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So nobody lives in Las Vegas? A large part of Florida is swamp. The fact is the price of housing in California is astronomical, and it's not because of deserts. It's because of your fucked up leftwing government,
Who said this?
On an acreage per person basis, CA is still less crowded than Florida.

Have you ever been to the desert? There are miles and miles of miles and miles. While there are cities, the population per mile is that the des desert is quite sparsely populated.

"No one wants to live in the desert," you declared. Now you're changing your tune to "Gee the desert is really big."
Those are two entirely different statements.
Do you have any idea of how sparsely populated the world is? No, you do not.
Everyone alive today could theoretically fit inside a cubic mile.

Seven billion people divided by 196.9 million square miles is about 35 humans per square mile. Classrooms and buildings are crowded. The world is not. Evenly spaced, they would all be around 700 feet apart.
"No one wants to live in the desert," you declared. Now you're changing your tune to "Gee the desert is really big."
Those are two entirely different statements.
Do you have any idea of how sparsely populated the world is? No, you do not.
Everyone alive today could theoretically fit inside a cubic mile.

Seven billion people divided by 196.9 million square miles is about 35 humans per square mile. Classrooms and buildings are crowded. The world is not. Evenly spaced, they would all be around 700 feet apart.
Oh excuse me. I did not know you are a woke democrat.
All irrelevant. We have had GOP NATIONAL giveaway to the rich tax rates for 40 years and half the infrastructure investment...WAKE UP
Oh, I see, democrats are more useless than I even thought. If there is one Republican at the national level, California democrats are helpless to do anything in their own state. Why do you keep voting for them if they are that useless?
Oh excuse me. I did not know you are a woke democrat.

Your confusion regarding the difference between where people choose to live, and the size of deserts does NOT make me a "woke democrat (sic)." You're really tripping all over yourself, Evil. You might have said, "Point taken," but instead, you double down with yet more ignorance. I do not suffer fools gladly. Stop while you're still behind.
Your confusion regarding the difference between where people choose to live, and the size of deserts does NOT make me a "woke democrat (sic)." You're really tripping all over yourself, Evil. You might have said, "Point taken," but instead, you double down with yet more ignorance. I do not suffer fools gladly. Stop while you're still behind.
Yes. Of course. You are dismissed.
Their economy is bigger than Russia's, Vlad.Their problem is not enough housing, thanks to 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and lack of investment in America and Americans, dupe.

Spoken like a true Biden Voter. I have built houses, apartments, condos and an industrial building in southern California. The NIMBYs drive up the cost of housing with their perpetual whining, "More development will increase noise, traffic and pollution!"
Of course they drove to city hall to whine about traffic and pollution.

Then there is the Marxist coveting of what the wealthy have. As the black Lakers star, Sir Charles Barkley said, "The poor have been voting for Democrats their entire life and they're still poor."

The bottom fifty percent of federal taxpayers pay 1 or 2 percent of taxes. You can't give them a "tax cut" because they don't PAY ANY TAXES ! ! !

Coveting is a sin, and that's all Democrats do is covet, socialists that they will always be.
Supply and demand . People want to live in California . Jobs pay more in cali . That's why housing prices are high.
With all due respect Timmy...people are leaving California in droves because they don't want to live in a State run by far left idiots! The biggest part of those leaving are the wealthy. They're sick of the high taxes and rampant crime. Everything costs more in California because they impose regulations on EVERYTHING!
Obviously not. Think nationally, not stupid state anecdotes....Worst INEQUALITY poverty and homelessness infrastructure ever. EVERYWHERE

Our bridges are falling apart (among other things), and its Ronald Reagan's fault.
Just covered it in a reply to Sealy plus there are threads with facts ignored by those that wish not to believe.

It took me seconds to bring up the link and the facts behind my statements, but it doesnt change what people want to believe. The numbers are and have been there for a long time. The west coast homes cost way more than the average home in Florida. A median price for a home in California is $793,000, Florida it is $402,000. The higher the housing cost, the more people that are homeless.

