California Democrats Propose Strictest Gun Regulations In The Nation

Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Ted Cruz on Monday, January 7th, 2013 in an interview on PBS


9. States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.

Last year, economist Richard Florida dove deep into the correlations between gun deaths and other kinds of social indicators. Some of what he found was, perhaps, unexpected: Higher populations, more stress, more immigrants, and more mental illness were not correlated with more deaths from gun violence. But one thing he found was, perhaps, perfectly predictable: States with tighter gun control laws appear to have fewer gun-related deaths. The disclaimer here is that correlation is not causation. But correlations can be suggestive:

“The map overlays the map of firearm deaths above with gun control restrictions by state,” explains Florida. “It highlights states which have one of three gun control restrictions in place – assault weapons’ bans, trigger locks, or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons (-.45), require trigger locks (-.42), and mandate safe storage requirements for guns (-.48).”

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc? Perhaps, but-----but the empirical evidence is, the tighter the controls on guns... the less gun violence.

You're all over the place. Your map shows "number of deaths due to injury". That's meaningless here, as injury could be accident or suicide as well.
Try harder.

And Sen Cruz's statement is still true, as "jurisdiction" could mean Chicago as well as IL.

Can't you read and comprehend more than one line?

This from the guy that keeps talking about homicide when others point out the increase in gun violence.
Did the law [Assault Weapons Ban] have an effect on mass shootings?

That’s possible, though not certain. As this chart from Princeton’s Sam Wang shows, the number of people killed in mass shootings did go down in the years the ban was in effect (save for a surge in 1999, a year that included Columbine):

Because mass shootings are relatively rare, it’s difficult to tell whether this was just a random blip or caused by the ban. Still, the number of mass shootings per year has doubled since the ban expired. That’s suggestive, at least.


Statistical fallacy as mass shootings are rare, thus not providing enough data In fact you are more likely to be killed by lightning than a mass shooting. So why all the fuss?

There were only 26 deaths by lightning in 2011.

There were 20 people killed by mass shooters in 2010, what's your point?
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You know nothing about Californians. FYI, the only time we were stupid is when we helped make Arnold Schwarzenegger our governor.

No you people are stupid. I can prove it..........Jerry Brown!

Nuff said!

You're an idiot. We like him and he's doing a good job. Nuff said?? Why?? Because you don't know what you're talking about??

New Poll: Governor Jerry Brown Has Record High Approval Rating -

Did you read about how he scammed the ballot to make sure Prop 30 win?
I've already posted it and all I did was type lightning deaths in a search engine to get it. I'm not going to find it for every fool on this site, find it yourself! 2012 had a lot of lightning deaths early in the year, but mass murder deaths beat them. I don't see that trend reversing in the near future and it very well could get worse.


Don't you know how to use a search engine or are you just too fucking lazy?

People don't get struck by lightning much anymore, so why is that too hard to believe. I remember seeing a little spark of lightning near me (maybe 15 to 20 feet away) as a child when I was in an asphalted area need a gas station and I was walking in that direction. My grandmother said she raised a shovel above her head once and was struck by lightning that knocked her on her ass and claimed she was struck again, but I don't remember the details, if she even told me. I never thought to ask her why someone would raise a shovel above their head.

I remember seeing ball lightning once while hanging out with my girlfriend on a porch. That was neat and the only time I ever saw it. My favorite was when my brother and I were stopped at a traffic light in a city in the pouring rain. Lightning struck a pole right in front of us and set the top of it on fire. You could barely see that far in that rain, but it wasn't putting that fire out, the way it put that traffic light out. We made our left turn at the intersection and headed down the pike with that pole still blazing. I've also seen a static charge ground itself in a house after lightning struck nearby. It went from a electrical wall socket to a vacuum cleaner, parked near a floor vent in my neighbor's house. It makes people notice it and go damn. I imagine those sparks of lightning are high voltage and would wake you up, if you came in contact with it.

and since the assault weapons ban has been lifted while the number of guns has grown significantly the number of homicides with a gun has dropped. more guns, less violence. in fact our rate of homicides with a gun with gun legislation lifted has been at the same rate as the UK's with their strict ban. We'll keep our freedoms thank you
No you people are stupid. I can prove it..........Jerry Brown!

Nuff said!

You're an idiot. We like him and he's doing a good job. Nuff said?? Why?? Because you don't know what you're talking about??

