California Begins Gun Confiscation

All it takes is a false accusation.

My wife wasn't able to buy a gun because one of her renters swore out a warrant on her for assault. She claimed my wife slammed the door on her foot injuring her. No proof was presented to the injury. They came and got my wife, handcuffed her, and hauled her to jail. This would disqualify her from ever buying a gun. It took 2 years but we were able to get the assault charges wiped from her record. If another renter ever does the same thing they can come and get my guns if I live in California.

Please speak on something you know....I live in California and I am a gun owner and I see no cops outside my door looking to confiscate my weapons

Post a sign on your property that you are armed and see how long it takes for the cops to show up.

Loose lips...sink ships.
Again, not seeing the problem here... Crazy people shouldn't have guns.

Of course, it would probably disqualify 90% of the gun nuts on USMB.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

^ that. mudmissle might have not read his own OP either:

California is the only state that tracks and disarms people with legally registered guns who have lost the right to own them, according to Attorney General Kamala Harris. Almost 20,000 gun owners in the state are prohibited from possessing firearms, including convicted felons, those under a domestic violence restraining order or deemed mentally unstable.

its the law mudmissle. Don't like it? Move to Arizona.

Yup.....and slavery was legal at one time too.

The truly mentally-ill should never have guns.

The untrained should never have guns.

However there has to be a reasonable standard set, not just an accusation that results in a dismissal. Course liberals often think no private ownership is the only reasonable solution.

I just have issues with the low standards the left wants to disqualify us with.

A patient talks to a doctor about depression.......let's take their guns.
A 76 year old woman is falsely accused of assault.....let's take their guns.
A farmer fires a warning shot at a trespasser.......let's take their guns.

What's next......

A white man openly supports traditional marriage.......let's take their guns.
A black man votes for Obama...........let him keep his guns.
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Again, not seeing the problem here... Crazy people shouldn't have guns.

Of course, it would probably disqualify 90% of the gun nuts on USMB.

The best argument for gun control is a five minute conversation with a gun nut.

^ that. mudmissle might have not read his own OP either:

California is the only state that tracks and disarms people with legally registered guns who have lost the right to own them, according to Attorney General Kamala Harris. Almost 20,000 gun owners in the state are prohibited from possessing firearms, including convicted felons, those under a domestic violence restraining order or deemed mentally unstable.

its the law mudmissle. Don't like it? Move to Arizona.

so it is okay if a state makes a law banning abortion

or a state allows slavery

or a state makes a poll tax law

all that is cool too

and if one does not like it

they should move to another state
Taking guns away from crazy people?

The fiends!

From law abiding Americans.

The left wants any gun owner to appear crazy.

I remember around the first of the year they were saying nobody wants to start confiscation. Now their argument for California confiscating guns is that they've been doing it for quite some time.

* surprise here at all*

Like that is good enough of a reason not to fear CA laws coming to our states.

I have a great idea.....why don't we all just become California.
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2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

of course the left has cheered many a times

over the loss of freedom or rights

it is a cornerstone of their platform

it is one of the things that has never changed about the party
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

of course the left has cheered many a times

over the loss of freedom or rights

it is a cornerstone of their platform

it is one of the things that has never changed about the party

It's why they didn't cheer the freeing of Iraq and Afghanistan from oppressive regimes, yet mourned the death of Chavez.
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

of course the left has cheered many a times

over the loss of freedom or rights

it is a cornerstone of their platform

it is one of the things that has never changed about the party

It's why they didn't cheer the freeing of Iraq and Afghanistan from oppressive regimes, yet mourned the death of Chavez.

yes and you also

see them cheering the idea of kill lists

and drone strikes on Americans in America

without the need for due process
of course the left has cheered many a times

over the loss of freedom or rights

it is a cornerstone of their platform

it is one of the things that has never changed about the party

It's why they didn't cheer the freeing of Iraq and Afghanistan from oppressive regimes, yet mourned the death of Chavez.

yes and you also

see them cheering the idea of kill lists

and drone strikes on Americans in America

without the need for due process

Getting guns out of the hands of legal gun owners is much more important than Habius Corpus. This is a war folks. We can't have the rule of law unless it favors our agenda.
It's why they didn't cheer the freeing of Iraq and Afghanistan from oppressive regimes, yet mourned the death of Chavez.

yes and you also

see them cheering the idea of kill lists

and drone strikes on Americans in America

without the need for due process

Getting guns out of the hands of legal gun owners is much more important than Habius Corpus. This is a war folks. We can't have the rule of law unless it favors our agenda.

that sure seems to be the case

i am from South Dakota

we have instituted some laws to prevent the feds from

interfering with our firearm rights

other states have as well
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

I call it a reasonable precaution.

