stuff down your gullet. They don't have the industrial base that the blue states have. Anywa
"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
The Palestinians have never got anything from negotiating with the Israelis.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I guess the Israeli people will be rid of Natanyahu
And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.
Attacking their neighbors, occupying their land and periodically massacring Arabs demonstrates the bellicose instinct of the Israelis. Not conduct calculated to ensure peace.
---------- There is no hater like a Jew hater like you.
----- Snowflake that is from 2004. Got anything from the last decade? Bwhahahahah Bwhahahahah BTW moron those red states grow the food you stuff down your gullet. They don't have the industrial base that the blue states have. Anywa

You hate facts and mathematics eh Rube boy...California has an economy larger than France ...sixth largest in the world are Mississippi and Kansas doing with GOP are a certified Moron
Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

Actually crazy Cali cannot support itself financially nor economically nor with food/water. It's a overtaxed state. Without the rural areas of it it would collapse for sure.
The rural areas of the country would do just fine on their own… The urban areas are what is holding the whole country back.
Get your Fucking head out of your ass, And get out of your mothers basement every once a while. Shit for brains
Says the dufus who thinks one Jew living next door in the West Bank is justification for terrorism.

Muslims and Christians live and worship in Israel without fear. They serve in government positions and the Israeli military.

But one Jew living next door in the West Bank? Criminal for you racists.

The West Bank is stolen land, and Christians and Muslims are second class citizens in the Zionist Entity.

The rest of the world gets this. It's why Israel got NO VOTES on the Security Council. It has no friends in the world.
The Palestinians are 100% terrorists... fact
I don't have a problem if California leaves. It won't change anything for the rest of the country other than the rest of the country having to deal with the influx of people who leave blue states to find jobs and employment. I don't know anyone who moves to california for the jobs.

California's economy is booming right now. The Red States, not so much.

You all didn't vote for a Nazi because you were happy with your lot in life.
Na, crazy Cali is living on borrowed time... dumbass :lmao:
As with all diehard liberals, or shill, there is no point to refute any of the nonsense you blather about, which is why I rarely make any serious remark on this forum. If I did, all you would do is lie more. I will say one thing, much of the problems Obama and the dems have created are well documented, so you just don't want to see it, or you have a reason for posting your foolishness. So, that being said, there should be a law passed that requires all people such as yourself to carry a plant around with you to replace the oxygen you steal.

Okay, so essentially, you can't refute the point I made, which was that the Red states are stealing from the blue states in terms of public benefits... which the maps proved pretty clearly.

So I do get that you don't want to have that discussion. Then you might start having the discussion about why after you guys in the Red states gave up all your rights as workers, you are in such shitty positions...
Urban areas are stealing from rural areas. Dip shit
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.
It is the Palestinians starting the fight, and Israel finishing the fight... Kicking their Palestinian Terrorists ass..
----- Snowflake that is from 2004. Got anything from the last decade? Bwhahahahah Bwhahahahah BTW moron those red states grow the food you stuff down your gullet. They don't have the industrial base that the blue states have. Anywa

You hate facts and mathematics eh Rube boy...California has an economy larger than France ...sixth largest in the world are Mississippi and Kansas doing with GOP are a certified Moron

Both are doing better than the cunthole state. The c state cant survive a day without the USA, The USA can go on forever without the c state, BUT when we put them out to pasture it will be without any of the Military bases which ARE the property of the United States, The national parks which are Property of the USA, and the sea ports will be retained as part of the USA. there will be a wall built with all of the money in the banks that will be seized just as it was in the south during the Civil War, all water from any other state will be shut off. The airports will be closed, and there will be NO air traffic to and from the state as it would pose a severe risk to the security of the USA. I guess all who didn't renounce their citizenship and leave before the act would be allowed to find new homes after they were determined NOT to be liberals or supporters of any liberal agenda. Then as far as I can see the states citizens would be dead within a month. No water, no food soon after no water, the costal idiots could keep boiling sea water for a while but that would end as soon as the energy grid was closed. The majority of liberals are dependent on their little electronic life and cant survive with no facebook or twit-ter there will be millions trying to leave the state and running headlong into the border patrol and full dressed military with SHOOT TO KILL orders. I am going to re-up for that duty myself. I can still hit a five inch plate at 600 meters with my old 308 Remington I will build another 338 just for the post. A Howa single shot heavy barrel with Zeiss scope, and shoot three range test at 600 1000 and 1500 to mark the reticle spot in my logbook n ready to boogie. CMON c state lets boogie, How did Joes song go now? oh yeah "wanna see some liberal brain, wanna see some liberal gut, wanna see some liberal insides, let me get a liberal nut" HAHAHAHA you liberals so funnnaaaahhhh.
Moon Bat.