New Poll: Governor Jerry Brown Has Record High Approval Rating -

You're proving his point. Yes, Jerry BRown is popular. Despite raising taxes and failing to solve the state's pressing financial problems, which they doubtless blame on Reagan.
Californicators are idiots. Look at their pols. Brown, Feinstein, Boxer, et al. Every one of them a self absorbed narcissist oblivious to political and economic realities. You have Nancy Pelosi marveling how great it would be for everyone to be on food stamps and welfare. One could go on and on here.
And the very fact that these morons keep getting elected is proof that Californicators deserve every last one of them.

But Obama won in 2008.

The economy sucks. Foreign policy sucks. If the press covered the deaths of US troops in Afghanistan under Obama like they did in Iraq under Bush people would be screaming.
Nate Silver? Who the fuck is he? WHo gives a shit? Other sources put OBama's chance at nil.
As the economy deteriorates Obama's chances deteriorate with it.
6,8,9 and 10 are not over the top.

5 is questionable. Registration and periodic license renewals have worked in NYC, so who knows.

The rest are worthless and will do nothing to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.
Statistical fallacy as mass shootings are rare, thus not providing enough data In fact you are more likely to be killed by lightning than a mass shooting. So why all the fuss?

There were only 26 deaths by lightning in 2011.

There were 20 people killed by mass shooters in 2010, what's your point?

The point is the dumbass claimed there are more people killed by lightning than mass shootings and that isn't the case.

Don't you know how to use a search engine or are you just too fucking lazy?

People don't get struck by lightning much anymore, so why is that too hard to believe. I remember seeing a little spark of lightning near me (maybe 15 to 20 feet away) as a child when I was in an asphalted area need a gas station and I was walking in that direction. My grandmother said she raised a shovel above her head once and was struck by lightning that knocked her on her ass and claimed she was struck again, but I don't remember the details, if she even told me. I never thought to ask her why someone would raise a shovel above their head.

I remember seeing ball lightning once while hanging out with my girlfriend on a porch. That was neat and the only time I ever saw it. My favorite was when my brother and I were stopped at a traffic light in a city in the pouring rain. Lightning struck a pole right in front of us and set the top of it on fire. You could barely see that far in that rain, but it wasn't putting that fire out, the way it put that traffic light out. We made our left turn at the intersection and headed down the pike with that pole still blazing. I've also seen a static charge ground itself in a house after lightning struck nearby. It went from a electrical wall socket to a vacuum cleaner, parked near a floor vent in my neighbor's house. It makes people notice it and go damn. I imagine those sparks of lightning are high voltage and would wake you up, if you came in contact with it.

and since the assault weapons ban has been lifted while the number of guns has grown significantly the number of homicides with a gun has dropped. more guns, less violence. in fact our rate of homicides with a gun with gun legislation lifted has been at the same rate as the UK's with their strict ban. We'll keep our freedoms thank you

We have been through that dumb shit about the assault weapons ban and have proven only a very small percentage of homicides are done by assault weapons and there is no correclation between a ban being lifted and a reduction in homicide by firearms. All crime has shown a reduction since tougher sentencing was introduced.
Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Ted Cruz on Monday, January 7th, 2013 in an interview on PBS


9. States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.

Last year, economist Richard Florida dove deep into the correlations between gun deaths and other kinds of social indicators. Some of what he found was, perhaps, unexpected: Higher populations, more stress, more immigrants, and more mental illness were not correlated with more deaths from gun violence. But one thing he found was, perhaps, perfectly predictable: States with tighter gun control laws appear to have fewer gun-related deaths. The disclaimer here is that correlation is not causation. But correlations can be suggestive:

“The map overlays the map of firearm deaths above with gun control restrictions by state,” explains Florida. “It highlights states which have one of three gun control restrictions in place – assault weapons’ bans, trigger locks, or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons (-.45), require trigger locks (-.42), and mandate safe storage requirements for guns (-.48).”

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc? Perhaps, but-----but the empirical evidence is, the tighter the controls on guns... the less gun violence.

Let me try this one more time before I simply neg rep everyone who does not understand English.

Homicides by gun is not the same things as gun violence, violent crime, or even crime itself. It doesn't even cover suicide. To prove this all we need to do is is look at Japan, which has really strict gun control laws, yet has a higher suicide rate than the US.

Japan has a higher suicide rate for several reasons...

Why are there so many suicides in Japan?
Don't you know how to use a search engine or are you just too fucking lazy?