I've told this story before, but it bears repeating.

A couple years back, I had a next door neighbor. Kind of a bum. Had some serious medical issues and he was on disability. Well, one day, a bullet shattered his patio door. When the cops came, he tried to claim someone shot in at him. (Quickly dismissed by the fact the glass was outside and there were no bullet holes in the walls inside.)

Well, the sensible thing for the cops to do at that point would have been to confiscate his gun. Nope. No deal there. They let him keep it.

A few weeks later, he killed himself with that gun.
Why are rightwingers always on the side of the bad guys?

The spectacularly bad guys.

You all were wildly in favor of the torturers; you were enthusiastic supporters of Herman Cain with his feeling up of every white woman who interviewed with him for a job; now you want certified crazy people to keep their guns!

All this while a crazy man in upper New York State has gone on YET ANOTHER of these shooting rampages we see so many of, shot 6, killed 4, is holed up in an abandoned bar surrounded by police, and he's shooting at them.

Do all gun collectors want crazy people to have guns? Is this the new sliced bread?
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

I call it a reasonable precaution.

I've told this story before, but it bears repeating.

A couple years back, I had a next door neighbor. Kind of a bum. Had some serious medical issues and he was on disability. Well, one day, a bullet shattered his patio door. When the cops came, he tried to claim someone shot in at him. (Quickly dismissed by the fact the glass was outside and there were no bullet holes in the walls inside.)

Well, the sensible thing for the cops to do at that point would have been to confiscate his gun. Nope. No deal there. They let him keep it.

A few weeks later, he killed himself with that gun.

sad story

bullets rarely break a window

they usually zip through

the way the cone shape hole in the glass

indicates the direction of the bullet

maybe the cops didnt see how crazy he was and did not make a referral to the mental health folks

for a follow up

what as a good neighbor did you do to help this guy
I don't see the problem here.

The guy had "serious medical issues." And he didn't run around town killing everyone he saw; he didn't even massacre his neighbors.

He just quietly shot himself.

Suicide is not the problem. Mass murder of ramdom people is the problem.
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

I call it a reasonable precaution.

I've told this story before, but it bears repeating.

A couple years back, I had a next door neighbor. Kind of a bum. Had some serious medical issues and he was on disability. Well, one day, a bullet shattered his patio door. When the cops came, he tried to claim someone shot in at him. (Quickly dismissed by the fact the glass was outside and there were no bullet holes in the walls inside.)

Well, the sensible thing for the cops to do at that point would have been to confiscate his gun. Nope. No deal there. They let him keep it.

A few weeks later, he killed himself with that gun.

The moral is some people are too stupid to own one.

What's to stop him from overdosing or driving his car into someone?

You can't screw the rational by attempting to protect the irrational.
Why are rightwingers always on the side of the bad guys?

The spectacularly bad guys.

You all were wildly in favor of the torturers; you were enthusiastic supporters of Herman Cain with his feeling up of every white woman who interviewed with him for a job; now you want certified crazy people to keep their guns!

All this while a crazy man in upper New York State has gone on YET ANOTHER of these shooting rampages we see so many of, shot 6, killed 4, is holed up in an abandoned bar surrounded by police, and he's shooting at them.

Do all gun collectors want crazy people to have guns? Is this the new sliced bread?

We want dirty air and dirty water too. And lots of dead babies. But we hate murderes on death row. Wonder how many used a gun to do it.

Btw, all of this anti-gun coverage is breeding copy-cats fuckwad.

Hope you're happy now.
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We want dirty air and dirty water too. And lots of dead babies.

THAT I believe. You all are the "no problem" brigade. People are shooting dozens of little first-graders? Oh, no problem! you say.

I ask again: is the consensus of this thread that crazy people SHOULD have guns? No problem with that, according to the gun guys? How about demented old men? Should they keep their "cache of guns and ammunition" like the police found in the apartment of the New York State shooter?
2 days and they both lose a Constitutional right.

And the left cheers.

I didn't need further proof that liberals and progs hate the Constitution, but I got more anyway

I call it a reasonable precaution.

I've told this story before, but it bears repeating.

A couple years back, I had a next door neighbor. Kind of a bum. Had some serious medical issues and he was on disability. Well, one day, a bullet shattered his patio door. When the cops came, he tried to claim someone shot in at him. (Quickly dismissed by the fact the glass was outside and there were no bullet holes in the walls inside.)

Well, the sensible thing for the cops to do at that point would have been to confiscate his gun. Nope. No deal there. They let him keep it.

A few weeks later, he killed himself with that gun.

It is illegal to discharge a firearm in many places, if it wasn't where you live then that's the way it goes. You cannot start taking people's property because you suspect they might do something later, that isn't exactly how that idea called innocent until proven guilty works.

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