California fires, another dimension in climate change

So how do you manage forests without the money to do it with? When it is all spent on fighting the huge fires like those we are seeing today.
Now that is the kind of nonsense statement that creates the impression that deniers have no brains at all. As stated, we now have nearly 10 times of the number of very large fires as we had 40 years ago. Care to address that? Care to address the issue of climate change in an intelligent manner?

Sure! We have EPA regulations that prohibit fire suppression efforts. Brush is allowed to accumulate for years. Every time there's a lightning strike that starts a small fire, a fire crew runs out there to put it out. This has allowed decades of fuel in the form of dead brush and dead trees to build up resulting in bigger and hotter fires.

Sprawl and people fleeing the filth and danger of the cities has pushed people further and further out, directly into area prone to fires. Ten years ago, a fire that wouldn't have burned a single structure, suddenly has 1,300 homes in its path.

The climate is perfectly normal. These regions have always had periodic fires. Fires clear away the dead, some species of plants cannot germinate without exposure to fire. The manzanita is one.
manzanita germination
Healthy forests burn periodically. It's what keeps them healthy. Fire prevention, the way we do it, results in unhealthy forests that have bigger and hotter fires.

Maintaining Fire s Natural Role The Nature Conservancy

Let forests burn. Stop building homes in fire prone areas.

Problem solved. There's no climate change. The climate is normal. Human brains need changing.

What about the melting of glaciers and acidification of oceans? That's pretty undeniable evidence of climate change.

To say there is no climate change is denying the facts.

To blame these fires on climate change is AlGore style exaggerration.
No, it is not. Have a look at the drought map, and consider where the most of our forests are at.
U.S. Drought Monitor U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

This particular drought cannot be attributed to climate change. Climate change may increase the frequency of droughts in North America, but at this point we don't know if it will or won't.
First, stop issuing construction permits in fire areas. Second, start setting controlled fires to begin burning off these years of brush. End the EPA. That would go a LONG way to forest management.
Now that is the kind of nonsense statement that creates the impression that deniers have no brains at all. As stated, we now have nearly 10 times of the number of very large fires as we had 40 years ago. Care to address that? Care to address the issue of climate change in an intelligent manner?
It has to do with retarded forest management practices by people who absolutely have no clue what they're doing.
Had no clue. Today the forest service understands fire's crucial role in the ecosystem. Back then, the policy was "put out all the fires". That's why we are where we are today ... well the other reason is all the people who now live in forested areas that were once remote and have built up fuel over decades.
What about the melting of glaciers and acidification of oceans? That's pretty undeniable evidence of climate change.

To say there is no climate change is denying the facts.

To blame these fires on climate change is AlGore style exaggerration.

What about the melting of glaciers and acidification of oceans?

What about the melting of the glaciers? There used to be a mile thick sheet of ice over Chicago.
The climate changes. Did we melt the Chicago glacier? How'd we do it?

Cavemen started lighting farts.

White cavemen, I might add.

What you morons don't seem to understand (deliberate ignorance most likely) is that just because there was climate change in the past that had other causes doesn't mean that climate change today is not caused by fossil fuel emissions.

The science is clear ... increasing CO2 causes global warming. Willful Ignorance is the only way to not undestand that science.

Feedback mechanisms can delay the warming predicted by the climate models ... but eventually there is a point where CO2 warming becomes the dominant temperature forcing and feedback mechanisms become secondary in importance. Just look at freaking Venus for the proof.

The science is clear ... increasing CO2 causes global warming.

That's awful! Of all the warming since 1900, what percentage was human released CO2 and what percentage was Mother Nature?

Just look at freaking Venus for the proof

Did they drive too many SUVs?
There has been about a 40% increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1900. And nearly 100% of it is from the burning of fossil fuels.

So what was the percentage of warming since 1900 caused by our CO2?
What about the melting of glaciers and acidification of oceans? That's pretty undeniable evidence of climate change.

To say there is no climate change is denying the facts.

To blame these fires on climate change is AlGore style exaggerration.

What about the melting of glaciers and acidification of oceans?

What about the melting of the glaciers? There used to be a mile thick sheet of ice over Chicago.
The climate changes. Did we melt the Chicago glacier? How'd we do it?

Cavemen started lighting farts.

White cavemen, I might add.

What you morons don't seem to understand (deliberate ignorance most likely) is that just because there was climate change in the past that had other causes doesn't mean that climate change today is not caused by fossil fuel emissions.

The science is clear ... increasing CO2 causes global warming. Willful Ignorance is the only way to not undestand that science.

Feedback mechanisms can delay the warming predicted by the climate models ... but eventually there is a point where CO2 warming becomes the dominant temperature forcing and feedback mechanisms become secondary in importance. Just look at freaking Venus for the proof.

The science is clear ... increasing CO2 causes global warming.

That's awful! Of all the warming since 1900, what percentage was human released CO2 and what percentage was Mother Nature?

Just look at freaking Venus for the proof

Did they drive too many SUVs?

The science states that all or nearly all of the long term warming trend observed in the 20th and 21st century has been due to increased CO2. Increased CO2 can be almost completely attributed to fossil fuel burning. That is the science.

Now you can tell us the sophistry.

The science states that all or nearly all of the long term warming trend observed in the 20th and 21st century has been due to increased CO2.

The science? LOL! Show me.
First, stop issuing construction permits in fire areas. Second, start setting controlled fires to begin burning off these years of brush. End the EPA. That would go a LONG way to forest management.

Agree but the problem is there are already lots of people in the fire areas, and hence controlled burns are dangerous, especially in drought areas.
So how do you manage forests without the money to do it with? When it is all spent on fighting the huge fires like those we are seeing today.
A huge amount of the money is going to paying people to lay around and fuck, instead of paying them to work in the forests.
You voted my link as funny long before you could have read it. You're already bought and sold by big oil, I see. LOL.

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