People don't get struck by lightning much anymore, so why is that too hard to believe. I remember seeing a little spark of lightning near me (maybe 15 to 20 feet away) as a child when I was in an asphalted area need a gas station and I was walking in that direction. My grandmother said she raised a shovel above her head once and was struck by lightning that knocked her on her ass and claimed she was struck again, but I don't remember the details, if she even told me. I never thought to ask her why someone would raise a shovel above their head.

I remember seeing ball lightning once while hanging out with my girlfriend on a porch. That was neat and the only time I ever saw it. My favorite was when my brother and I were stopped at a traffic light in a city in the pouring rain. Lightning struck a pole right in front of us and set the top of it on fire. You could barely see that far in that rain, but it wasn't putting that fire out, the way it put that traffic light out. We made our left turn at the intersection and headed down the pike with that pole still blazing. I've also seen a static charge ground itself in a house after lightning struck nearby. It went from a electrical wall socket to a vacuum cleaner, parked near a floor vent in my neighbor's house. It makes people notice it and go damn. I imagine those sparks of lightning are high voltage and would wake you up, if you came in contact with it.

and since the assault weapons ban has been lifted while the number of guns has grown significantly the number of homicides with a gun has dropped. more guns, less violence. in fact our rate of homicides with a gun with gun legislation lifted has been at the same rate as the UK's with their strict ban. We'll keep our freedoms thank you

We have been through that dumb shit about the assault weapons ban and have proven only a very small percentage of homicides are done by assault weapons and there is no correclation between a ban being lifted and a reduction in homicide by firearms. All crime has shown a reduction since tougher sentencing was introduced.

and since the public is better armed. lol at you claiming since there is tougher sentencing. don't libs always tell us that the toughest sentencing, the death penalty isn't a deterent? boy you guys really try to play it both ways don't you. lmao here.
and since the assault weapons ban has been lifted while the number of guns has grown significantly the number of homicides with a gun has dropped. more guns, less violence. in fact our rate of homicides with a gun with gun legislation lifted has been at the same rate as the UK's with their strict ban. We'll keep our freedoms thank you

We have been through that dumb shit about the assault weapons ban and have proven only a very small percentage of homicides are done by assault weapons and there is no correclation between a ban being lifted and a reduction in homicide by firearms. All crime has shown a reduction since tougher sentencing was introduced.

and since the public is better armed. lol at you claiming since there is tougher sentencing. don't libs always tell us that the toughest sentencing, the death penalty isn't a deterent? boy you guys really try to play it both ways don't you. lmao here.

The death penalty isn't a deterent, but having plenty of people in prison is a deterent to crime. Criminals aren't considering getting caught.
There were only 26 deaths by lightning in 2011.

There were 20 people killed by mass shooters in 2010, what's your point?

The point is the dumbass claimed there are more people killed by lightning than mass shootings and that isn't the case.

I was the dumbass, and my claim was that more people are killed by lighting than crazy people. Feel free to total up all the people killed by lightning and all the people shot by crazy nuts and figure out if I am right or wrong.
Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Ted Cruz on Monday, January 7th, 2013 in an interview on PBS


9. States with stricter gun control laws have fewer deaths from gun-related violence.

Last year, economist Richard Florida dove deep into the correlations between gun deaths and other kinds of social indicators. Some of what he found was, perhaps, unexpected: Higher populations, more stress, more immigrants, and more mental illness were not correlated with more deaths from gun violence. But one thing he found was, perhaps, perfectly predictable: States with tighter gun control laws appear to have fewer gun-related deaths. The disclaimer here is that correlation is not causation. But correlations can be suggestive:

“The map overlays the map of firearm deaths above with gun control restrictions by state,” explains Florida. “It highlights states which have one of three gun control restrictions in place – assault weapons’ bans, trigger locks, or safe storage requirements. Firearm deaths are significantly lower in states with stricter gun control legislation. Though the sample sizes are small, we find substantial negative correlations between firearm deaths and states that ban assault weapons (-.45), require trigger locks (-.42), and mandate safe storage requirements for guns (-.48).”

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc? Perhaps, but-----but the empirical evidence is, the tighter the controls on guns... the less gun violence.

Let me try this one more time before I simply neg rep everyone who does not understand English.

Homicides by gun is not the same things as gun violence, violent crime, or even crime itself. It doesn't even cover suicide. To prove this all we need to do is is look at Japan, which has really strict gun control laws, yet has a higher suicide rate than the US.

Japan has a higher suicide rate for several reasons...

Why are there so many suicides in Japan?