Easy concept, higher housing cost, limits prospects, and many can’t afford the housing costs, they become homeless.
Florida has the third-largest homeless population in the United States at 27,487. 12,672 were unsheltered and 14,815 were sheltered.

With all due respect Timmy...people are leaving California in droves because they don't want to live in a State run by far left idiots! The biggest part of those leaving are the wealthy. They're sick of the high taxes and rampant crime. Everything costs more in California because they impose regulations on EVERYTHING!
I have lived in People's Republic of California for decades. Oldestyle knows whereof he speaks I'm here to say. Governor Newsom's wife is brainwashing small kids in elementary school with her homosexual/transsexual videos encouraging them to perversion and craziness. He also banned gasoline powered cars after something like 2030 or 2035. The "high speed rail" continues on wobbly legs, I guess. Don't know, can't do anything about it. We lead the nation in homelessness, taxes and crazies.
Here is one of my websites:


Our bridges are falling apart (among other things), and its Ronald Reagan's fault.
Everyone and everything everywhere due to lack of federal investment. And we can't do anything because that's socialism which is arghh. English speakers super capitalist brainwash excels here.....
Spoken like a true Biden Voter. I have built houses, apartments, condos and an industrial building in southern California. The NIMBYs drive up the cost of housing with their perpetual whining, "More development will increase noise, traffic and pollution!"
Of course they drove to city hall to whine about traffic and pollution.

Then there is the Marxist coveting of what the wealthy have. As the black Lakers star, Sir Charles Barkley said, "The poor have been voting for Democrats their entire life and they're still poor."

The bottom fifty percent of federal taxpayers pay 1 or 2 percent of taxes. You can't give them a "tax cut" because they don't PAY ANY TAXES ! ! !

Coveting is a sin, and that's all Democrats do is covet, socialists that they will always be.
Total brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool.... Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh. Google the only tax graph you need to get know. Everyone pays about the same percentage in ALL TAXES, SUPER DUPER.
With all due respect Timmy...people are leaving California in droves because they don't want to live in a State run by far left idiots! The biggest part of those leaving are the wealthy. They're sick of the high taxes and rampant crime. Everything costs more in California because they impose regulations on EVERYTHING!
Too many people... too expensive housing. Just like the rest of the country. Thanks GOP! Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh
Too many people... too expensive housing. Just like the rest of the country. Thanks GOP! Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh
The "rich" that you want to tax in California are moving to Texas, Franco! California's estimated deficit has just been amended from really bad to REALLY REALLY BAD! New Jersey tried this kind of idiocy a few years ago and half of the State's millionaires headed to Florida. You'd think intelligent people would have learned from that but you couldn't tell from California! The census shows them losing population. That's with illegals pouring into the State by the millions! Think about that. If the people with wealth are leaving and the people who have nothing are arriving...what does that mean for the future of California? It's about to get UGLY!!!
The "rich" that you want to tax in California are moving to Texas, Franco! California's estimated deficit has just been amended from really bad to REALLY REALLY BAD! New Jersey tried this kind of idiocy a few years ago and half of the State's millionaires headed to Florida. You'd think intelligent people would have learned from that but you couldn't tell from California! The census shows them losing population. That's with illegals pouring into the State by the millions! Think about that. If the people with wealth are leaving and the people who have nothing are arriving...what does that mean for the future of California? It's about to get UGLY!!!
franco who has never been to California will tell you thats fake news....
The "rich" that you want to tax in California are moving to Texas, Franco! California's estimated deficit has just been amended from really bad to REALLY REALLY BAD! New Jersey tried this kind of idiocy a few years ago and half of the State's millionaires headed to Florida. You'd think intelligent people would have learned from that but you couldn't tell from California! The census shows them losing population. That's with illegals pouring into the State by the millions! Think about that. If the people with wealth are leaving and the people who have nothing are arriving...what does that mean for the future of California? It's about to get UGLY!!!
Of course I am talking national GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates duhhhh
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