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The "rich" that you want to tax in California are moving to Texas, Franco! California's estimated deficit has just been amended from really bad to REALLY REALLY BAD! New Jersey tried this kind of idiocy a few years ago and half of the State's millionaires headed to Florida. You'd think intelligent people would have learned from that but you couldn't tell from California! The census shows them losing population. That's with illegals pouring into the State by the millions! Think about that. If the people with wealth are leaving and the people who have nothing are arriving...what does that mean for the future of California? It's about to get UGLY!!!
The people with wealth, experience, talent and knowledge are leaving. Those with no skills or education are arriving. It doesn't take long for them to survive by crime. But, the whores are really cheap.
Florida has the third-largest homeless population in the United States at 27,487. 12,672 were unsheltered and 14,815 were sheltered.

Which is lower per capita than California, DC, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, Hawaii and another 12 states.

The housing cost in Michigan is $238000 an it has low homelessness rates 8.11per 10000, Florida the average cost for a home is $405000, that is 11per 10000 and California is 47 something per 10000.

For being such a low cost state Michigan’s homeless rate is pretty high.
thats funny franco a while back i said California has people pollution.....and you said it was fake you agree....
He is just a freakin troll, he adds nothing but his moronic simplified opinion, along with the word “hater“. I laugh at his “uneducated pull it out of his ass opinions. Reminds me of a crybaby six year old.
Decent, moral men wouldn't know.
Too much success and people...NY #1 again! Especially WNY.
Which is lower per capita than California, DC, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, Hawaii and another 12 states.

The housing cost in Michigan is $238000 an it has low homelessness rates 8.11per 10000, Florida the average cost for a home is $405000, that is 11per 10000 and California is 47 something per 10000.

For being such a low cost state Michigan’s homeless rate is pretty high.
The whole country is a gd mess thanks to GOP tax rates and the lack of investment in everything everywhere. Duhhh
He is just a freakin troll, he adds nothing but his moronic simplified opinion, along with the word “hater“. I laugh at his “uneducated pull it out of his ass opinions. Reminds me of a crybaby six year old.
Yup, my masters in basically 20th century history and living in 3 eu countries and fluency in French and Spanish mean nothing compared to your idiotic propaganda and Poor America....
Yup, my masters in basically 20th century history and living in 3 eu countries and fluency in French and Spanish mean nothing compared to your idiotic propaganda and Poor America....
big fucking know shit about living in California...
Yup, my masters in basically 20th century history and living in 3 eu countries and fluency in French and Spanish mean nothing compared to your idiotic propaganda and Poor America....
A Masters in "basically 20th century history"? that what you just claimed, Franco? What was your thesis on?
Fuck you and your stupid irrelevant dupe local GOP base ignoramus...
To be blunt? I've read your posts for years now, Little Buddy and I would put your level of education somewhere between two years of High School and maybe a year at a really bad Community College!
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