Thank you for making my point, the presence, or absence, of guns does not contribute to, or limit, violence or suicide. That makes all your arguments in favor of gun control because it will control crime completely null and void, and you provided the proof.
6,8,9 and 10 are not over the top.

5 is questionable. Registration and periodic license renewals have worked in NYC, so who knows.

The rest are worthless and will do nothing to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

How many of the crimes are actually committed with registered or even liscensed guns?

Most gun crime is done by felons, who shouldnt own weapons anyway.
All the gun bans in NY do is make the police and thier friends 1st class citizens, and the rest of us 2nd class citizens.
We have been through that dumb shit about the assault weapons ban and have proven only a very small percentage of homicides are done by assault weapons and there is no correclation between a ban being lifted and a reduction in homicide by firearms. All crime has shown a reduction since tougher sentencing was introduced.

and since the public is better armed. lol at you claiming since there is tougher sentencing. don't libs always tell us that the toughest sentencing, the death penalty isn't a deterent? boy you guys really try to play it both ways don't you. lmao here.

The death penalty isn't a deterent, but having plenty of people in prison is a deterent to crime. Criminals aren't considering getting caught.

and prisons are so overcrowded with small time stuff like pot that they are parolling people in a couple of years. kill someone and you can be out in 7 years. are you really trying to tell me we have all the criminals locked up and that is why crime is down? remember i asked if you could get and dumber? you just did. :clap2:
We have been through that dumb shit about the assault weapons ban and have proven only a very small percentage of homicides are done by assault weapons and there is no correclation between a ban being lifted and a reduction in homicide by firearms. All crime has shown a reduction since tougher sentencing was introduced.

and since the public is better armed. lol at you claiming since there is tougher sentencing. don't libs always tell us that the toughest sentencing, the death penalty isn't a deterent? boy you guys really try to play it both ways don't you. lmao here.

The death penalty isn't a deterent, but having plenty of people in prison is a deterent to crime. Criminals aren't considering getting caught.

Really? If the don't consider getting caught, why would jail be a deterrent to them commiting a crime? Jail is preventative only in the fact that a person in jail cannot commit crime AT THE TIME they are jailed. The Death penalty is permanently preventative.

Look at the file of your average criminal, who has been in jail multiple times, and THEN tell me jail is a deterrent.
There were only 26 deaths by lightning in 2011.

There were 20 people killed by mass shooters in 2010, what's your point?

The point is the dumbass claimed there are more people killed by lightning than mass shootings and that isn't the case.

No, asshole. I did not claim that. Your inability to read an understand simple sentences marks you as having sub par intelligence.
There were 26 deaths by lighning. That means 26 incidents. How many incidents of mass shootngs were there? Fewer than 26.
Case closed.
No you people are stupid. I can prove it..........Jerry Brown!

Nuff said!

You're an idiot. We like him and he's doing a good job. Nuff said?? Why?? Because you don't know what you're talking about??

New Poll: Governor Jerry Brown Has Record High Approval Rating -

You're proving his point. Yes, Jerry BRown is popular. Despite raising taxes and failing to solve the state's pressing financial problems, which they doubtless blame on Reagan.
Californicators are idiots. Look at their pols. Brown, Feinstein, Boxer, et al. Every one of them a self absorbed narcissist oblivious to political and economic realities. You have Nancy Pelosi marveling how great it would be for everyone to be on food stamps and welfare. One could go on and on here.
And the very fact that these morons keep getting elected is proof that Californicators deserve every last one of them.

Go to hell, you stupid ass. You are just running off at the mouth like the ignorant person you are. You're an embarrassment to hillbillies everywhere!!

No you people are stupid. I can prove it..........Jerry Brown!

Nuff said!

You're an idiot. We like him and he's doing a good job. Nuff said?? Why?? Because you don't know what you're talking about??

New Poll: Governor Jerry Brown Has Record High Approval Rating -

You're proving his point. Yes, Jerry BRown is popular. Despite raising taxes and failing to solve the state's pressing financial problems, which they doubtless blame on Reagan.
Californicators are idiots. Look at their pols. Brown, Feinstein, Boxer, et al. Every one of them a self absorbed narcissist oblivious to political and economic realities. You have Nancy Pelosi marveling how great it would be for everyone to be on food stamps and welfare. One could go on and on here.
And the very fact that these morons keep getting elected is proof that Californicators deserve every last one of them.

Is that link you provided supposed to prove something??? Dummy.

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