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Hilarious, coming from a sunshine patriot who proudly has our biggest sex fiend Ben as a moniker?
11 Gross Facts About The Surprisingly Prolific Sex Life of Benjamin Franklin
Even if your propaganda there were do realize that was like 300 years ago. New data and information has come to light now. They didn't understand the psychological risks associated with promiscuous behavior back then. Additionally, AIDS didn't even exist back then.

Oh shit...I forgot...the left is the party of denying and ignoring science. My bad.
Yeah, They didn't read the Bible much back then either
Thank god!!
No idea of the good I do with abused women.
  1. What the fuck does that have to do with anything we are discussing?
  2. Women are only able to be abused because people like you insist on disarming them
  3. Any "good" you claim to do doesn't offset the horrific damage you do to this nation with your failed left-wing ideology
So what state is better ? Name two .
I think most people probably would rather live in Russia been crazy Cali... lol
I'll tell my multi millionaire cal daughter.
She loves it, went to Alabama on business and couldn't get out fast enough.
"Bunch of lynching rubes"
Hilarious, coming from a sunshine patriot who proudly has our biggest sex fiend Ben as a moniker?
11 Gross Facts About The Surprisingly Prolific Sex Life of Benjamin Franklin
Even if your propaganda there were do realize that was like 300 years ago. New data and information has come to light now. They didn't understand the psychological risks associated with promiscuous behavior back then. Additionally, AIDS didn't even exist back then.

Oh shit...I forgot...the left is the party of denying and ignoring science. My bad.
Yup, heard of global warming?
What does NASA know?
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. They can't even keep the power on. If it wasn't for conservatives there and in other states carrying that shit-hole, you wouldn't even be able to distinguish it from Venezuela or Cuba.

California’s Disastrous State Illustrates Limits of Progressivism
Just when I thought Blaze, gateway pundit was the limit of your reading.
Now we have Heritage and caller.
Nothing like both sides.
Knees news founder was right.
"We don't report news, just reemphasise to our readers what they already believe"
See the doc on roger? Banned viewing for old white conservative fart's?
California is an absolute embarrassment to the United States. A filth-hole filled with crime, drugs, sexual assault, illegal aliens, and devastating debt. But even by their horrific standards, this is a new low. Their state government is actually making it a misdemeanor to infect people with a deadly virus on purpose. This state always did promote promiscuity. I guess they don’t want the law to get in the way of that agenda?

Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
This is asinine. Verbal vomit from an ignorant, low level thinker with a grudge, no understanding of history, and no world view.
Haven't I told you several times I'm a millionaire corporate drug guy who never voted for a dem in my life? No you haven't. Instead, you've always said that your daughter was the millionaire.

I'm not going to lie, I don't believe either of your stories. No way in hell you could be a "corporate millionaire" based on the way you post. Poor grammar. Poor sentence structure.

Just doesn't seem plausible. Throw in your wailing against conservative policy and your devotion to left-wing policy, and - well - it just seems like you're a typical leftist lying about everything.
I guess Ben was ok wanting to ban German immigrants too?
Well, we know that Woodrow Wilson (D) was ok with trying to eliminate blacks and that FDR (D) was ok throwing Japanese-Americans in internment camps. And both of those were in the 20th century!
Illiterate? At least I know that liberal comes from Latin and snowflake was our pro slavery white boys
The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. :lmao:

(Psst...Ph3iron...that would be "snowflakes were our pro slavery white boys")
Just trying to educate you.
See what I mean? Not likely a (and I quote) "millionaire corporate guy" would say "was our" in a sentence like you just did.
Illiterate? At least I know that liberal comes from Latin and snowflake was our pro slavery white boys
The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. :lmao:

(Psst...Ph3iron...that would be "snowflakes were our pro slavery white boys")
Just trying to educate you.
See what I mean? Not likely a (and I quote) "millionaire corporate guy" would say "was our" in a sentence like you just did.
Apologies, I'm a science guy.
Really How do you know?
Pal around with millionaire corporate guys?
I do.
Haven't I told you several times I'm a millionaire corporate drug guy who never voted for a dem in my life? No you haven't. Instead, you've always said that your daughter was the millionaire.

I'm not going to lie, I don't believe either of your stories. No way in hell you could be a "corporate millionaire" based on the way you post. Poor grammar. Poor sentence structure.

Just doesn't seem plausible. Throw in your wailing against conservative policy and your devotion to left-wing policy, and - well - it just seems like you're a typical leftist lying about everything.

Can you document which policy I have wailed against?
What I have lied about?
Actual text please
I suspect you don't know what an external examiner is.
How do I communicate with a guy who quotes from the blaze, daily caller,
Gateway pundit, heritage foundation, knees news?
Might I suggest The Indian Times? the Telegraph?
Both right wing papers
I try to tell you my corporate friends are all liberals.
But then they have education and know the meaning of liberal.
Liber, free, for the individual and small gov.
As for my millions, I've got mine, screw the rest.
Isn't that the good old American way?
Glad you appreciate my daughter, she's in Maui right now
My best friends are hunters
Yeah, we know. And you were a pharmaceutical "executive". And your daughter is a "billionaire".

Meanwhile, the real truth (based on your atrocious spelling and poor grammar) is that you're a 24 year old high school dropout living in mommy's basement.
Mm my millionaire cal daughter loves cal.
That tragically hilarious part is that a million dollars buys her a pitiful 1,200 sq. ft. home from 1940 on 1/10th acre of land.

Where I live, a million dollars would buy me a 12,000 sq. ft. home on 60 acres of land. But I don't live in the shit-hole state of California, so...
My best friends are hunters
Yeah, we know. And you were a pharmaceutical "executive". And your daughter is a "billionaire".

Meanwhile, the real truth (based on your atrocious spelling and poor grammar) is that you're a 24 year old high school dropout living in mommy's basement.
Apologies, wrong again.
How's the blaze doing?
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