Calif Secession, UN Vote Against Israel Make It Easy for Trump


I don't have a problem with welfare... It's the sign of a compassionate society.

What I have no use for is they hypocrisy of welfare collectors. you know, like the dumb ass white trash drunk in a Red State who goes on disability who thinks he's better than a black woman who applies for food stamps in a blue state.

Because he's not.

You aren't that bight are you? Kind of a dumbass. Typical for a Moon Bat. That money that you are bitching about in the red states goes to the welfare queens in big cities like Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, Birmingham etc. These are the same areas that usually vote for the filthy ass Democrats. If you cut out the money to the red states then your Democrat voting welfare queens are going to have to go out and get a real job instead of being on the Democrat welfare plantation. They won't like that.

You really need to think a little bit before you post your Moon Bat hate crap. It just makes you look like a fool.

I am against all government transfer payments in all states including Florida where I live. We don't need the filthy ass Federal government taking money from somebody that earned it in New York and giving it to a Miami ghetto welfare queen that usually votes for a stupid Democrat.
You aren't that bight are you? Kind of a dumbass. Typical for a Moon Bat. That money that you are bitching about in the red states goes to the welfare queens in big cities like Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, Birmingham etc. These are the same areas that usually vote for the filthy ass Democrats. If you cut out the money to the red states then your Democrat voting welfare queens are going to have to go out and get a real job instead of being on the Democrat welfare plantation. They won't like that.

did you actually look at the map? A lot of the regions are rural... You see, the rural parts of the country are more welfare states than the urban parts, because you all don't produce anything. Even the agriculture has to be subsidized.

You see, the reason why most people live in the cities is because that's where the jobs actually are.

I am against all government transfer payments in all states including Florida where I live. We don't need the filthy ass Federal government taking money from somebody that earned it in New York and giving it to a Miami ghetto welfare queen that usually votes for a stupid Democrat.

You see, this is where you get a little confused.

The biggest "welfare" programs are Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and MediCare... welfare that goes to WHITE PEOPLE.

The welfare you complain about is usually temporary. What poor people get between jobs.

Or as often happens, money people get because the big corporations like McDonalds and WalMart don't pay them enough.
You aren't that bight are you? Kind of a dumbass. Typical for a Moon Bat. That money that you are bitching about in the red states goes to the welfare queens in big cities like Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Miami, Birmingham etc. These are the same areas that usually vote for the filthy ass Democrats. If you cut out the money to the red states then your Democrat voting welfare queens are going to have to go out and get a real job instead of being on the Democrat welfare plantation. They won't like that.

did you actually look at the map? A lot of the regions are rural... You see, the rural parts of the country are more welfare states than the urban parts, because you all don't produce anything. Even the agriculture has to be subsidized.

You see, the reason why most people live in the cities is because that's where the jobs actually are.

I am against all government transfer payments in all states including Florida where I live. We don't need the filthy ass Federal government taking money from somebody that earned it in New York and giving it to a Miami ghetto welfare queen that usually votes for a stupid Democrat.

You see, this is where you get a little confused.

The biggest "welfare" programs are Social Security, Unemployment Insurance and MediCare... welfare that goes to WHITE PEOPLE.

The welfare you complain about is usually temporary. What poor people get between jobs.

Or as often happens, money people get because the big corporations like McDonalds and WalMart don't pay them enough.

You are confused Moon Bat. Social Security is not welfare when the filthy ass government takes the money by force that you earn over your life time and then gives a little back to you at a latter date. The same with Medicare. You are forced to pay for these two programs while you work and you are lucky to get your money back.

There are some rural counties in some red states that have predominate Democrat voting Black populations that are those areas you are bitching about. However, the great majority of the welfare queens getting Federal money live in the Democrat big city shitholes that usually vote Democrat so stop being a stupid confused Moon Bat with your ignorance.

We need to stop government transfer payments to everybody. The government should never be in the filthy ass business of taking money from one person and giving it to another. That includes money collected in blue states and giving to the welfare queen in red states.

I am against money collected from taxpayers in blue states going to anybody in red states just like I am against money collected in a red state going to anybody in a blue state. I am agreeing with you Moon Bat and you aren't smart enough to even know it.

You are bitching about government transfer money but yet you support government transfer programs. You are really a dumbass, aren't you?

You really need to stop posting because it makes you look foolish when you post your ignorance.
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.
"The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!

The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!" - Trump
Shit happens when you lose wars you start.

Except the Arabs didn't start the wars, the Jews did. Particularly the 1967 War, which was a preemptive strike on her neighbors.
Yeah, the Arabs just wanted peace by mounting their entire armies upon the borders of Israel in 67. And in 72 the invasion of Israel by all the surrounding nations was just some tourists.
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.
Like I said, the left openly embrace Islam as their religion of choice. Primarily because it is entrenched in violence and treatment of women as being lower than animals.
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
I don't have a problem if California leaves. It won't change anything for the rest of the country other than the rest of the country having to deal with the influx of people who leave blue states to find jobs and employment. I don't know anyone who moves to california for the jobs.

California's economy is booming right now. The Red States, not so much.

You all didn't vote for a Nazi because you were happy with your lot in life.
Census Bureau: California still has highest U.S. poverty rate
Census Bureau: California still has highest U.S. poverty rate

Covered California Faces $78M Deficit in FY 2015-2016 Budget
Covered California Faces $78M Deficit in FY 2015-2016 Budget

California Budget in Deficit as Silicon Valley Falters
California Budget in Deficit as Silicon Valley Falters - Breitbart
Benjamin "Nut and Yahoo" Ladies and Germs

Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud:popcorn:
Source: Times of Israel

A months-long inquiry into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s affairs took a new twist on Monday, with police reportedly convinced that they will be able to open a full-blown criminal investigation against him in the next few days.

Police recently received new documents as part of a secret inquiry that began almost nine months ago, Channel 2 reported. Based on thpse files police have already turned to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit requesting that he allow them to open a full criminal investigation. The report stated that among the suspected offenses are bribe-taking and aggravated fraud.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said that “it’s all nonsense,” Haaretz reported. “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have used heroic efforts to attempt to bring about downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

In June, it was reported that Israel Police Chief Roni Alsheich gave his go-ahead on the secret investigation by special police unit Lahav 433, but that he had demanded full cooperation on secrecy and that no details be leaked to the media.

Read more: Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud
Hillary was investigated for divulging secrets to the enemy and is still being investigated for political corruption.
...the Israelis shouldn't build new settlements on the West Bank because they are eventually going ot have to give that land back to the Palestinians.

And who exactly is going to make them do that?

Molon labe, say my fellow Jews!

But here's an idea: If you don't want Israel to take your land, don't attack Israel.
It is against international law to acquire land thru war.

One, I don't give two shits about so called international law. Second, they didn't acquire land, they were frickin' attacked from those areas. They HAD to take control of the territory from which their attackers were based. Do you really expect Israel to just sit back and let themselves be attacked again and again by people whose religion tells them to hate the Jews? Who would be that stupid about their own survival?
Israel is always either at war or threatening war with its neighbors. The Israelis have shown the world that there is only one language they understand, violence.

So they should let their neighbors destroy them as they've vowed to do?

Great plan genius.

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