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The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
I know you only have an ad hominem not any form of valid rebuttal. Parler misses you.
how can they miss me when i have never been there?...the i dont know what i am talking about forum misses you...
lol. Your mistake not mine. I resorted to the fewest fallacies, that makes me Right even though I am on the left.
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
I know you only have an ad hominem not any form of valid rebuttal. Parler misses you.
how can they miss me when i have never been there?...the i dont know what i am talking about forum misses you...
lol. Your mistake not mine. I resorted to the fewest fallacies, that makes me Right even though I am on the left.
sure you do danny....
The reason they're fleeing to conservative states, or cities, is because those are only places that they aren't fucked up with their policies.
Lower cost of living, usually. California has the largest economy in the US. No one actually thinks right wing States are better, just cheaper.
So you admit that left-wing states are failed states that nobody can afford to live in?

Also, in your bullshit propaganda you failed to mention the truth. Nobody leaves because of “cost of living”. The leave because of jobs. Left-wing states don’t have them. Right-wing states are abundant with them.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
you dont even know what that means do you danny?...
I know you only have an ad hominem not any form of valid rebuttal. Parler misses you.
how can they miss me when i have never been there?...the i dont know what i am talking about forum misses you...
lol. Your mistake not mine. I resorted to the fewest fallacies, that makes me Right even though I am on the left.
The word is CORRECT not reich!
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...
Great job by the GOP by refusing a good ID card to end illegal immigration forever period that would be communism lol, and also the only solution that has worked in every other country that needed to do it and no it's not communism, brainwashed functional moron.... You're talking about Democratic cities that are filled with blacks and browns that the GOP loves discriminating against along with everyone else who doesn't have money. Try a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich more like their fair share like every other modern country and see how the blacks and browns do. While you're at it end the war on drugs which is really a war on blacks and browns LOL. Brainwashed functional idiot. Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
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No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
Parler misses your "gospel Truth"; it just seems like nothing but fallacy (of argumentum ad hominem or irrelevance) here.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Proof right wingers don't care about the law. Equal protection of the law means you can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; without any legal or moral prejudice.

Merely using Capitalism for all of its capital worth, what a concept. Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
he has said before if you dont want to work you should still get some kind of pay to not work...the guy hasnt been out in the world yet...
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Proof right wingers don't care about the law. Equal protection of the law means you can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; without any legal or moral prejudice.

Merely using Capitalism for all of its capital worth, what a concept. Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.
see he thinks you should get paid just dont want to work....
No, I only admit equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation can make our State even greater.
Blah. Blah. Blah. You post that stupid fuck’n quote a hundred times per day. You’re not getting paid to quit your job, you lazy fuck’n parasite. So just give up on that idiotic pipe-dream already.
he says the same shit no matter what the topic is....i believe he just learned it in his 10th grade civics class and feels it applies to everything....
And it doesn’t even make sense. He has “equal protection under the law”. But he wants unemployment for quitting his job. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Proof right wingers don't care about the law. Equal protection of the law means you can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; without any legal or moral prejudice.

Merely using Capitalism for all of its capital worth, what a concept. Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing when not in socialism threads.
see he thinks you should get paid just dont want to work....
Equal protection of the laws, what a concept; employers are not required to hire even in alleged Right to Work States.
Proof right wingers don't care about the law. Equal protection of the law means you can quit on an at-will basis and collect unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; without any legal or moral prejudice.
That's not what "equal protection under the law" means at all, you high school dropout :lmao:

Equal protection under the law means that if you are held to a standard under the law, John Doe is also held to that same standard, as is Jane Doe, and so on and so on and so on. It means everyone has the same protections and the same consequences.

It doesn't mean "if we have law XYZ, we should have an opposite law ZYX because I think so" :laugh:

You are so damn dumb, it actually horrifies me.
Equal protection of the laws, what a concept; employers are not required to hire even in alleged Right to Work States.
Right. Why should an employer be "required to hire"? That makes zero sense.

And your demand to be able to be paid to quit your job is not "equal protection under the law". It's not even close. You heard a term and now you're trying to use it in hopes of getting everyone to think you are "smart".

But it's having the opposite affect. For starters, we are already know you're dumb as a pile of shit on a San Francisco street. Secondly, you're not using the term correctly. So it's making things worse for you.
Great job by the GOP by refusing a good ID card to end illegal immigration forever would an "ID card" end illegal immigration?!? :lmao:

If they won't even come into the country legally, why the fuck would they sign up for an ID card legally or carry it legally? :laugh:

You are so damn dumb, it takes my breath away.
Show me a city or state run by Dumbocrats and I'll show you a third-world shit-hole every time...
You're talking about Democratic cities that are filled with blacks and browns that the GOP loves discriminating against along with everyone else who doesn't have money. can't make this up. He admits the are "Democrat cities" but then blames the GOP for the results. :laugh:

At least he recognized that it is policies designed to keep "blacks and browns" in poverty, and thus on the government plantation, is the cause. Now if he could only bring himself to admit that it is the racist Dumbocrats who are in control and have issued those policies.
Try a living wage
If you don't feel your wage is a wage that you can live off of, then get another job that pays more. That's the incentive to keep pushing and keep working. Without that, everyone becomes a lazy, useless, parasite like you - just mooching off of government.
health Care
1. Healthcare is one word, you fuck'n high school dropout
2. Even working the counter at McDonald's comes with excellent healthcare benefits.
Why the fuck am I paying you a wage if I'm going to pay for your life expenses as well. Take the wage I gave you in exchange for work, and pay your own fuck'n daycare. That's why I pay you in the first place, stupid.
Of course we need to tax the rich so we can invest in this stuff that would make us a civilized country instead of a greedy idiot lying GOP mess.
Says the selfish, greedy, lying parasite who wants to mooch off of others. Look, you assholes have already soaked the rich in taxes, more taxes, higher taxes, and additional taxes. It's time we give them massive tax relief, and make parasites like you pay your fair share.

The top 1% earns 13% of all income, but pays a staggering 22% of all taxes because parasites like you refuse to pay your fair share.

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