If you don't like some states subsidizing the welfare of other states then join me in advocating that all welfare be eliminated so that nobody has to pay for the welfare of somebody else.

Do you have a courage of conviction to do that or are you simply a loud mouth Moon Bat that doesn't really believe in anything?

And when the underpaid workers of America revolt because they have nothing to eat, what will you do? Even the Ancient Romans were smart enough to feed the poor and keep them entertained, knowing that they ruled as long as the poor were kept from making trouble.

The simpliest idiot gets this concept. Conservatives say "Let em starve".
Trump does not need California .

actually, buddy, I Think you are a little confused. CA supports the rest of the country, not the other way around. CA and NY produce the economic activity that support all the red states...

Once more, let's look at some maps, shall we?

HEre's a map of which states are donor states vs. recipient states.


Whoops. the Blue states are subsidizing the Red States!!!

Here's a map of which states have the highest number of people claiming the Earned Income Credit (You know, getting tax refunds for paying no taxes.)


Whoops. The red states have more bums sucking off the rest of us.

Hey, let's look at food stamp usage.


Oooh..that's ugly.

Okay, one more...

Which regions have the highest number of people claiming "Disability" so they don't have to work?

Actually crazy Cali cannot support itself financially nor economically nor with food/water. It's a overtaxed state. Without the rural areas of it it would collapse for sure.
The rural areas of the country would do just fine on their own… The urban areas are what is holding the whole country back.
Get your Fucking head out of your ass, And get out of your mothers basement every once a while. Shit for brains
Crazy California should be encouraged to secede. Without the millstone, hilly would not have had those votes. Democrats will be eliminated from the US.
Like I said, the left openly embrace Islam as their religion of choice. .
you and the rest of the Wing Nut Sphere openly Embrace "Stupid" as Religion...Stupidity becomes you cry baby Alpha weakling
Says the moonbat who claims the muslims are the good guys and the Jews the bad guys.

There are no good guys and no bad guys in the Middle East. There are varying shades of stupid and venal. These people have been at war since before Jesus was born, and they will be at war long after we're dead. Leave them to their own devices and let them all kill each other, but stay out of it.

And when the underpaid workers of America revolt because they have nothing to eat, what will you do? Even the Ancient Romans were smart enough to feed the poor and keep them entertained, knowing that they ruled as long as the poor were kept from making trouble.

The simpliest idiot gets this concept. Conservatives say "Let em starve".

The best way for the "underpaid worker" to get higher wages is to stop voting for Liberals that create dismal economic growth like this Obama asshole.

Since Obama has been President poverty has increased, income disparity has increased, taxes have increased, welfare rolls increased, family income has decreased and the economy hasn't even seen a 3% growth. That on top of jobs fleeing overseas and high paying jobs evaporating and burger flipping jobs replacing them.

It is time to do away with this filthy ass welfare state and stop curtailing the capitalism that is the jobs creator in our economy. Everybody would be better off then.

When the combined cost of government is 40% of the GDP no wonder working Americans have very little money to spend on themselves. Almost half of it is going to the welfare queens, illegal aliens and the special interest groups that feed off the government. Aren't you glad that a President was elected that is not beholding to the typical special interest groups that fund the Democrat and Republican parties?
And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.

So when Israel didn't exist, and a bunch of Jews just showed up and took their land, how was that "attacking Israel", exactly.

Here's the thing for the Zionist. Demographics are not your friend. Eventually, they'll either have to give the West Bank up or give Palestinians equal rights to Jews...

Of course, i have to wonder about the pure stupidity of living next to people who want to kill you because a Magic Fairy in the Sky said to.

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